Register Application With Zapier - zapier

I am developing an application from where users can create zaps and later those zaps can be searched in Zapier if I will connect my application from Zapier.
Now question is how to get the Integration Key that can be used when connecting to Zapier by clicking "Connect an Account"
after this how I can search for the zaps that I created in my application?
do I need to use any api to create those zaps in zapier?

David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
If you add a private app to Zapier, you'll be able to use it for your zaps immediately. If you want others to use it, you'll want to go through the process describe here, where you invite users, submit for activation, etc.
We have a few guides to get you going:
UI Quickstart
CLI Quickstart


Feature I want to add to my Amazon Connect scheduling app

So we wrote a React app that lets call center admins create holidays, special events, meetings and emergency conditions for Amazon Connect. In version 2.0 I would like to be able to allow admins to use an uploaded pre-recorded prompt and select that for an announcement from my React app. I have searched the API and it has no endpoint for listing or creating prompt. Does anyone else know if this is possible?
There is currently no API for Prompt Management. Right now, you would have to manually reference the ARN value of the Prompt to dynamically play it via a lambda within a contact flow. Just looked into this myself for a similar feature, and confirmed w/ AWS team.

Installing Dialogflow bot in Slack fails due to 'oath authorisation url mismatch'

I've got a simple Dialogflowbot that I'm trying to integrate with my Slack workspace.
I've made a Slack app for the bot.
I've added all the information in Dialogflow integration dialog.
On Slack app side I've set-up bot user, added event subscriptions (including link from DF) and set up OAuth scopes and added the URL.
However, the bot won't reply back. Everything looks fine in DF logs but I'm not getting responses in Slack. Previously I've been able to solve this kind of situation by clicking the 'Install to Slack' button under 'Manage distribution' -tab. However, now when I do that (and allow installation), I receive the following error message:
While starting bot the error appears:
Bot start error: oauth_authorization_url_mismatch
From Slack documentation I've found out that this means "The OAuth flow was initiated on an incorrect version of the authorization url. The flow must be initiated via /oauth/authorize." However, the OAuth URL Dialogflow provides is of form<TOKEN>/start.
contacted both Slack and Dialogflow support
done bunch of Googling and
asked a few people that also work on Slack bots
but I've found nothing. Maybe someone here would have ran to the same issue would know what to do?
Recently the Slack team made a change in the oauth authentication with backward incompatible changes. This change break the integration with Dialogflow.
Fortunately, the old functionality has not been fully removed from Slack. In the link I shared above (here's again), at the bottom of the documentation there's an option to "Create a classic Slack app". If you click on it, you will be able to create a "legacy" bot and use follow the Dialogflow-Slack integration guide; it will work as intended.
An important thing to notice, is that you'll see an option to "Update Scopes". Be careful not to make this update, as this will change the authentication from classic to the new approach, and it will break the bot.
Finally, the Dialogflow team already knows about this issue and they're working to make the integration compatible with the new Slack authentication. You can subscribe to that IssueTracker (click the star next to the title) and get updates regarding its progress.

How can I add a configuration page for my slack app?

How can I add a configuration page for my slack app?
example: asana has an add configuration button which leads to a page which we can use to then connect the slack user account with asana account
Several Slack apps (e.g. Twitter, Google Calendar) provide a configuration page after installation into Slack. However this feature seams to be available only to commercial partners of Slack, but not as a standard feature for every app developers.
Developers need to implement it by themselves with an external app / script that is linked the Slack app and store the configurations in their own database.
See also this answer for a full explanation on how this works.
Looking on the official Slack Plattform Roadmap for Developers this feature might be implemented in the future under "Install apps from within Slack".
You can now use Dialogs to create something similar to configuration pages. It allows you to open a custom modal window with up to 5 inputs (text or drop-downs). Its still not the same as having a full configuration page like the internal Slack apps have, but its a huge step forward and might be sufficient for many cases.

How to implement "Use one-click single sign-on" correctly in order to publish to Google Apps Marketplace

We already have a web app that integrate with differente Google services. Right now, you can loguin using a Google account, can import a contact lists from any Google account, and can sync a Google Calendar with our Calendar in the webapp (We implemented all of this using OAuth 2 and invoking the GoogleApi with a REST Client).
We are now trying to publish this app in the GoogleApp Marketplace, but we are failing to comply with the "Use one-click single sign-on" rule (
We are believing that the problem is we the way we are solving the fact that we need offline access for all the integrated users in the app. Right now, the only way we found to get the refresh tokens for them, was starting the OAuth2 process with the parameters access_type=offline&approval_prompt=force, but this forces them to enter their credentials.
We aren't using the 'Google+ Domains API', and we are starting to believe that we should. Is the use of this API mandatory for complying with the "Use one-click single sign-on" rule?
Well, we finally figured it out. We had to use the Google Admin SDK in order to implement SSO. We had some troubles with the scopes, but after we polished that, everything seems to be working OK.

How do I submit my Facebook graph api action for approval?

I have a mobile phone app, supporting web site and a Facebook account
When certain actions are taken on my phone app I interact with my web server. My web server then posts some info to a page on MY Facebook account.
I chose to use the graph api to achieve the posts to my Facebook page but I can see no way of complying with Facebooks requirements for submission.
When I try to submit facebook states the following
No Aggregations created for this Action Type. Please create a
completed Aggregation populated with sample data before submitting for
Firstly I have no idea what an aggregation is?
Then the docs state
Review your Action Type before submitting for approval. Make sure your
definition is complete and your app is testable end-to-end for
publishing actions of this Action Type
Which makes sense but how do I get my mobile app to Facebook staff so they can test?
I should add that all works fine in development mode
If you are trying to create an action via the Facebook Open Graph Beta, you should first look into the documentation here. There you will find all information on actions, objects and aggregations you can generate on the timeline.
Further you will have to go to the subsection Open Graph of your App Settings: and create your aggregations populated with sample data.
If you want to make a simple post though, then use the Graph API and POST a Post object to the feed connection of the User object. There are a lot of examples and tutorials on the web and a lot of questions on that matter here on stackoverflow.
