FileProvider: "CopyItem()" is called twice -> error (FTP download) - ios

The first view of my app (Swift 5, Xcode 10, iOS 12) has a "username" TextField and a "login" Button. Clicking on the button checks if there's a file for the entered username on my FTP server and downloads it to the Documents folder on the device. For this I'm using FileProvider.
My code:
private func download() {
print("start download") //Only called once!
let foldername = "myfolder"
let filename = "mytestfile.txf"
let server = ""
let username = "testuser"
let password = "testpw"
let credential = URLCredential(user: username, password: password, persistence: .permanent)
let ftpProvider = FTPFileProvider(baseURL: server, mode: FTPFileProvider.Mode.passive, credential: credential, cache: URLCache())
ftpProvider?.delegate = self as FileProviderDelegate
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let source = "/\(foldername)/\(filename)"
let dest = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!.appendingPathComponent(filename)
let destPath = dest.path
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: destPath) {
print("file already exists!")
do {
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: destPath)
} catch {
print("error removing!") //TODO: Error
print("still exists: \(fileManager.fileExists(atPath: destPath))")
} else {
print("file doesn't already exist!")
let progress = ftpProvider?.copyItem(path: source, toLocalURL: dest, completionHandler: nil)
progressBar.observedProgress = progress
I'm checking if the file already exists on the device because FileProvider doesn't seem to provide a copyItem function for downloading that also lets you overwrite the local file.
The problem is that copyItem tries to do everything twice: Downloading the file the first time succeeds (and it actually exists in Documents, I checked) because I manually delete the file if it already exists. The second try fails because the file already exists and this copyItem function doesn't know how to overwrite and of course doesn't call my code to delete the original again.
What can I do to fix this?
I created a simple "sample.txt" at the root of my ftp server (text inside :"Hello world from sample.txt!"), then tried to just read the file to later save it myself. For this I'm using this code from the "Sample-iOS.swift" file here.
ftpProvider?.contents(path: source, completionHandler: {
contents, error in
if let contents = contents {
print(String(data: contents, encoding: .utf8))
But it also does this twice! The output for the "sample.txt" file is:
Optional("Hello world from sample.txt!")
Fetching on sample.txt succeed.
Optional("Hello world from sample.txt!Hello world from sample.txt!")
Fetching on sample.txt succeed.
Why is it calling this twice too? I'm only calling my function once and "start download" is also only printed once.
Edit/Update 2:
I did some more investigating and found out what's called twice in the contents function:
It's the whole self.ftpDownload section!
And inside FTPHelper.ftpLogin the whole self.ftpRetrieve section is
called twice.
And inside FTPHelper.ftpRetrieve the whole self.attributesOfItem
section is called twice.
And probably so on...
ftpProvider?.copyItem uses the same ftpDownload func, so at least I know why both contents() and copyItem() are affected.
The same question remains though: Why is it calling these functions twice and how do I fix this?

This isn't an answer that shows an actual fix for FileProvider!
Unfortunately the library is pretty buggy currently, with functions being called twice (which you can kind of prevent by using a "firstTimeCalled" bool check) and if the server's slow(-ish), you also might not get e.g. the full list of files in a directory because FileProvider stops receiving answers before the server's actually done.
I haven't found any other FTP libraries for Swift that work (and are still supported), so now I'm using BlueSocket (which is able to open sockets, send commands to the server and receive commands from it) and built my own small library that can send/receive,... files (using the FTP codes) around it.


Move file from app to phone documents folder

So in my app I have created a Test.JSON file that I want the user to be able to move to the documents directory, outside of the app. I understand I have to do this by using UIDocumentPickerViewController, but haven't found any way to proceed. I have created the Test.JSON file, and can use it from variable data.
I have this following code to open the UIDocumentPickerViewController:
let documentPicker =
UIDocumentPickerViewController(forExporting: [.documentsDirectory])
documentPicker.delegate = self
// Set the initial directory.
documentPicker.directoryURL = .documentsDirectory
// Present the document picker.
present(documentPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
How can I attach the data file to the UIDocumentPickerViewController, so I can place it in the documents directory?
If you already have the URL for the document replace 'newFile' with the document URL. 'vc' is the current ViewController
Note asCopy = false will move the the document, asCopy = true will copy the document. There appears to be bug in iOS 16+ which disables the Move button when asCopy = false. Bug fixed in subsequent release FB11627056
//Present Document Picker
let controller = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forExporting: [newFile], asCopy: false)
vc.present(controller, animated: true) {
//this will be called as soon as the picker is launched NOT after save
Have you followed the instructions that Apple provides here? I'm summarizing the important bits here:
After the user taps Done, the system calls your delegate’s documentPicker(_:didPickDocumentsAt:) method, passing an array of security-scoped URLs for the user’s selected directories .... When the user selects a directory in the document picker, the system gives your app permission to access that directory and all of its contents.
So first, you need to implement the delegate methods so that you know what the user selects. Specifically, documentPicker(_:didPickDocumentsAt:) is the important one, although you'll want to listen for "cancel" as well. Then you need to access that scoped resource and write to it.
Here is an example that I took from the documentation linked above. This example only reads from the directory, but you can also write to it in the same way.
func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentAt url: URL) {
// Start accessing a security-scoped resource.
guard url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() else {
// Handle the failure here.
// Make sure you release the security-scoped resource when you finish.
defer { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() }
// Use file coordination for reading and writing any of the URL’s content.
var error: NSError? = nil
NSFileCoordinator().coordinate(readingItemAt: url, error: &error) { (url) in
let keys : [URLResourceKey] = [.nameKey, .isDirectoryKey]
// Get an enumerator for the directory's content.
guard let fileList =
FileManager.default.enumerator(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: keys) else {
Swift.debugPrint("*** Unable to access the contents of \(url.path) ***\n")
for case let file as URL in fileList {
// Start accessing the content's security-scoped URL.
guard url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() else {
// Handle the failure here.
// Do something with the file here.
Swift.debugPrint("chosen file: \(file.lastPathComponent)")
// Make sure you release the security-scoped resource when you finish.

Why is url.bookmarkData returning nil?

We have an implementation with the UIDocumentPickerViewController that looks something like this:
case .openInitialization:
// Setup UIDocumentPicker.
if #available(iOS 14, *) {
documentsPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: [
} else {
documentsPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: [
String(kUTTypePDF)], in: .open)
Everything works great and we can select a document. When we select a document we get a document url but in some cases (especially with one drive) we get issues when we want to turn the url into a bookmark. Following code returns nil:
guard let bookmark = try? url.bookmarkData(options: .minimalBookmark, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil) else { return }
Do anyone have an idea to why this is happening? Or what we can do to get it to work without returning nil?
We've tryed to add try catch and we got following error which doesn't quite help much: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 (file doesn't exist).
Edit 2:
So if I open from archive directly into our app it works no issues at all. But we still need to work from UIDocumentPickerViewController.
Also for some reasons files unlocked this way will just work from UIDocumentPickerViewController afterward.
Files can also be opened from onedrive and from there be opened in another app (ours). But this does't and gives a file does not exist error as well.
Edit 3:
So I've tested and read a ton. I can tell that following will return false for some files picked by documentpicker:
var exist = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path)
But again if I open the file just once from iOS archive app it will work perfectly fine afterward. If there just were some way to tell it to update/download like apples does.
Edit 4:
I've made a sample project demonstrating the problem at github .
I answered a similar question here: PDFKit doesn’t work on iPads while works fine on a simulator [iOS, Swift]
Can you check if wrapping your url in a security access scope helps?:
print(FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path))
The above should print true. This is because these API's access files outside of the applications sandbox.
Used a technical ticket for apple and they came with a solution :D
NSFileCoordinator().coordinate(readingItemAt: url, options: .withoutChanges, error:&err, byAccessor: { (newURL: URL) -> Void in
do {
let bookmark = try newURL.bookmarkData()
} catch let error {
if let err = err {

How to I hide specific file in File App of Device

First of all I know this is a subjective question, not code based, How ever I need to find solution. Please provide any references
I am working on a task in which I saving the files in Device Document directory. Upto here all is working fine. However when I see these files from :
Files App -> App Folder and the files
I can see all those files.
Now I want to hide few of them, How can I achieve these....?
As per your requirement. You need to change some lines of code in saving file.
Firstly, The FileApp shows all the data that save in documentsDirectory of app whether you put code for hide or not. To hide few files you need to make separate path for them.
First, the file you want to show in documentDirectory:
let documentsDirectory = (FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)).last! as URL
The file you don’t want to show with user, you need to create path here:
let libraryDirectory = (FileManager.default.urls(for: .libraryDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)).last! as URL
Once you set the library path for saving all your important files. All will be hidden and cannot be accessed by user.
To know more about files, please refer to this link:
Xcode 9 • Swift 4 or Xcode 8 • Swift 3
extension URL {
var isHidden: Bool {
get {
return (try? resourceValues(forKeys: [.isHiddenKey]))?.isHidden == true
set {
var resourceValues = URLResourceValues()
resourceValues.isHidden = newValue
do {
try setResourceValues(resourceValues)
} catch {
print("isHidden error:", error)
for more reference see chain here Cocoa Swift, get/set hidden flag on files and directories

Reading/Writing data that is accessible from iOS app extension

I'm working on an iOS Content Blocker, but I would like to have the user choose what lists they want to block (ads, tracks, adult sites etc.). I found that the app extension and the containing app's bundles are separate and have no access to each other's files, so a shared container is needed. I created an app group, but it seems like what I write there does not actually get written. What I am attempting to do is read a .json file from the bundle, and then write it to a sharedJson.json file that the content blocker extension can access.
func writeJsonToSharedJson(arrayOfStrings:[String]) -> Bool {
let composedString = arrayOfStrings.joined(separator: "\n")
let sharedJsonPath = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")?.appendingPathComponent("sharedJson.json")
//let sharedJsonPath = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0].appendingPathComponent("sharedJson.json")
do {
try composedString.write(to: sharedJsonPath!, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
catch {
print("Could not write to sharedJson.json\n")
return false
return verifyJsonWrite()
The result is that through the verifyJsonWrite() function, there is nothing there. Am I incorrect in assuming you can create a file in the app group container? I have also tried using FileManager's createFile function with the same result.

SetUbiquitous showing 'file already exists' for file that doesn't

In AppDelegate.swift, on first launch, the intent is to place some sample docs in the local Documents folder, or in the iCloud Documents folder if iCloud is enabled.
var templates = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathsForResourcesOfType(AppDelegate.myExtension, inDirectory: "Templates")
dispatch_async(appDelegateQueue) {
self.ubiquityURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier(nil)
if self.ubiquityURL != nil && templates.count != 0 {
// Move sample documents from Templates to iCloud directory on initial launch
for template in templates {
let tempurl = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: template)
let title = tempurl.URLByDeletingPathExtension?.lastPathComponent
let ubiquitousDestinationURL = self.ubiquityURL?.URLByAppendingPathComponent(title!).URLByAppendingPathExtension(AppDelegate.myExtension)
// let exists = NSFileManager().isUbiquitousItemAtURL(ubiquitousDestinationURL!)
do {
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().setUbiquitous(true, itemAtURL: tempurl, destinationURL: ubiquitousDestinationURL!)
catch let error as NSError {
print("Failed to move file \(title!) to iCloud: \(error)")
Before running this, I delete the app from the device and make sure no doc of that name is in iCloud. On first launch, without iCloud, the sample docs copy properly into the local Documents folder. With iCloud, this code runs, and the setUbiquitous call results in an error that says the file already exists. The commented call to isUbiquitousItemAtURL also returns true.
What might be making these calls register that a file exists that I'm pretty sure doesn't? Thank you!
The file already exists, so just replace it
The primary all the trial and error, I'd forgotten to put "Documents" back in the url. Should be:
let ubiquitousDestinationURL = self.ubiquityURL?.URLByAppendingPathComponent("Documents").URLByAppendingPathComponent(title!).URLByAppendingPathExtension(AppDelegate.myExtension)
Without that, wrote the file to the wrong directory, and so I couldn't see it by normal means.
