VLOOKUP remove spaces when cell is empty - google-sheets

This a simple customer sheet:
ID First Middle Last
1 John Doe
2 Jane Maia Doe
And in F1 I put this vlookup code:
=VLOOKUP($G$1;$A$1:$D$3;2;FALSE)&" "&VLOOKUP($G$1;$A$1:$D$3;3;FALSE)&" "&VLOOKUP($G$1;$A$1:$D$3;4;FALSE)
When I lookup ID 2, it's perfect nicely spaced between the vlookups
But when I lookup ID 1 you see 2 spaces between the first and last name, because there is no middle name here.
How can I manage that I always see 1 space between the vlookups?

One way you could achieve the result you're looking for is to simply replace multiple spaces with a single space.
This formula looks up G1 in your table (A:D). VLOOKUP can be used in an ARRAYFORMULA to efficiently retrieve all of the columns you want in one shot. Your JOIN joins all of the retrieved columns, inserting a space between each value. Finally, your REGEXREPLACE function looks for multiple consecutive spaces and replaces them with a single space.
Alternatively, you could filter the resulting array (i.e. the result of what your VLOOKUP returns). The following formula looks up the array of first, middle, and last name, and then filters out any empty cells before joining the remaining elements with a space.
=JOIN(" ",FILTER(VLOOKUP(I1,A:D,{2,3,4},FALSE),INDIRECT("B"&MATCH(I1,A:A,0)&":D"&MATCH(I1,A:A,0))<>""))

all you need is TRIM fx and:
VLOOKUP(G1:G2, A1:D3, {2,3,4}, 0))),,999^99))))


Summing specific values in a joined list

I am having some difficulties summing up some values in Google Sheets. In my spreadsheet, from multiple other tabs, values and bonuses are combined into one cell (Cell B1 in this example). The format of each "unit" of data is Name,5%xxx (Where "Name" is the name of the item, "5%" represents the sum I want to add, mostly always a percentage, and "xxx" separates one unit from the next). As you can see in cell B1, there are two instances where "Parkour" receives a bonus to sum up (from different sources).
Parkour,5%xxxParkour (Subskill: Sense of Balance),10%xxxParkour,2%xxx
Parkour (Subskill: Sense of Balance)
H2H Combat: Parkour
The formula in cell B2 is:
(Dragged down through the rest of the list) (Could not figure out how to make the formula "in line" on the question.)
Expected Results:
B2 = .07 (Working)
B3 = .1 (Not working)
B4 = Blank (Working)
The goal of the formula is to look into cell B1, and split everything out by "xxx". Then, filter the array of items with only exact matches with the line item in column A, then split again by the comma and add up those values. It worked for the first line item, but not the second. (Unsure why, but I strongly believe it has something to do with the parenthesis. When I removed the parenthesis from the name in Column A (and adjusted cell B1 to not have parenthesis), it worked. However, given the structure of the data, parenthesis are required, and I need to find a way for it to work with them.)
When I removed the IFERROR wrap around it in cell B3, I get this error note:
Function SUM parameter 1 expects number values. But " is a text and cannot be coerced to a number.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You may find useful combining SPLIT with QUERY like this. It will group names and sum percentages:
=QUERY(INDEX (IFERROR(SPLIT(FLATTEN(INDEX(SPLIT(B1:B100,"xxx"))),","))),"SELECT Col1,SUM(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1")
PS: invented a couple of extra line
I've thought you had another goal, try this formula. Having the previous chart generated by QUERY, I used VLOOKUP to match first column and return second one:
=INDEX(IFERROR (VLOOKUP(A2:A,QUERY(INDEX (SPLIT(FLATTEN(SPLIT(B1,"xxx")),",")),"SELECT Col1,SUM(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1"),2,0)))

How can I generate a three column list of unique "combos"?

I have three columns of information. For example: color, model, year.
Can I use the "unique" instruction to generate in three new columns each unique combination for color, model, year, each in one column?
color model year
red sedan 2016
red sedan 2020
black truck 2018
Suppose your three headers are in A1, B1 and C1 with your data running A2:C. And suppose you want the unique combinations in E:G. First, be sure that the entire range E:G is empty. Then place the following formula in E1:
The formula first reproduces the headers from A1:C1.
The combinations are formed by first concatenating each UNIQUE model (from a list that is FILTERed to remove blanks) with each UNIQUE year (from a list that is also FILTERed to remove blanks), with a pipe symbol between each as a separator that SPLIT will later use.
That grid of combinations is FLATTENed into a single column and then concatenated once more with a UNIQUE and FILTERed list of the colors leading off, and again with a pipe symbol as a separator. Once more, the entire grid of results is FLATTENed into a single column.
Finally, SPLIT acts on the pipe symbols to separate the three pieces into their own columns under the headers.
TRANSPOSE(B2:B))&"×"&TRANSPOSE(C2:C)), "×"),
"where Col3 is not null"))})
the task is simple: take column A and combine it with transposed column B. flatten the output in one single column and combine it with transposed column C and again flatten it into one single column. then split it and query out all combinations that have less than 3 columns. next, run it through unique to remove duplicates.

ArrayFormula, RegexExtract, and Join in Google Sheets

I have a data set wherein emails are populated. I would like to list all the surnames extracted in the emails per cell and will be all joined to a one single cell but I want to put a separator or delimeter to the emails obtaine per cell.
Here is the data set:
john.smith#gmail.com, jane.doe#gmail.com
And here is the formula to extract
This initially yields the ff:
I would like to use JOIN() inside the ARRAYFORMULA() but it is not working as I seem to think it would since it outputs an error that it only accepts one row or one column of data. My initial understanding of ARRAYFORMULA() is that it iterates through the course of the data, so I thought it will JOIN() first, and then move on to the next element/row but I guess it doesn't work that way. I can use FLATTEN() but I want to have delimiters or separators in between the row elements. I need help in obtaining my intended final result which will look like this:
All are located in one cell, C1. UPDATE and CLOSE are from column B.
EDIT: I would like to clarify that the email entries in column A are dynamic and maybe more than two.
I think this will work:
=arrayformula(flatten(if(A2:A<>"",regexreplace(trim(split(B2:B&":"&char(9999)&regexreplace(Proper(A2:A),"#[\w\.]+,\ ?|#.*",char(9999)&" "),char(9999))),".*\.",),)))
Proper(A2:A) changes the capitalisation.
The regexreplace "#[\w\.]+,\ ?|#.*" finds:
# symbol...
then any number of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ [using \w] or . [using \.]
then a comma
then 'optionally' a space \ [the optional bit is ?]
or [using |], the # symbol then an number of characters [using .*]
The result is replaced with a character that you won't expect to have in your text - char(9999) which is a pencil icon, and a trailing space (used later on when the flatten keeps a gap between lines). The purpose is to get all of the 'name.surname' and 'nameonly' values in front of any # symbol and separate them with char(9999).
Then infront of the regexreplace is B2:B&":"&char(9999)& which gets the value from column B, the : chanracter and char(9999).
The split() function then separates then into columns. Trim() is used to get rid of spaces in front of names that don't contain ..
The next regexreplace() function deletes anything before, and including . to keep surname or name without ..
The if(A2:A<>"" only process rows where there is a value in col A. The arrayformula() function is required to cascade the formula down the sheet.
I didn't output the results in a single cell, but it looks like you've sorted that with textjoin.
Here's my version of getting the results into a single cell.
=arrayformula(textjoin(char(10),1,if(A2:A<>"",REGEXREPLACE(B2:B&":"&char(10)&regexreplace(Proper(A2:A),"#[\w\.]+,\ ?|#.*",char(10)),".*\.",),)))
Assuming that your A:A cells will always contain only contiguous email addresses separated by commas, you could place this in, say, C1 (being sure that both Columns C and D are otherwise empty beforehand):
If this produces the desired result and you'd like to know how it works, report back. The first step, however, is to make sure it works as expected.
,,9^9)),,9^9)), " |×", CHAR(10)))

Split first name and rest of names in Google Sheets

I have a spreadsheet with a list of full names on column A and what I want to do is to split the first name of each person on column B and the remaining names (no matter how many there are) on column C. Any ideas?
I have a sample sheet if that helps:
#Tulio, I've duplicated your first sheet, renamed it "Erik Help," and placed the following formula in B1:
=ArrayFormula({"First","The Rest";IF(A2:A="",,REGEXEXTRACT(A2:A,"^([a-zA-Z-]+) (.+)$"))})
As you can see, the column headers are created first, side by side. Then below that (signified by the semicolon), the REGEXEXTRACT pulls two parts from each non-null cell in A2:A — all letters from the start of the string up to the first space (which should be the first name), and then everything after that first space.
The other solution is more elegant/practical.
However, if you want to avoid regular expressions but consider a 2 simple formula solution, then use:
B2: =index(SPLIT(A2," ",true),1)
C2: =SUBSTITUTE(A2,concat(B2," "),"")
and drag them both down.

Using Transpose Split with Vlookup and Importrange - Google Sheets

I am trying to use the transpose split formula combined with the vlookup importrange values to neatly sort results that turn up with values split by "/" (slash).
Basically, I have a form that needs to be populated from a list of names depending on their roles. In most cases, one name occupies one role, but I do have some roles for which multiple names are present. These are split by an "/" (eg. John Doe/John Smith).
I am new to this and have not managed to wrap my head around what I might be doing wrong. My formula currently reads as follows:
=iferror(VLOOKUP(B4,{IMPORTRANGE("1_T8NLkWhTDzK6LjxP09mLlphzfLx15FcZeGSdIKZj4M","'BOE''s B.Sc. (Hon) {Inc. ENG Units}'!A1:F");IMPORTRANGE("1_T8NLkWhTDzK6LjxP09mLlphzfLx15FcZeGSdIKZj4M","'BOE''s M.Sc. (Taught)'!A1:F")},4,0))
The cell used for this formula is B11 and I would like the second name, when present, to be split and listed in cell B14 (or B12 if that is not possible).
vLookUp() will give you just a single value, if I understand you correctly. When the formula you provided is on B11 and, say, its result value is John Doe/John Smith, then you can split it with / by =split(b11, "/"). Of course it's a horizontal array, so if you want vertical (transposed) result you should use =transpose(split(b11, "/")). Then B11 will be John Doe and B12 will be John Smith.
