I need iOS screenshots for devices I don't have - ios

I'm making a sticker pack for iOS, and before I can submit it to the App Store, I need to include at least one screenshot of the app from a 5.5" iPhone, and a 12.9" iPad Pro. These are both devices that I don't have.
I'm also not that well versed in photoshop, but I could learn it as I have read that that's a way to make screenshots to use for the App Store.
Thank You for your help!

You could use simulator. With your app opened in simulator press cmd+S or from menu: File -> Save Screen Shot. Screen shot will appear on your desktop.
UPD: as opposed to https://stackoverflow.com/a/41730054/2305175 you'll get ready to use screen shot with size exactly as in simulator without further work like cropping it
Note: Screenshots resolution is independend of your monitor resolution. So this even works when your monitor has lower resolution than what you need for the screenshot.

use the Xcode simulator to run your app on any device you don't have. Then take screenshots using Mac OS X built-in screenshot functionality :)
P.S. make sure the simulator runs at 1:1 scale (set it in the view menu)
#Fydor's apple+s tip sounds way better

The simulator for each device is one option. However, I prefer to use a service for this. I will not plug any services, but google "iOS screenshot service" and take your pick to automate away this process. It should now be part of your app release workflow.


Can't use Xcode Simulator for Itunes Connect Screenshots

I am making an app that uses the phone's camera to identify objects and then translate them into Spanish. I'm trying to setup the app store page and Itunes Connect says I need 5.5-inch screenshots for the page, but I don't have an iPhone plus and I can't take screenshots using the Xcode Simulator because the simulated phone doesn't have a camera, so my app's screen is blank. What can I do?
Best way to run app on highest resolution iPhone simulator. And later export those images using 5.5 inch width and height. Hope it helps.
You can do using any simple tool like preview on mac os
Also you can upload simple splash screen with correct resolution and update in future with correct images when you get the device

Problems with device target for iOS app

Hello all :-)
I want to release an iPhone/iPod Touch only app. However, I know iPad users can still download the app from the app store, which is fine by me. I was simulating my app on simulator to see how it would look like on an iPad. When I simulated it, the app looked terrible: the layout was not the same as the iPhone version, some labels were colliding and buttons were "cut" out of the screen.
I want iPad users to have the same view as an iPhone. I believe a 1x/2x button would appear on the screen in that case. How can I do that?
Any help/advice would be really appreciated!
Thank you :-)
When you upload your app to the App Store it will also allow iPad users to download the iPhone version of the app. This will have the 1x/2x button you are looking for.
However if you test your project on the iPad simulator before you upload the app, it will not be the same iPhone version of the app that the iPad users will see. Instead the simulator will run an actual iPad version of the app which is not what your looking for.
In your project settings, set your target device to iPhone only. Upload the app. When iPad users download the app they will get the iPhone only version with the 1x/2x button for the iPad.
In your project settings, make sure the "Devices" settings is "Universal" (this is under "Deployment Info"). If it was not before, you may have to make some layout adjustments.
Use Autolayout for fixing the design issues
in storyboard right pane -> attribute inspector -> simulated metrics-> select inferred in size for all controllers
You should be seeing this in the simulator (note the letterboxing on all sides):
And your build settings should show 1 as the target device family:
If not, you are iPad-native and that's the source of the trouble.

My app on iPad can't read photo after iOS9.3

My app only support iPhone device, it can run correctly under iOS9.2 on both iphone and iPad. But after updating to iOS9.3 and iOS9.3.1, my app on iPad can't read user's image. (Both ALAsset and PhAsset have the same problem. )
The image will return nil, and I ensure it's a bug, because it can read image correctly, when I change my support device to universal in Xcode.
Is it a bug for iOS? Or it becomes the rule? All app need to support universal ??
What's the fastest way to make myapp support iPad? I just want to use the scaling like the way iPhone app run on iPad.
I have also faced same kind of problem two days ago, I think you need to update your xcode. Update your xcode to the latest version 7.3
It worked in my case.
I met exactly the same problem and I fixed it.
I can't find any quick solution, and I decide to make my app into support universal.
This means support both iPad and iPhone.
The main efforts are the resolution issues. iPhone is 16:9(320x568 for logical resolution) and iPad is 4:3(768x1024 for logical resolution).
To speed up the modification and no change for my art images, so I put my content int the middle on 4:3 screen.
One good thing to support iPad, users can easily search on app store when he use iPad.

on iOS device, open app and take screenshots

I need to "industrialize" screenshot taking on iOS device with a lot of apps.
Everyday, I have to take these screenshots, it's really boring.
For each app, I need to :
launch the app
wait few seconds to be sure that the app is really loaded
emulate button clicking
take a screenshot
close the app
After that, I need to send these screenshots to my Macbook (but it seems to be simple ..).
This tool could take some screenshots : https://github.com/KrauseFx/snapshot but, I don't have the apps sources.
Moreover, I can't open Automator on my iPhone (it would be too simple ..).
If you have any ideas to help me ...
Thank you so much!

XCode iPhone simulator does not look like an iPhone

Silly question, but.. I am not been able to see the device appearance when running the iPhone simulator. I don't remember after which XCode update this started but the iPhone simulator shows only as a simple window without showing the device case like it used to be (see this image).
That's how my simulator looks like:
Is there a way to make it look like an actual iPhone 5?
EDIT: Unfortunately in my hardware->device options I see only iPhone retina (which is currently selected), but there are no more options. So it seems like the default beheaviour to look like a thin window, unless I missed out some other configuration.
Here is what I see overlayed to a user answer.
The Simulator window only shows an iPhone (4/4s) bezel when:
The simulated device is a 3.5 inch non-Retina iPhone, and
The window scale is 100%.
In Xcode 5, you can't do the first one unless you download the iOS 6.1 simulator, because 3.5 inch non-Retina devices are not supported by iOS 7.
(For simulated devices other than 3.5-inch non-Retina, you'll also see a bezel at 100% scale, but this bezel doesn't look exactly like any particular device.)
If you want device images to use in promotional artwork for your app, see Apple's App Store Marketing Resources page.
First of all this does with retina devices.
STEP 1: Follow this step if you using Xcode 5 as you need to download the iOS simulator.
Go to XCode,
Open the main XCode Preferences option then Downloads. Click on
iOS 6 Simulator Change to the simulator you want by going to the
"Hardware" menu. Close the simulator. Run the project.
As you required just change device from Hardware -> device to iPhone as shown in the image.
And in the next step be sure set the window scale to 100 %.
For some reason it looks like an iPhone on my retina Macbook Pro, but not on my iMac.
They're probably looking at the resolution of the Mac, which doesn't really make sense, since you see less at 2880x1800 retina, than 1920x1080 non retina.
The problem I think is not with your XCode, but with your display. Check this : iPhone skin on Simulator
Check this Goto IOS Hardware >>Device >>iPhone
then window +1
Unfortunately it works like that for anything else - there is no option to show a case for any other simulators.
Absolutely correct, im using IOS simulator 7.0, there is no option regarding this. i did every possible step to make it look like iPhone but hard luck IOS simulator not having this option in Devices.
I've had this issue also. As indicated earlier, I went to preferences, downloads and then clicked on the ios 6.1 download. After installing it gave me the option of the "iphone". This option actually looks like the iphone. After the install it still includes the retina options as well.
It could be a scaling issue. In the simulator toolbar, go to Window -> Scale, and make sure that 100% is checked. Regarding how to enable iPhone non-retina if not shown, I wrote some steps in my blog on how to do it.
