I create a swift package in my work space.
I followed this guide just to test things out:
All went well.
One of the things I added to the package is:
public extension Color {
static let customRed:Color = Color(uiColor: UIColor(named: "customRed", in: .module, compatibleWith: nil)!)
I deleted the customRed from the Assets.xcassets in my main app after I added the Assets to the actual package.
Everything works fine now and the package uses the customRed as defined in the package Assets.xcassets.
I have a lot files that use that Color.customRed in the app and I was thinking I had to go to each file and add the import statement for the package at the top. So:
import MyColorPackage
Question: I don't understand why the app works fine without doing that. Files can use the Color.customRed call without adding the import MyColorPackage at the top of the file that uses it. How can files use that customRed without having the import MyColorPackage in the file? App runs fine without importing the module in the files that use the customRed. Why?
The reason for this is due to a longstanding swift bug so you’re not doing anything wrong per se. It has various forms, some fixed over the years, some not but in your case what happens is that the first file in your main project that imports MyColorPackage will cause the whole rest of the project to “see” that Color extension. In my experience this happens only with public extensions nowadays and your package happens to do just that - declare a public extension to SwiftUI’s Color
If you add some public entity in that package, say …
import SwiftUI
public enum MyColorTheme {
public static let myThemeButtonsColor = Color.green
… then you won’t be able to use MyColorTheme in any file that doesn’t import MyColorPackage, as per what is intuitively normal.
I would suggest to still add the missing imports whenever you use symbols from that package as this issue might be fixed in a future version and your project will fail to build
Reference: https://github.com/apple/swift/issues/46493
I develop a flutter app, define serveral models in 'model' package.
Then I declare a class Example in 'model' for example.
class Example {
String toString() {
return 'class example';
import 'package:example/model/example.dart'
Example testA() {
return Example()
import 'model/example.dart'
import 'test_a.dart'
test() {
Example example = testA();
if (example is Example) {
print('this class is Example');
} else {
I will get output class example🌚
If I change from import 'model/example.dart' to import 'package:example/model/example.dart' in test.dart, then I will get the output this class is Example.
So I'm confused what is different between the full path and relative path in dart.
package imports
'package:... imports work from everywhere to import files from lib/*.
relative imports
Relative imports are always relative to the importing file.
If lib/model/test.dart imports 'example.dart', it imports lib/model/example.dart.
If you want to import test/model_tests/fixture.dart from any file within test/*, you can only use relative imports because package imports always assume lib/.
This also applies for all other non-lib/ top-level directories like drive_test/, example/, tool/, ...
There is currently a known issue with entry-point files in lib/* like lib/main.dart in Flutter. https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33076
Dart always assumed entry-point files to be in other top-level directories then lib/ (like bin/, web/, tool/, example/, ...).
Flutter broke this assumption.
Therefore you currently must not use relative imports in entry-point files inside lib/
See also
How to reference another file in Dart?
How do you import CommonCrypto in a Swift framework for iOS?
I understand how to use CommonCrypto in a Swift app:
You add #import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h> to the bridging header.
However, Swift frameworks don't support bridging headers. The documentation says:
You can import external frameworks that have a pure Objective-C codebase, a pure Swift codebase, or a mixed-language codebase. The
process for importing an external framework is the same whether the
framework is written in a single language or contains files from both
languages. When you import an external framework, make sure the
Defines Module build setting for the framework you’re importing is set
to Yes.
You can import a framework into any Swift file within a different
target using the following syntax:
import FrameworkName
Unfortunately, import CommonCrypto doesn't work. Neither does adding #import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h> to the umbrella header.
Something a little simpler and more robust is to create an Aggregate target called "CommonCryptoModuleMap" with a Run Script phase to generate the module map automatically and with the correct Xcode/SDK path:
The Run Script phase should contain this bash:
# This if-statement means we'll only run the main script if the CommonCryptoModuleMap directory doesn't exist
# Because otherwise the rest of the script causes a full recompile for anything where CommonCrypto is a dependency
# Do a "Clean Build Folder" to remove this directory and trigger the rest of the script to run
if [ -d "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/CommonCryptoModuleMap" ]; then
echo "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/CommonCryptoModuleMap directory already exists, so skipping the rest of the script."
exit 0
mkdir -p "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/CommonCryptoModuleMap"
cat <<EOF > "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/CommonCryptoModuleMap/module.modulemap"
module CommonCrypto [system] {
header "${SDKROOT}/usr/include/CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h"
export *
Using shell code and ${SDKROOT} means you don't have to hard code the Xcode.app path which can vary system-to-system, especially if you use xcode-select to switch to a beta version, or are building on a CI server where multiple versions are installed in non-standard locations. You also don't need to hard code the SDK so this should work for iOS, macOS, etc. You also don't need to have anything sitting in your project's source directory.
After creating this target, make your library/framework depend on it with a Target Dependencies item:
This will ensure the module map is generated before your framework is built.
macOS note: If you're supporting macOS as well, you'll need to add macosx to the Supported Platforms build setting on the new aggregate target you just created, otherwise it won't put the module map in the correct Debug derived data folder with the rest of the framework products.
Next, add the module map's parent directory, ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/CommonCryptoModuleMap, to the "Import Paths" build setting under the Swift section (SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS):
Remember to add a $(inherited) line if you have search paths defined at the project or xcconfig level.
That's it, you should now be able to import CommonCrypto
Update for Xcode 10
Xcode 10 now ships with a CommonCrypto module map making this workaround unnecessary. If you would like to support both Xcode 9 and 10 you can do a check in the Run Script phase to see if the module map exists or not, e.g.
if [ -f "${COMMON_CRYPTO_DIR}/module.modulemap" ]
echo "CommonCrypto already exists, skipping"
# generate the module map, using the original code above
You can actually build a solution that "just works" (no need to copy a module.modulemap and SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS settings over to your project, as required by other solutions here), but it does require you to create a dummy framework/module that you'll import into your framework proper. We can also ensure it works regardless of platform (iphoneos, iphonesimulator, or macosx).
Add a new framework target to your project and name it after the system library, e.g., "CommonCrypto". (You can delete the umbrella header, CommonCrypto.h.)
Add a new Configuration Settings File and name it, e.g., "CommonCrypto.xcconfig". (Don't check any of your targets for inclusion.) Populate it with the following:
MODULEMAP_FILE[sdk=iphoneos*] = \
MODULEMAP_FILE[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = \
MODULEMAP_FILE[sdk=macosx*] = \
Create the three referenced module map files, above, and populate them with the following:
module CommonCrypto [system] {
header "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk/usr/include/CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h"
export *
module CommonCrypto [system] {
header "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/usr/include/CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h"
export *
module CommonCrypto [system] {
header "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.11.sdk/usr/include/CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h"
export *
(Replace "Xcode.app" with "Xcode-beta.app" if you're running a beta version. Replace 10.11 with your current OS SDK if not running El Capitan.)
On the Info tab of your project settings, under Configurations, set the Debug and Release configurations of CommonCrypto to CommonCrypto (referencing CommonCrypto.xcconfig).
On your framework target's Build Phases tab, add the CommonCrypto framework to Target Dependencies. Additionally add libcommonCrypto.dylib to the Link Binary With Libraries build phase.
Select CommonCrypto.framework in Products and make sure its Target Membership for your wrapper is set to Optional.
You should now be able to build, run and import CommonCrypto in your wrapper framework.
For an example, see how SQLite.swift uses a dummy sqlite3.framework.
I found a GitHub project that successfully uses CommonCrypto in a Swift framework: SHA256-Swift. Also, this article about the same problem with sqlite3 was useful.
Based on the above, the steps are:
1) Create a CommonCrypto directory inside the project directory. Within, create a module.map file. The module map will allow us to use the CommonCrypto library as a module within Swift. Its contents are:
module CommonCrypto [system] {
header "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator8.0.sdk/usr/include/CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h"
link "CommonCrypto"
export *
2) In Build Settings, within Swift Compiler - Search Paths, add the CommonCrypto directory to Import Paths (SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS).
3) Finally, import CommonCrypto inside your Swift files as any other modules. For example:
import CommonCrypto
extension String {
func hnk_MD5String() -> String {
if let data = self.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let result = NSMutableData(length: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
let resultBytes = UnsafeMutablePointer<CUnsignedChar>(result.mutableBytes)
CC_MD5(data.bytes, CC_LONG(data.length), resultBytes)
let resultEnumerator = UnsafeBufferPointer<CUnsignedChar>(start: resultBytes, length: result.length)
let MD5 = NSMutableString()
for c in resultEnumerator {
MD5.appendFormat("%02x", c)
return MD5
return ""
Using the custom framework in another project fails at compile time with the error missing required module 'CommonCrypto'. This is because the CommonCrypto module does not appear to be included with the custom framework. A workaround is to repeat step 2 (setting Import Paths) in the project that uses the framework.
The module map is not platform independent (it currently points to a specific platform, the iOS 8 Simulator). I don't know how to make the header path relative to the current platform.
Updates for iOS 8 <= We should remove the line link "CommonCrypto", to get the successful compilation.
I kept getting the following build error:
ld: library not found for -lCommonCrypto for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Unless I removed the line link "CommonCrypto" from the module.map file I created. Once I removed this line it built ok.
This answer discusses how to make it work inside a framework, and with Cocoapods and Carthage
🐟 modulemap approach
I use modulemap in my wrapper around CommonCrypto https://github.com/onmyway133/arcane, https://github.com/onmyway133/Reindeer
For those getting header not found, please take a look https://github.com/onmyway133/Arcane/issues/4 or run xcode-select --install
Make a folder CCommonCrypto containing module.modulemap
module CCommonCrypto {
header "/usr/include/CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h"
export *
Go to Built Settings -> Import Paths
🌳 Cocoapods with modulemap approach
Here is the podspec https://github.com/onmyway133/Arcane/blob/master/Arcane.podspec
s.source_files = 'Sources/**/*.swift'
s.xcconfig = { 'SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS' =>
'$(PODS_ROOT)/CommonCryptoSwift/Sources/CCommonCrypto' }
s.preserve_paths = 'Sources/CCommonCrypto/module.modulemap'
Using module_map does not work, see https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/5271
Using Local Development Pod with path does not work, see https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/809
That's why you see that my Example Podfile https://github.com/onmyway133/CommonCrypto.swift/blob/master/Example/CommonCryptoSwiftDemo/Podfile points to the git repo
target 'CommonCryptoSwiftDemo' do
pod 'CommonCryptoSwift', :git => 'https://github.com/onmyway133/CommonCrypto.swift'
🐘 public header approach
Ji is a wrapper around libxml2, and it uses public header approach
It has a header file https://github.com/honghaoz/Ji/blob/master/Source/Ji.h with Target Membership set to Public
It has a list of header files for libxml2 https://github.com/honghaoz/Ji/tree/master/Source/Ji-libxml
It has Build Settings -> Header Search Paths
It has Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags
🐏 Cocoapods with public header approach
Take a look at the podspec https://github.com/honghaoz/Ji/blob/master/Ji.podspec
s.libraries = "xml2"
s.xcconfig = { 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2', 'OTHER_LDFLAGS' => '-lxml2' }
🐝 Interesting related posts
How to call C from Swift?
Good news! Swift 4.2 (Xcode 10) finally provides CommonCrypto!
Just add import CommonCrypto in your swift file.
WARNING: iTunesConnect may reject apps that are using this method.
New member on my team accidentally broke the solution given by one of the top answers, so I decided to consolidate it in a small wrapper project called CommonCryptoModule. You can install it manually or via Cocoapods:
pod 'CommonCryptoModule', '~> 1.0.2'
Then, all you have to do is to import the module where you need CommonCrypto, like so:
import CommonCryptoModule
Hope someone else finds this useful.
I think I have an improvement to Mike Weller's excellent work.
Add a Run Script phase before the Compile Sources phase containing this bash:
# This if-statement means we'll only run the main script if the
# CommonCrypto.framework directory doesn't exist because otherwise
# the rest of the script causes a full recompile for anything
# where CommonCrypto is a dependency
# Do a "Clean Build Folder" to remove this directory and trigger
# the rest of the script to run
if [ -d "${FRAMEWORK_DIR}" ]; then
echo "${FRAMEWORK_DIR} already exists, so skipping the rest of the script."
exit 0
mkdir -p "${FRAMEWORK_DIR}/Modules"
cat <<EOF > "${FRAMEWORK_DIR}/Modules/module.modulemap"
module CommonCrypto [system] {
header "${SDKROOT}/usr/include/CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h"
export *
ln -sf "${SDKROOT}/usr/include/CommonCrypto" "${FRAMEWORK_DIR}/Headers"
This script constructs a bare bones framework with the module.map in the correct place and then relies on Xcode's automatic search of BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR for frameworks.
I linked the original CommonCrypto include folder as the framework's Headers folder so the result should also function for Objective C projects.
For anyone using swift 4.2 with Xcode 10:
CommonCrypto module is now provided by the system, so you can directly import it like any other system framework.
import CommonCrypto
#mogstad has been kind enough to wrap #stephencelis solution in a Cocoapod:
pod 'libCommonCrypto'
The other pods available did not work for me.
The modulemap solutions can be good, and are robust against SDK changes, but I've found them awkward to use in practice, and not as reliable as I'd like when handing things out to others. To try to make it all more foolproof, I went a different way:
Just copy the headers.
I know, fragile. But Apple almost never makes significant changes to CommonCrypto and I'm living the dream that they will not change it in any significant way without also finally making CommonCrypto a modular header.
By "copy the headers" I mean "cut and paste all of the headers you need into one massive header in your project just like the preprocessor would do." As an example of this that you can copy or adapt, see RNCryptor.h.
Note that all of these files are licensed under APSL 2.0, and this approach intentionally maintains the copyright and license notices. My concatenation step is licensed under MIT, and that only applies up to the next license notice).
I am not saying this is a beautiful solution, but so far it seems to have been an incredibly simple solution to both implement and support.
I know this is an old question. But I figure out an alternative way to use the library in Swift project, which might be helpful for those who don't want to import framework introduced in these answers.
In Swift project, create a Objective-C bridging header, create NSData category (or custom class that to use the library) in Objective-C. The only drawback would be that you have to write all implementation code in Objective-C.
For example:
#import "NSData+NSDataEncryptionExtension.h"
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
#implementation NSData (NSDataEncryptionExtension)
- (NSData *)AES256EncryptWithKey:(NSString *)key {
//do something
- (NSData *)AES256DecryptWithKey:(NSString *)key {
//do something
And then in your objective-c bridging header, add this
#import "NSData+NSDataEncryptionExtension.h"
And then in Swift class do similar thing:
public extension String {
func encryp(withKey key:String) -> String? {
if let data = self.data(using: .utf8), let encrypedData = NSData(data: data).aes256Encrypt(withKey: key) {
return encrypedData.base64EncodedString()
return nil
func decryp(withKey key:String) -> String? {
if let data = NSData(base64Encoded: self, options: []), let decrypedData = data.aes256Decrypt(withKey: key) {
return decrypedData.UTF8String
return nil
It works as expected.
I've added some cocoapods magic to jjrscott's answer in case you need to use CommonCrypto in your cocoapods library.
1) Add this line to your podspec:
s.script_phase = { :name => 'CommonCrypto', :script => 'sh $PROJECT_DIR/../../install_common_crypto.sh', :execution_position => :before_compile }
2) Save this in your library folder or wherever you like (however don't forget to change the script_phase accordingly ...)
# This if-statement means we'll only run the main script if the
# CommonCrypto.framework directory doesn't exist because otherwise
# the rest of the script causes a full recompile for anything
# where CommonCrypto is a dependency
# Do a "Clean Build Folder" to remove this directory and trigger
# the rest of the script to run
if [ -d "${FRAMEWORK_DIR}" ]; then
echo "${FRAMEWORK_DIR} already exists, so skipping the rest of the script."
exit 0
mkdir -p "${FRAMEWORK_DIR}/Modules"
echo "module CommonCrypto [system] {
header "${SDKROOT}/usr/include/CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h"
export *
}" >> "${FRAMEWORK_DIR}/Modules/module.modulemap"
ln -sf "${SDKROOT}/usr/include/CommonCrypto" "${FRAMEWORK_DIR}/Headers"
Works like a charm :)
I'm not sure if something's changed with Xcode 9.2 but it's now much simpler to achieve this. The only things I had to do are create a folder called "CommonCrypto" in my framework project directory and create two files inside it, one called "cc.h" as follows:
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h>
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonRandom.h>
And another called module.modulemap:
module CommonCrypto {
export *
header "cc.h"
(I don't know why you can't reference header files from the SDKROOT area directly in a modulemap file but I couldn't get it to work)
The third thing is to find the "Import Paths" setting and set to $(SRCROOT).
In fact you can set it to whatever folder you want the CommonCrypto folder to be under, if you don't want it at the root level.
After this you should be able to use
import CommonCrypto
In any swift file and all the types/functions/etc. are available.
A word of warning though - if your app uses libCommonCrypto (or libcoreCrypto) it's exceptionally easy for a not-too-sophisticated hacker to attach a debugger to your app and find out what keys are being passed to these functions.
In case you have the below issue :
ld: library not found for -lapple_crypto
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
In Xcode 10, Swift 4.0. CommonCrypto is a part of the framework.
import CommonCrypto
CommonCrpto lib file from link binary with libraries from Build
import CommonCrypto from Bridging header
This worked for me!
It happened the same to me after updating Xcode.
I tried everything I can do such as reinstalling cocoapods and cleaning the project, but it didn't work.
Now it's been solved after restart the system.
It's very simple. Add
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h>
to a .h file (the bridging header file of your project). As a convention you can call it YourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h.
Then go to your project Build Settings and look for Swift Compiler - Code Generation. Under it, add the name of your bridging header to the entry "Objetive-C Bridging Header".
You're done. No imports required in your Swift code. Any public Objective-C headers listed in this bridging header file will be visible to Swift.
** This question is edited and cleaned up some **
I have two projects and I want to use code from one in the other; I seem to be having trouble putting the code in the right directory structure to make the import statements work.
Both projects are created and managed exclusively from the Dart Editor on a Mac, if that makes any differences.
Project Directory Structures
Project 1: a command line app which contains the code I want to share in the following directory structure:
Project 2: a web app which wants to import the code in shared_libary.dart
In the file shared_libary.dart, I declare it to be a library can create a simple class that provides output when instantiated:
library shared_library;
class ShareMe
print("Hello, ShareMe");
This compiles, and works inside the command_line project: command_line_app.dart has the following:
import 'package:command_line_app/shared_library.dart';
void main() {
ShareMe shareMe = new ShareMe();
print("Hello, World!");
This imports the code runs, printing both "Hello Share Me," and Hello World.
I want to instantiate the ShareMe class inside web_application.dart. I'd thought I could do that by putting in the same import statement I put in my command_line code:
import 'package:command_line_app/shared_library.dart';
But, when I put the same import into the web_appliation, it gets the error
Target of URI does not exist 'package:command_line_app/shared_library.dart'
Other Things I've Tried
I was certain I'd solved the problem when I cntrl-Clicked properties on Web_application and selected Project References.
It brings up a window allowing me to select command_line_app with a check box, but when I do, I get an error:
Could not set the project description for 'web_application' because the project description file (.project) is out of sync with the file system.
Whatever that means.
When I cntrl-click the underlined error and try Quick Fix it offers me "resolve dependencies" which sounds promising, but after a few seconds, it comes back and informs me that
Pub get failed, [1] Resolving dependencies... (15.3s)
Could not find package command_line_app at https://pub.dartlang.org.
Depended on by:
- web_application 0.0.0
I hope this is clear-er and gives a better insight into both what I'm trying to do and what I'm missing.
you need to add
path: ../command_line_app
to your dependencies in web_application/pubspec.yaml.
When you want to make code reusable in different packages, you should put that code into the lib directory of that package and import it using import 'package:mypackage/myfile.dart';.
Another problem you may face is, that browser applications can't import packages that have a dart:io dependency. If you want to reuse code between command line and browser applications you should move them into the lib directory of another package my_shared_code where you put only code that doesn't depend on dart:io (for example some entity classes) and import this code from both app packages (browser and command line).
I know you can use the library, import and even #import, but which is correct?
I have got two files, MainClass.dart and Library.Dart, and I want to add a reference to Library.dart in MainClass.dart. How can I do that?
Firstly let me just preface this by saying please do not use the hash symbol before import or library or anything else. This is an old syntax that is being deprecated. So we no longer want to use #import('...') The correct syntax is:
import 'some_file.dart';
That said, there are two different things we can do to access different dart source files within our current file. The first is to import the file. We use this such as in your case when you want to bring a different library into the current file (or more accurately current library).
Usually if your files are in the same directory, or a sub directory of the current one we would import them like this:
import 'lib/library.dart';
However If you are using the pub package layout you can also use some special short-cut references as well to import files (particularly from other packages you've imported). I highly suggest reading the documents on the pub site, as most applications and libraries are designed with this in mind. It also has suggestions on best naming conventions such as filenames in all lower case, and using underscore for spaces, and directory layouts.
The other important thing to know about bringing a dart file into another file, is that we can use the part and part of directives. This used to be called #source but was changed (with the removal of the hash sign) to reduce confusion. The part directive is used when we want to write a single library which spans multiple files. Say for instance you have an Awesome Library, which is starting to get a little large for a single file. We will create the main file of the library (not to be confused with the main method). This file will usually have the same name as the library itself.
// awesome_library.dart
library awesome_library;
import 'dart:math';
import '...';
// this injects all the content of secret_file.dart
// into this file right here almost as if it was
// here in the first place.
part 'src/secret_file.dart';
// The rest of our file here
// ...
The part directive basically takes everything from our src/secret_file.dart and inserts it into that part of the file. This allows us to split our huge Awesome Library into multiple smaller files that are easier to maintain. While not specifically required, it is helpful to use the part of directive in our secret_file.dart to help the editor know that it is "part of" the library.
// secret_file.dart
part of awesome_library;
// ... Rest of our secret_file code below.
Note that when using a part file like this, the part(s) (that is everything that is not the main file of the library) cannot import or use library declarations themselves. They import whatever is imported into the the main file, but they cannot add any additional imports.
For more information about library see this link.
Importing your own created libraries:
You will be importing the filename.dart and not the name of your library.
So if the name of your library is: myLib and it is saved in the file: someDartFile.dart you will have to
import 'someDartFile.dart';
If you have on Windows a library at: K:\SomeDir\someFile.dart you will need to write:
import '/K:/SomeDir/someFile.dart';
import 'LibraryFile.dart'; //importing myLib
void main(){
//a class from myLib in the LibraryFile.dart file
var some = new SomeClassFromMyLibrary();
myLib in LibraryFile.dart:
library myLibrary;
import 'dart:math';
class SomeClassFromMyLibrary{
String _str = "this is some private String only to myLibrary";
String pubStr = "created instances of this class can access";
Here a full example.
import 'LibFile.dart'; //SomeLibrary
void main() {
print("Hello, World!");
LibFile l = new LibFile();
print(l.getMagicNumber); //42
library SomeLibrary;
part 'LibFile2.dart';
class LibFile {
String _privateString = "private";
String publicString = "public";
String get getPrivateString => _privateString;
int get getMagicNumber => new LibFile2().number;
part of SomeLibrary;
class LibFile2 {
int number = 42;
Although i am answering very late, but the answer may help new developer.
Always use pubspec.yaml file in your dart package(application/library).
once you run pub get command it will add your local library in the dependencies list in .packages file.
Consider i have following project structure.
To refer to the content of greeting.dart in my main.dart file i should add the library as below
import 'package:my_project_name/greeting.dart'
Once imported we can use the content of greeting.dart file in our main.dart file.
Note: we have not used the actual path as you can see 'lib' directory is missing.
First make sure that's the name which you have mentioned in pubspec.yaml and the file you want to import are sharing the exact same name
name: flutter_wordpress_app
description: flutter wordpress app
// dirOne/dirTwo/greeting.dart
class FavArticleBloc {
// Your code goes here
import 'package:flutter_wordpress_app/dirOne/dirTwo/greeting.dart'
void main(){
var some = new FavArticleBloc();
in the main.dartyou don't need to specify
import 'package:flutter_wordpress_app
just do like below
import 'dirOne/dirTwo/greeting.dart