Fastlane iOS Automating Notification Screenshots - ios

I would love to create automated screenshots of the Lockscreen of a simulator for every device & language.
I thought about doing a hacky way by displaying a local notification after 2 seconds, lock the screen using UITests, undim the screen and take a screenshot.
I have not been able to successfully do that though so I was wondering if anybody knows a better way to do automated notification screenshots for iOS or a service that allows me to configure the lockscreen?
Another idea I had is to use a stock image and display it when using the screenshot UI Test, however I‘m not sure this will look good on every device.
Thanks for any help


Apple Rejecting App - "Content cut from display and doesn't fit the iPad"

I am just really mind-boggled as to why my app has for the 10th time been rejected.
Apple states, that data/display has been cut off when using my app on an iPad. (It is optimised for iPhone, but I know Apple's policy). The keep saying the same thing. But I have attatched a picture of my app's main-screen which users will be fussed about the most. And I don't see any data cut off.
Here is a side by side comparison of my apps, on both iPad and iPhone 6S+:
I know what you're thinking, yes, the data has been, as Apple put it "cut off" but the data I am displaying is all within a UIScrollView. You simply need to scroll up in order to see all data. Regardless off the device whether it be iPhone 8+, iPhone SE or even an iPad. I just don't understand where the data is "cut-off".
This what Apple have always replied, (starting from latest reply to oldest)-
Thank you for your reply.
However, we noticed your main screen is still not optimized to be
displayed on iPad. iPhone apps must run at iPhone 2X resolution and
still be fully functional on an iPad. The user should be able to
access the same features and content without it being cut off from the
Additionally, your app does not provide a back button on the search page, >which contributes to a lower quality user experience.
We hope you will make the necessary changes to your app and resubmit for >review. We look forward to reviewing your revised app.
Best regards,
App Store Review
Thank you for resubmitting your application. Upon further review, we
found the following issues:
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when
reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.0.1.Specifically, we noticed portions
of your app overlapped or were cut off when displayed on an iPad.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
The screenshots they have attached so not show any "over-lapping" or data being "cut-off". For instance, they screenshot me the UITableViewController. Which boggles my mind.
Either I am missing something or it's going over my head or there is a genuine issue here?
Could someone help me out?
Thank you. It's just really infuriating.

I need iOS screenshots for devices I don't have

I'm making a sticker pack for iOS, and before I can submit it to the App Store, I need to include at least one screenshot of the app from a 5.5" iPhone, and a 12.9" iPad Pro. These are both devices that I don't have.
I'm also not that well versed in photoshop, but I could learn it as I have read that that's a way to make screenshots to use for the App Store.
Thank You for your help!
You could use simulator. With your app opened in simulator press cmd+S or from menu: File -> Save Screen Shot. Screen shot will appear on your desktop.
UPD: as opposed to you'll get ready to use screen shot with size exactly as in simulator without further work like cropping it
Note: Screenshots resolution is independend of your monitor resolution. So this even works when your monitor has lower resolution than what you need for the screenshot.
use the Xcode simulator to run your app on any device you don't have. Then take screenshots using Mac OS X built-in screenshot functionality :)
P.S. make sure the simulator runs at 1:1 scale (set it in the view menu)
#Fydor's apple+s tip sounds way better
The simulator for each device is one option. However, I prefer to use a service for this. I will not plug any services, but google "iOS screenshot service" and take your pick to automate away this process. It should now be part of your app release workflow.

Remote access of an iOS app

I want to get remote access of my iOS app running on one iPad in another iPad. Is there a way in iOS SDK to achieve this?
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks
No, there's not. You can mirror the screen to another device using AirPlay, but there is no way to "drive" the device remotely. (There's an app called "Reflector" that lets you mirror you iOS device onto your Mac, but it's view only.)

on iOS device, open app and take screenshots

I need to "industrialize" screenshot taking on iOS device with a lot of apps.
Everyday, I have to take these screenshots, it's really boring.
For each app, I need to :
launch the app
wait few seconds to be sure that the app is really loaded
emulate button clicking
take a screenshot
close the app
After that, I need to send these screenshots to my Macbook (but it seems to be simple ..).
This tool could take some screenshots : but, I don't have the apps sources.
Moreover, I can't open Automator on my iPhone (it would be too simple ..).
If you have any ideas to help me ...
Thank you so much!

How do you generate your screenshot for deploying to app store

To deploy your app on App store , you need provide screenshots.
I usually pressed the home + power button to get screenshot on my iphone 6
But is's really pain to generate other screenshot for different model 3.5" 4.0" 4.7" 5.5" screens
How do you generate this screenshots in an easier way?
There's not really a good answer, sadly. And it gets worse, since you're supposed to localise your screenshots if your app is.
Some people do it manually. Others use projects such as snapshot or directly using UIAutomation to automate it, though doing this will take quite some time.
Also, you need to consider App Previews, which are even harder to automate.
