Is it possible to create a QR code scanner with jQuery Mobile? - jquery-mobile

I'm looking for a method to scan QR codes using jQuery Mobile but I haven't found any guide or anything.
I wanted to ask you if there are methods and if you can help me make it happen.
Many thanks in advance

I am using zxing/ngx-scanner with angular found here, it works great, seeing it is a javascript library it may be able to work with jQuery.


How to use Bootstrap in flutter?

I am making a app in which I want to show a web page which is made using bootstrap.Can anyone show me how to do it.
The app I am making is like an article app so I want to make more quickly so I use Bootstrap to write the long article.
Here is the screenshot of the design but it will make more mesh if i write in dart.
Flutter does not come with a Bootstrap library. You can't use an existing one too, as flutter use neither a webview nor native components for rendering.
If you miss something that is available in bootstrap, create it yourself for flutter.
Disclaimer: This is an untested idea and I am rather unexperienced with that. But maybe it can guide you in the right direction.
You might be able to use flutter-view to include the Bootstrap css. You might still have to rebuild the interactivity though.

How to print .docx,doc,xls,csv in rails 4?

How can I print .docx,doc,xls,csv in rails 4?
I tried and window.print using javascript, but each time when it invokes it downloads the file.
I tried to embed that in an iframe, that also fails.
Displaying a specific type of file isn't something that relies on your application it relies on the browser. In common browsers there is no support to display the file formats you mentioned.
What you can do is implementing some document viewers based on js if they are available for your usage. For example I know there is a plugin viewer.js that provides functionality to convert office and pdf to html. That might help you out...
I tried doing this some time back and this is the blog which i refereed. Helped a great deal.
Hope this helps.


I managed to run knockout js. example: . now I would like to replicate the same thing using jqGrid, but I can not run the calculations in real time. can someone help me? I also tried without using knockout, but only using jqGrid I do not work the same.example:
You could try using this plugin
Why reinvent the wheel, there is a good knockout grid called KoGrid, head over to their page, its full of examples and demos

Is there a calendar plugin for tablet?

I am working on a scheduler specific to iPad3 Tablet using jQuery Mobile. Can someone please suggest a calendar plugin which is tablet friendly? I have tried FullCalendar, but the drag and drop functionality in there is not working, and I am unable to select the start time and end time while swiping the container.
Anyone any sort of solution for this? Any help would be appreciated..
Thanks in advance!
This one works great:
Check this - I don't think it is jQuery, but might suit your needs.
Also, there are many such plugin's which work with Sencha Touch - you could check those. There may be some which are compatible with both ExtJS and jQuery.
Hope this helps!

How to open a popup using Ajax

I'm using Ruby on Rails 2.3.8 and I would like to know how to open a popup using Ajax, instead of jQuery, so when I click in the link that will open it, an action is executed to load some collections and other stuff.
Thanks in advance!
First i think you are messing up some concepts here.
JQuery is a javascript framework and AJAX is a set of development methods.
I think that you mean "How do i open a link in a lightbox like screen instead of a javascript popup".
(correct me if im wrong interpreting your question :)
Please take a look at some open source tools like:
And there are tons and tons of other alternatives.
Just google for "lightbox"
