I have a collection of documents which have been written at 2 different time period. There is an inkling that the document written in period 1 is more concise than documents in period 2. They are all on the same subject.
The only thing I have been able to come up with is using a LZW algorithm and taking the ratio of the compressed/original to calculate a sort of conciseness of the document.
I would like the results to be :
Document 1 - Repetitiveness index or percentage = 25% or similar metric. After that, I'll create a dataframe of documents in different period with the repetitiveness index and do statistical tests to see the statistical significance.
I have EEG data, for which I want to calculate the peaks' amplitudes and latencies. I'm working with MNE, and found the method get_peak in the Evoked object. However, I want to find peaks on epochs data (not averaged). How can I do it? I didn't see similar functions for the epochs object. I would prefer to do it through MNE, but other python libraries can also work. It's important that there is an option to get the amplitude and latency of the peaks, and choose a time window for detection.
In addition, I didn't understand if the get_peak returns only the highest peak, or something else? If there is more than one peak.
You can create an Evoked data structure from a single trial by just selecting a single trial from your Epochs structure and then applying .average(), e.g., as follows:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[subj][cond][trial].average()
The above assumes you have an all_epochs object organized as trials within conditions within subjects (i.e., you're working at the group level). If your Epochs object has only one subject, then it would just be:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[cond][trial].average()
You can further refine this to find the peak at only one channel as:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[subj][cond][trial].pick(chan).average()
I have two text datasets. Each dataset consists of multiple sequences and each sequence can have more than one sentence.
How do I measure if both datasets are from same distribution?
The purpose is to verify transfer learning from one distribution to another only if the difference between the distributions is statistically significant.
I am panning to use chi-square test but not sure if it will help for text data considering the high degrees of freedom.
Supppose I want to train a sentiment classification model. I train a model on IMDb dataset and evaluate on IMDb and Yelp datasets. I found that my model trained on IMDb still does well on Yelp. But the question is how different these datasets are?
Train Dataset : https://www.kaggle.com/columbine/imdb-dataset-sentiment-analysis-in-csv-format?select=Train.csv
Eval 1: https://www.kaggle.com/columbine/imdb-dataset-sentiment-analysis-in-csv-format?select=Valid.csv
Eval 2: https://www.kaggle.com/omkarsabnis/sentiment-analysis-on-the-yelp-reviews-dataset
How different are train and eval 1?
How different are train and eval 2?
Is the dissimilarity between train and eval 2 by chance ? What is the statistical significance and p value?
The question "are text A and text B coming from the same distribution?" is somehow poorly defined. For example, these two questions (1,2) can be viewed as generated from the same distribution (distribution of all questions on StackExchange) or from different distributions (distribution of two different subdomains of StackExchange). So it's not clear what is the property that you want to test.
Anyway, you can come up with any test statistic of your choice, approximate its distribution in case of "single source" by simulation, and calculate the p-value of your test.
As a toy example, let's take two small corpora: two random articles from English Wikipedia. I'll do it in Python
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
urls = [
texts = [BeautifulSoup(requests.get(u).text).find('div', {'class': 'mw-parser-output'}).text for u in urls]
Now I use a primitive tokenizer to count individual words in texts, and use root mean squared difference in word relative frequencies as my test statistic. You can use any other statistic, as long as you calculate it consistently.
import re
from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
TOKEN = re.compile(r'([^\W\d]+|\d+|[^\w\s])')
counters = [Counter(re.findall(TOKEN, t)) for t in texts]
print([sum(c.values()) for c in counters])
# [5068, 4053]: texts are of approximately the same size
def word_freq_rmse(c1, c2):
result = 0
vocab = set(c1.keys()).union(set(c2.keys()))
n1, n2 = sum(c1.values()), sum(c2.values())
n = len(vocab)
for word in vocab:
result += (c1[word]/n1 - c2[word]/n2)**2 / n
return result**0.5
# rmse is 0.001178, but is this a small or large difference?
I get a value of 0.001178, but I don't know whether it's a large difference. So I need to simulate the distribution of this test statistic under the null hypothesis: when both texts are from the same distribution. To simulate it, I merge two texts into one, and then split them randomly, and calculate my statistic when comparing these two random parts.
import random
tokens = [tok for t in texts for tok in re.findall(TOKEN, t)]
split = sum(counters[0].values())
distribution = []
for i in range(1000):
c1 = Counter(tokens[:split])
c2 = Counter(tokens[split:])
distribution.append(word_freq_rmse(c1, c2))
Now I can see how unusual is the value of my observed test statistic under the null hypothesis:
observed = word_freq_rmse(*counters)
p_value = sum(x >= observed for x in distribution) / len(distribution)
print(p_value) # it is 0.0
print(observed, max(distribution), sum(distribution) / len(distribution)) # 0.0011 0.0006 0.0004
We see that when texts are from the same distribution, my test statistic is on average 0.0004 and almost never exceeds 0.0006, so the value of 0.0011 is very unusual, and the null hypothesis that two my texts originate from the same distribution should be rejected.
I wrote an article which is similar to your problem but not exactly the same.
The problem that I was trying to solve is to check if a word has different (significant) distributions across categories or labels.
There are a few similarities between your problem and the one I had mentioned above.
You want to compare two sources of datasets, which can be taken as two different categories
Also, to compare the data sources, you will have to compare the words as sentences can't be directly compared
So, my proposed solution to this will be as:
Create words features across the two datasets using count-vectorizer and get top X words from each
Let's say you have total distinct words as N, now initialize count=0 and start to compare the distribution for each word and if the differences are significant increment the counter. Also, there could be cases where a word only exists in one of the datasets and that is a good new, by that I mean it shows that it is a distinguishing feature, so, for this also increment the count
Let's say the total count is n. Now, the lower is the n/N ratio, similar two texts are and vice-a-versa
Also, to verify this methodology - Split the data from a single source into two (random sampling) and run the above analysis, if the n/N ratio is closer to 0 which indicates that the two data sources are similar which also is the case.
Please let me know if this approach worked or not, also if you think there are any flaws in this, I would love to think and try evolving it.
I have a set of 20 small document which talks about a particular kind of issue (training data). Now i want to identify those docs out of 10K documents, which are talking about the same issue.
For the purpose i am using the doc2vec implementation:
from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
# Tokenize_and_stem is creating the tokens and stemming and returning the list
# documents_prb store the list of 20 docs
tagged_data = [TaggedDocument(words=tokenize_and_stem(_d.lower()), tags=[str(i)]) for i, _d in enumerate(documents_prb)]
max_epochs = 20
vec_size = 20
alpha = 0.025
model = Doc2Vec(size=vec_size,
dm =1)
for epoch in range(max_epochs):
print('iteration {0}'.format(epoch))
# decrease the learning rate
model.alpha -= 0.0002
# fix the learning rate, no decay
model.min_alpha = model.alpha
print("Model Saved")
model= Doc2Vec.load("d2v.model")
#to find the vector of a document which is not in training data
def doc2vec_score(s):
s_list = tokenize_and_stem(s)
v1 = model.infer_vector(s_list)
similar_doc = model.docvecs.most_similar([v1])
original_match = (X[int(similar_doc[0][0])])
score = similar_doc[0][1]
match = similar_doc[0][0]
return score,match
final_data = []
# df_ws is the list of 10K docs for which i want to find the similarity with above 20 docs
for index, row in df_ws.iterrows():
data = (doc2vec_score(row['processed_description']))
with open('file_cosine_d2v.csv','w',newline='') as out:
for row in final_data:
But, I am facing the strange issue, the results are highly un-reliable (Score is 0.9 even if there is not a slightest match) and score is changing with great margin every time. I am running the doc2vec_score function. Can someone please help me what is wrong here ?
First & foremost, try not using the anti-pattern of calling train multiple times in your own loop.
See this answer for more details: My Doc2Vec code, after many loops of training, isn't giving good results. What might be wrong?
If there's still a problem after that fix, edit your question to show the corrected code, and a more clear example of the output you consider unreliable.
For example, show the actual doc-IDs & scores, and explain why you think the probe document you're testing should be "not a slightest match" for any documents returned.
And note that if a document is truly nothing like the training documents, for example by using words that weren't in the training documents, it's not really possible for a Doc2Vec model to detect that. When it infers vectors for new documents, all unknown words are ignored. So you'll be left with a document using only known words, and it will return the best matches for that subset of your document's words.
More fundamentally, a Doc2Vec model is really only learning ways to contrast the documents that are in the universe demonstrated by the training set, by their words' cooccurrences. If presented with a document with either totally different words, or words whose frequencies/cooccurrences are totally unlike anything seen before, its output will be essentially random, without much meaningful relationship to other more-typical documents. (That'll be maybe-close, maybe-far, because in a way the training on the 'known universe' tends to fill the whole available space.)
So, you wouldn't want to use a Doc2Vec model trained only only positive examples of what you want to recognize, if you also want to recognize negative examples. Rather, include all kinds, then remember the subset that's relevant for certain in/out decisions – and use that subset for downstream comparisons, or multiple subsets to feed a more-formal classification or clustering algorithm.
I have many sequences of data looking like this:
s1 = t11, t12, ..., t1m_1
s2 = t21, t22, ..., t2m_2
si = ti1, ti2, ..., tim_i
si means the i-th sequence, tij means the i-th sequence be accessed at time tj
each sequence has different length of data (m_1 may not equal to m_2),
and each sequence's data means that the sequence si was accessed time at ti1, ti2, ..., tim_i.
My goal is to cluster the similar access-time sequences.
I'm not sure whether I can translate this problem to a time-series problem.
For my understanding the time-series data like that each sequence's data means the value at that time like stock data, but my sequence's value means which time the sequence be accessed.
If it can translate to time-series problem, but there is another problem. The problem is that the sequence's access time is very discrete (may be accessed at 1s, 1000s, 2000s), so if I translate to time-series format, its space would be very large, I think this can't run cluster with some algorithm like (DTW), its time complexity may too large.
As you pointed out, DTW would be quite slow, since comparing the first two series takes k * m_1 * m_2 operations.
To avoid this, and to more easily compare your sequences, you might somehow hammer them into the same format (thereby also losing information).
Here are some ideas:
Differentiate to obtain times-between-accesses, and build histograms with fixed bins across all data.
Count the number of accesses during each minute every week (and divide by number of times that minute-of-week appears in each series). Adapt to timescales of interest.
Count "number of accesses up until now". So, instead of having data points only when an access was made ("sparse"), you'd get a data point for every timestamp ("dense") showing accesses for every minute up to the current one.
#3 would be similar to an "integral image" in computer vision. After this, new summarization techniques open up, like moving averages, or even direct comparison (if the recordings happen in parallel).
In order to pick a more useful representation, you need to think about what is meaningful in your application.
After you get a uniform-length representation, you can use cheaper similarity measures. A typical one is cosine similarity (but be sure to normalize first).
I am using Support Vector Machines for document classification. My feature set for each document is a tf-idf vector. I have M documents with each tf-idf vector of size N.
Giving M * N matrix.
The size of M is just 10 documents and tf-idf vector is 1000 word vector. So my features are much larger than number of documents. Also each word occurs in either 2 or 3 documents. When i am normalizing each feature ( word ) i.e. column normalization in [0,1] with
val_feature_j_row_i = ( val_feature_j_row_i - min_feature_j ) / ( max_feature_j - min_feature_j)
It either gives me 0, 1 of course.
And it gives me bad results. I am using libsvm, with rbf function C = 0.0312, gamma = 0.007815
Any recommendations ?
Should i include more documents ? or other functions like sigmoid or better normalization methods ?
The list of things to consider and correct is quite long, so first of all I would recommend some machine-learning reading before trying to face the problem itself. There are dozens of great books (like ie. Haykin's "Neural Networks and Learning Machines") as well as online courses, which will help you with such basics, like those listed here: http://www.class-central.com/search?q=machine+learning .
Getting back to the problem itself:
10 documents is rows of magnitude to small to get any significant results and/or insights into the problem,
there is no universal method of data preprocessing, you have to analyze it through numerous tests and data analytics,
SVMs are parametrical models, you cannot use a single C and gamma values and expect any reasonable results. You have to check dozens of them to even get a clue "where to search". The most simple method for doing so is so called grid search,
1000 of features is a great number of dimensions, this suggest that using a kernel, which implies infinitely dimensional feature space is quite... redundant - it would be a better idea to first analyze simplier ones, which have smaller chance to overfit (linear or low degree polynomial)
finally is tf*idf a good choice if "each word occurs in 2 or 3 documents"? It can be doubtfull, unless what you actually mean is 20-30% of documents
finally why is simple features squashing
It either gives me 0, 1 of course.
it should result in values in [0,1] interval, not just its limits. So if this is a case you are probably having some error in your implementation.