Rails 5: use .where with two attributes - ruby-on-rails

I'm combining the two .where like this:
#questions = (FirstQuestion.where(user_id: current_user) + SecondQuestion.where(user_id: current_user)).sort_by(&:created_at).reverse
Both .where searches are with one attribute... the user_id. But now I want to search with two attributes, the user_id and this created_at >= ?", Date.today + 60.days. So basically I want to find the object with a user_id: current_user and the objects that where created less then or equal to 60 days.
Any idea on how to implement this?

Please see my comment as well... because it is kind of a code smell when you have models names FirstQuestion, SecondQuestion. There's really no reason for having separate models. You could probably easily model the logic via an attribute question_depth or something (I don't know what you are trying to achieve exactly).
With regard to your question: ActiveRecord is quite a nice class, that allows for very customizable queries. In your case, you could easily write both conditions each in a separate where, or create a single where. That's totally up to you:
Question.where(user: current_user).where('created_at <= ?', 60.days.from_now)
Or in a single where
Question.where('user_id = ? AND created_at <= ?', current_user.id, 60.days.from_now)
Also, consider using scopes on your Question model for readability and reusability:
class Question < AppModel
scope :by_user, -> (user) { where(user: user) }
scope :min_age, -> (date) { where('created_at <= ?', date) }
And use it like:


Rails the best way to scope vars

i have a 'Course' model that has the following attributes;
Price - float
Featured - boolean
My question would be the following, I need 4 lists in my controller, recent courses, paid courses, free courses and featured courses.
It would be good practice to write my controller as follows?
def index
#courses = Course.order(created_at: :desc)
#free_courses = []
#courses.map {|c| #free_courses << c if c.price == 0}
#premium_courses = []
#courses.map {|c| #premium_courses << c if c.price> 0}
#featured_courses = []
#courses.map {|c| #featured_courses << c if c.featured}
Or do the consultations separately?
def index
#courses = Course.order(created_at: :desc)
#free_courses = Course.where("price == 0")
#premium_courses = Course.where("price > 0")
#featured_courses = Course.where(featured: true)
I checked through the logs that the first option is more performance but I am in doubt if it is an anti partner.
Thanks for all!
The second approach will become faster than the first as the size of the Course table increases. The first approach has to iterate over every record in the table 4 times. The second approach creates a Relation of only the records that match the where clause, so it does less work.
Also, the second approach has the advantage of laziness. Each query is only run at the time it is used, so it can be changed further along the code path. It's more flexible.
Note that it would be an improvement to the second approach to create scopes on the Course model that handles the logic. For example, one each for courses, free_courses, premium_courses and featured courses. This has the advantage of putting database logic in the model instead of the controller, where it can more easily be reused and maintained.
The second approach is better because when you use the .where() method, you are arranging the query in database itself rather than by the controller.
It is generally bad practice to iterate over all records in the database in Rails (i.e. Course.map or Course.all) both for performance and memory usage. As your database grows this becomes exponentially problematic. It's much better to use Course.where() methods. You'll probably want a default sort order so you can add with one line in your model.
default_scope { order(created_at: :desc) }
Then you can just do this in controller and they'll have the sort by default:
#courses = Course.all
I would also suggest adding scopes to your model for easier access.
So in your course.rb file
scope :free -> { where("price == 0") }
scope :premium -> { where("price > 0") }
scope :featured -> { where(featured: true) }
Then in your controller you can just do:
#courses = Course.all
#free_courses = Course.free
#premium_courses = Course.premium
#featured_courses = Course.featured
These scopes can also be chained if you need to combine those so you could do things like:
#mixed_courses = Course.premium.featured
As others have explained, Model.where() executes the selection of data by passing sql inside where("Write Pure SQL QUERIES HERE") where as regular ruby enumerable methods (.map) iterate over array which must be instantiated as ruby objects. That's where the memory / performance issues take the hit. It's ok if you're working with small data sets, but anything with data volume will get ugly.

Rails: will index help for range search?

In my Rails App, I did a alot of range search to group objects, like
scope :best_of_the_week, ->(time) do
start_time = time.beginning_of_week
end_time = time.end_of_week
where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", start_time, end_time).where('votes_count > ?', 300).order('votes_count DESC').first(8)
In this case, do I need to add index to created_at? and what about votes_count?
Addtionally, how can I elegantly combine the first two where searches? Or does combining them make any difference?
If you want max performance to this query, create an index for both. If you don't want to create too many indexes, you should index created_at, date seems do have a bigger range as the time goes (and size of database).
I like to use the find_by_sql and make SELECT retrieve just the essential data to improve performance, if you have too many var chars fields this will have a nice impact.
Just for sintax sugar
where("between ? and ?", start_time, end_time).(other stuff)

Efficient ActiveRecord association conditions

Let's say you have an assocation in one of your models like this:
class User
has_many :articles
Now assume you need to get 3 arrays, one for the articles written yesterday, one of for the articles written in the last 7 days, and one of for the articles written in the last 30 days.
Of course you might do this:
articles_yesterday = user.articles.where("posted_at >= ?", Date.yesterday)
articles_last7d = user.articles.where("posted_at >= ?", 7.days.ago.to_date)
articles_last30d = user.articles.where("posted_at >= ?", 30.days.ago.to_date)
However, this will run 3 separate database queries. More efficiently, you could do this:
articles_last30d = user.articles.where("posted_at >= ?", 30.days.ago.to_date)
articles_yesterday = articles_last30d.select { |article|
article.posted_at >= Date.yesterday
articles_last7d = articles_last30d.select { |article|
article.posted_at >= 7.days.ago.to_date
Now of course this is a contrived example and there is no guarantee that the array select will actually be faster than a database query, but let's just assume that it is.
My question is: Is there any way (e.g. some gem) to write this code in a way which eliminates this problem by making sure that you simply specify the association conditions, and the application itself will decide whether it needs to perform another database query or not?
ActiveRecord itself does not seem to cover this problem appropriately. You are forced to decide between querying the database every time or treating the association as an array.
There are a couple of ways to handle this:
You can create separate associations for each level that you want by specifying a conditions hash on the association definition. Then you can simply eager load these associations for your User query, and you will be hitting the db 3x for the entire operation instead of 3x for each user.
class User
has_many articles_yesterday, class_name: Article, conditions: ['posted_at >= ?', Date.yesterday]
# other associations the same way
User.where(...).includes(:articles_yesterday, :articles_7days, :articles_30days)
You could do a group by.
What it comes down to is you need to profile your code and determine what's going to be fastest for your app (or if you should even bother with it at all)
You can get rid of the necessity of checking the query with something like the code below.
class User
has_many :articles
def article_30d
#articles_last30d ||= user.articles.where("posted_at >= ?", 30.days.ago.to_date)
def articles_last7d
#articles_last7d ||= articles_last30d.select { |article| article.posted_at >= 7.days.ago.to_date }
def articles_yesterday
#articles_yesterday ||= articles_last30d.select { |article| article.posted_at >= Date.yesterday }
What it does:
Makes only one query maximum, if any of the three is used
Calculates only the used array, and the 30d version in any case, but only once
It does not however simplifies the initial 30d query even if you do not use it. Is it enough, or you need something more?

Rails searching with multiple conditions (if values are not empty)

Let's say I have a model Book with a field word_count, amongst potentially many other similar fields.
What is a good way for me to string together conditions in an "advanced search" of the database? In the above example, I'd have a search form with boxes for "word count between ___ and ___". If a user fills in the first box, then I want to return all books with word count greater than that value; likewise, if the user fills in the second box, then I want to return all books with word count less than that value. If both values are filled in, then I want to return word counts within that range.
Obviously if I do
Book.where(:word_count => <first value>..<second value>)
then this will break if only one of the fields was filled in. Is there any way to handle this problem elegantly? Keep in mind that there may be many similar search conditions, so I don't want to build separate queries for every possible combination.
Sorry if this question has been asked before, but searching the site hasn't yielded any useful results yet.
How about something like:
#books = Book
#books = #books.where("word_count >= ?", values[0]) if values[0].present?
#books = #books.where("word_count <= ?", values[1]) if values[1].present?
ActiveRecord will chain the where clauses
The only problem is that if values[0] && values[1] the query would not return anything if values[0] was greater than values[1].
For our advanced searching we create a filter object which encapsulates the activerecord queries into simple methods. It was originally based on this Thoughtbot post
A book filter could look something like this:
class BookFilter
def initialize
#relation = Book.scoped
def restrict(r)
minimum_word_count!(r[:first]) if r[:first].present?
maximum_word_count!(r[:second]) if r[:second].present?
recent! if r.try(:[], :recent) == '1'
def recent!
where('created_at > ? ', 1.week.ago)
def minimum_word_count!(count)
where('word_count >= ? ', count)
def maximum_word_count!(count)
where('word_count <= ?', count)
def where(*a)
#relation = #relation.where(*a)
#to use
books = BookFilter.new.restrict(params)
Take a look at the ransack gem, which is the successor to the meta_search gem, which still seems to have the better documentation.
If you do want to roll your own, there's nothing preventing you from chaining clauses using the same attribute:
scope = Book
scope = scope.where("word_count >= ?", params[:first]) if params[:first]
scope = scope.where("word_count <= ?", params[:last]) if params[:last]
But it's really not necessary to roll your own search, there are plenty of ready solutions available as in the gems above.

class method on active records query

Given I have a model/table with appointments, saved as a date. I want to create a method which returns me only active records. One for all records, one on an object. Is my approach improvable/combinable? Thx for advise!
def self.actives
where("start_time >= ?", Date.today)
def is_active
where("start_time >= ?", Date.today)
Scopes are the proper way to handle your first filter. See doc: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/NamedScope/ClassMethods.html
Your second filter won't work, replace with:
def is_active?
  start_time >= Date.today
I can't see why you want to combine both methods.
Be aware that:
Model.actives will provide you with an ActiveRecord Relation. You have to append .all to trigger the call. Then you'll have an array to iterate.
instance.is_active? will provide a boolean
