Not able to execute Ant build tool on Jenkins slave - jenkins

I want to execute Ant on Jenkins Slave machine using Jenkinsfile. I tried configuring Ant tool on slave machine but no success. Please see attached file and code for the reference.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
ANT_HOME = tool('MyAnt')
stages {
stage("Build") {
agent {label 'redhat_slave1'}
steps {
echo "Building application..."
sh '$ANT_HOME/bin/ant clean'
stage("Unit Tests") {
agent {
label 'redhat_slave1'
steps {
echo "Unit tests (JUnit)..."
echo "Mutation tests (pitest)..."
stage("Functional Test") {
agent {
label 'redhat_slave2'
steps {
echo "Selenium tests..."


Need to stop jenkins pipeline multiple times

I running our maven project on a jenkins server with multiple stages inside the pipeline.
Every time I decide that the branch test does not need to continue and click on abort in the jenkins ui, I need to repeat this many times until the jenkins pipeline really stops.
I guess that our jenkinsfile does not really pick up that the job was aborted and I need to abort every stage to come to the end.
Is there a way to help jenkins to get out of the pipeline?
For example a variable I can check?
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
echo 'Building..'
if (!currentBuild.isAborted) {
stage('Unit Tests') {
steps {
echo 'Unit Testing'
if (!currentBuild.isAborted) {
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
echo 'Deploying'
if (!currentBuild.isAborted) {
stage('Backend Integration Tests') {
steps {
echo 'Backend Int Tests'
if (!currentBuild.isAborted) {
stage('Frontend Integration Tests') {
steps {
echo 'Deploying....'
// done

How can I run something during agent setup in a Jenkins declarative pipeline?

Our current Jenkins pipeline looks like this:
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
label 'linux'
image 'java:8'
args '-v /home/tester/.gradle:/.gradle'
environment {
GRADLE_USER_HOME = '/.gradle'
GRADLE_PROPERTIES = credentials('')
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh './gradlew clean check'
post {
always {
junit 'build/test-results/**/*.xml'
We mount /.gradle because we want to reuse cached data between builds. The problem is, if the machine is a brand new build machine, the directory on the host does not yet exist.
Where do I put setup logic which runs before, so that I can ensure this directory exists before the docker image is run?
You can run a prepare stage before all the stages and change agent after that
pipeline {
agent { label 'linux' } // slave where docker agent needs to run
environment {
GRADLE_USER_HOME = '/.gradle'
GRADLE_PROPERTIES = credentials('')
stages {
stage('Prepare') {
// prepare host
stage('Build') {
agent {
docker {
label 'linux' // should be same as slave label
image 'java:8'
args '-v /home/tester/.gradle:/.gradle'
steps {
sh './gradlew clean check'
post {
always {
junit 'build/test-results/**/*.xml'
Specifying a Docker Label
Pipeline provides a global option in the Manage Jenkins page, and on the Folder level, for specifying which agents (by Label) to use for running Docker-based Pipelines.
How to restrict the jenkins pipeline docker agent in specific slave?

Reuse agent (docker container) in Jenkins between multiple stages

I have a pipeline with multiple stages, and I want to reuse a docker container between only "n" number of stages, rather than all of them:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Install deps') {
agent {
docker { image 'node:10-alpine' }
steps {
sh 'npm install'
stage('Build, test, lint, etc') {
agent {
docker { image 'node:10-alpine' }
parallel {
stage('Build') {
agent {
docker { image 'node:10-alpine' }
// This fails because it runs in a new container, and the node_modules created during the first installation are gone at this point
// How do I reuse the same container created in the install dep step?
steps {
sh 'npm run build'
stage('Test') {
agent {
docker { image 'node:10-alpine' }
steps {
sh 'npm run test'
// Later on, there is a deployment stage which MUST deploy using a specific node,
// which is why "agent: none" is used in the first place
See reuseNode option for Jenkins Pipeline docker agent:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('NPM install') {
agent {
docker {
* Reuse the workspace on the agent defined at top-level of
* Pipeline, but run inside a container.
reuseNode true
image 'node:12.16.1'
environment {
* Change HOME, because default is usually root dir, and
* Jenkins user may not have write permissions in that dir.
steps {
sh 'env | sort'
sh 'npm install'
You can use scripted pipelines, where you can put multiple stage steps inside a docker step, e.g.
node {
checkout scm
docker.image('node:10-alpine').inside {
stage('Build') {
sh 'npm run build'
stage('Test') {
sh 'npm run test'
(code untested)
For Declarative pipeline, one solution can be to use Dockerfile in the root of the project. For e.g.
FROM node:10-alpine
// Further Instructions
agent {
dockerfile true
stage('Build') {
sh 'npm run build'
stage('Test') {
sh 'npm run test'

Chained multiple pipeline based on 'post' jenkins block

I'm beginner to Jenkins. I have code pipeline structure like this
Repo1 -> Repo2 -> Repo3 -> Deploy
I already created such hierarchy via GUI but I want to create it via pipeline as code.I want to create chain of pipelines where I clone different repos and perform tests on it and then continue to another repo based on current pipeline post result.
This is my jenkinsfile - (psuedo code like as it gives me error to build)
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build Repo1') {
steps {
sh 'echo "repo1 build!"'
stage('Test Repo1') {
steps {
sh 'echo "repo success!"'
post {
success {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build Repo2') {
steps {
sh 'echo "build repo2!"'
stage('Test Repo2') {
steps {
sh 'echo "test repo2!"'
post {
success {
# continue to generate pipeline for repo3
echo 'This will always run'
failure {
echo 'This will run only if failed'
failure {
echo 'This will run only if failed'
unstable {
echo 'This will run only if the run was marked as unstable'
changed {
echo 'This will run only if the state of the Pipeline has changed'
echo 'For example, if the Pipeline was previously failing but is now successful'
Please help!

Define a global Ant tool in a Jenkins Declarative Pipeline

I have recently started to write a Jenkins Declarative Pipeline (Jenkinsfile in CVS) with several stages.
I'd like to know if there is way to define Ant only once and then reuse the same command in all stages.
Instead of repeating bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat the_ant_target_to_run", I'd prefer doing this instead: ant clean compile
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Build") {
steps {
echo "Building application..."
bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat clean compile"
stage("Unit Tests") {
steps {
echo "Unit tests (JUnit)..."
echo "Mutation tests (pitest)..."
bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat run-unit-tests"
bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat run-mutation-tests"
stage("Functional Test") {
steps {
echo "Selenium tests..."
stage("Performance Test") {
steps {
echo "JMeter tests..."
stage("Quality Analysis") {
steps {
echo "Running SonarQube..."
bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat run-sonarqube-analysis"
stage("Security Assessment") {
steps {
echo "Pen testing..."
stage("Approval") {
steps {
input "Is the build OK?"
stage("Deploy") {
steps {
echo "Deploying to JBoss 7.2..."
post {
always {
junit '/test/reports/*.xml'
you can go to Manage Jenkins section and then Global Tool Configuration
there you can add ant installation.
then in the pipeline add the line:
antHome = tool 'ANT' - the name you gave your ant in the configurations.
after it you can use it as a parameter
Home it helps
