\afterpage and \endfloat - latex

How do I combine \afterpage and \endfloat to easily switch between having figures and tables at the end of the document or having them in the text?
I want to easily choose between my figures at the end of the document and my figures in the text. Because of that, sometimes I will use \afterpage package and other times I will use \endfloat would be nice to combine both.
Right now, all the times I try to run \endfloat when I have a clear page, I get the following message:
Argument of \efloat#xfloat has an extra }.
I already tried to include after page in the DeclareDelayedFloatFlavor, something like:
It did not work.
% ---------------------
%figures at the end
% ---------------------
% force landscape at the end

If you want to switch between having figures within the text and at the end, I suggest to only use the endfloat package. Commenting or commenting it's optional argument disable will allow you to quickly alternate between figures at the end or in the text.
I'm not entirely certain what the purpose of afterpage was in your example, but if you used it to move the figure to a separate page, this can conveniently be done with the p floating specifier.


\maketitle to use several times with combine in LaTeX

I am trying to make a .tex template for a book of abstracts for the conference. I want the template to be compilable, so the participants are able to see their abstracts separately before submitting. Moreover I want to use the files to compile the book of abstracts with table of contents and titles.
So, I have master file
\coltocauthor{Crist\'{o}bal Josevich Junta, Fyodor Simeonovich Kivrin}
\coltoctitle{Title of the first abstract}
\coltocauthor{Roman Oyra-Oyra}
\coltoctitle{Title of the second abstract}
And two imported files are:
\title{Title of the first abstract}
\author[1]{Crist\'{o}bal Josevich Junta}
\author[2]{Fyodor Simeonovich Kivrin}
\affil[1]{Department of the Meaning of Life}
\affil[2]{Department of Linear Happiness}
Text of the first abstract.
\title{Title of the second abstract}
\author[1]{Roman Oyra-Oyra}
\affil[1]{Laboratory of the most unexpected sciences}
Text of the second abstract.
The problem is the second \maketitle does not print authors names and their affiliation.
I have tried using redefined \settitle instead of \maketitle
it did not help.
Also, I tried titling package, which led to no change.
I want \maketitle to print the names and affiliations or to find out the better way to automatically make titles for each abstract.

LaTeX - control textwidth within the music environment

I am typesetting an A5 document, which includes a music environment as provided by musixtex.
I would like to reduce the linewidth/textwidth of just the music.
Here are a few things, that I have tried:
Put the music inside a minipage. This works fine for short excerpts but for longer music there might be the necessity of a page break, which a minipage doesn't have.
Use the \newgeometry command and subsequently \restoregeometry. That works, but apparently inserts a \newpage, which I also would like to avoid.
Use the changepage package which provides the command \adjustwidth. This works on the left side of the page, but the music then doesn't produce the linebreak at the desired position, but shifted to the right. I provide a MWE of this below.
Use a list-like environment like trivlist or itemize. This works on the left side of the page, but the music then doesn't produce the linebreak at the desired position, but shifted to the right, basically the same as above.
To me, both 3) and 4) seem to not work because musixtex doesn't understand/know the new settings for the linewidth etc.
More info: I am aware of the way that musixtex code has to be compiled, I am using a makefile that invokes pdflatex, musixflx and pdflatex again. This is not the cause of the problem.
Any help would be appreciated
You could use tcolorbox to create a breakable box:
\tcolorboxenvironment{music}{breakable,text width=\dimexpr\textwidth-2cm,enhanced,grow to left by=-1cm,colframe=white,colback=white}

How to automatic break lines in latex?

I have searched but nothing useless, only "use \newline" or "use \".
I'm creating a simple latex document to store any texts instead of using .txt, and the problem is that the pdf document contains the lines going towards right until they go out of the paper.
I'm using this simple code
\section{Text 1}
Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consecteturadipiscingelit,seddoeiusmodtemporincididuntutlabore etdoloremagnaaliqua.Utenimadminimveniam,quisnostrudexercitationullamcolaborisnisiutaliquipexeacommodoconsequat.Duisauteiruredolorinreprehenderitinvoluptatevelitessecillum doloreeufugiatnullapariatur.Excepteursintoccaecatcupidatatnonproident,suntinculpaquiofficiadeseruntmollitanimidestlaborum.
Since latex sees it as a one word, it refuses to break it since it doenst know its hyphenation. But I would like to allow latex to break it regardless. Any thoughts ?
Remarks: I already have used:
Nothing worked.
I think I got why nothing worked. See my code below, that I managed to compile successfully after editing your MWE.
You basically have two ways to force hyphenation here.
As in the comment by SamCarter, you manually split words within text, just using \- where necessary. I did it below in line 18 (6 from bottom).
You add to your preamble the command \hyphenation{word-to-split}: I did this below to hyphenate the word in line 20 (4 from bottom). Notice that, in this case, you use - instead of \- within the braces {} enclosing the argument.
\hyphenation{Duisauteiruredolorinre-prehenderitinvoluptatevelitesse-cillum doloreeufugiatnullapariatur}
\section{Text 1}
Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consecteturadipiscingelit,
Finally, if the full stop character . is not followed by a space, two separate words may be interpreted as one and the command \hyphenation may not work as expected. Not sure that this was the detail making you write that nothing worked, but be careful to this too.

Temporarily changing document class in LaTeX/resetting pdfLaTeX

How can I temporarily cause pdfLaTeX to forget everything that I've told it and start with a new document class?
I've modified the example environment from the lshort document:
\begingroup% Lets Keep the Changes Local
\immediate\openout \examplesx#out \jobname.exa
and it mostly works, but I want to be able to do something like
and have it show up as a section in a box. I also would like it to typeset lists using the standard article style, even if I use it in beamer
I think that the easiest way of doing this is to compile some small document and then include the resultant pdf as an image into the larger document. Much simpler even if not exactly what you want. I have done this to show, in a Beamer presentation, what LaTeX articles look like.
Of course if its a REALLY simple document (e.g., a simple block of text) that you want to have inside beamer, I could recommend that you mimic the document with a TikZ "picture" that contains some text.
Maybe another approach: instead of trying to typeset things in beamer as if they would be done in article, simply typeset them with the article document class and include the result the in the beamer document.
With tcolorbox this can be done automatically:
% !TeX program = txs:///arara
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: on, interaction: nonstopmode, shell: yes}
comment only,
pdf comment,
compilable listing,
run pdflatex,
\section{Section Title}

How does one change the \paragraph formatting in LaTeX

This stems out of How can one number paragraphs in LaTeX?, which I asked earlier today:
Running with Brent.Longborough's suggestion for how to number paragraphs in a document:
\paragraph{If we want to}
\paragraph{do something}
This results in LaTeX producing something likeso: If we want to do something
How can one change the numbering scheme of \paragraph{} to produce something like:
1. If we want to
2. do something
or alternatively
A. If we want to
B. do something
Thank you.
To change the number referenced when referring to paragraphs, you want to change \theparagraph. Here's an example:
\paragraph{foo} \lipsum[1]
\paragraph{bar} \lipsum[2]
Instead of \roman you can also use \Roman, \arabic, \alph, \Alph. Although if you have lots of paragraphs you'll want to use the alphalph package and use \alphalph to get more than 26 paragraphs.
Note that \paragraph takes an argument for the "paragraph title". If you never want that, you'll probably want to define your own command to simplify things:
You'll also probably want to remove the way that paragraphs are numbered "within" sections; i.e., they reset from "1" for every new section. You can get around this with something like
