Handling a method that takes too long to execute and is not awaitable - asp.net-mvc

We are building a custom way to process timesheets using eConnect. A method is exposed that allows out timesheets documents to be submitted to GP. This method is run synchronously, but can take a long time to complete. How can I handle this so that the user's client can make additional requests in the meantime?
I have attempted to use async/await on this method, but because the method isn't awaitable this will not work. The method depends on a windows service. I have researched potentially wrapping it in Task.Run but have hesitations since this sounds like a bad practice.
public bool SaveTimesheets(string ConnectionString, List<PATimeSheetsType> Timesheets)
string timesheetDocument = string.Empty;
//Creating timesheet document
bool result = false;
eConnectMethods eConnectMethods = new eConnectMethods();
//CreateEntity takes minutes to complete and return
result = eConnectMethods.CreateEntity(ConnectionString, timesheetDocument);
return result;
The behavior I currently get is that, if for instance I am doing an ajax calls on the client-side, the call doesn't seem to get there while the method above is executing. I would like it so that the method call executes in the background so that the client can still communicate with the server to execute other requests.

How can I handle this so that the user's client can make additional requests in the meantime?
The easiest solution is to change your session state to be None or Read-Only (for both this and the other requests). Then ASP.NET will allow multiple client requests for the same session.
If you're on pre-Core, the session state docs are here.


Execute task after transaction ends - Grails

I need to execute some tasks after grails transaction ends. I'm not looking for afterCommit of Hibernate, instead of that, I need a method to be called after the transaction of the service ends.
Is there any way? I've read the documentation but I couldn't find anything, just normal events like afterUpdate or afterCommit.
You can add an event listener to the current session
class MyListener extends BaseSessionEventListener {
void transactionCompletion(boolean successful) {
You just need to verify the transaction was successful via the parameter. Also understand that if there are multiple transactions in a single session the listener will be invoked for each one.
That really depends on what you're trying to do. The best bet is probably to call a #Transactional method on a service, and then when that returns, run the code that you need to happen after the transaction.
An alternative, if you just want to spin off some task to do something simple, you can use:
new java.util.Timer().runAfter(1000) { //time in milliseconds
//code to run here
This is just a shortcut to spin off a new thread and runs the closure body after (in the above example) 1 second... I believe the closure still has access to injected grails objects, but does not have access to the session. I'd double-check that though. I've used this in several places for sending notifications that needed to wait until after some processing inside a transaction ended.

Does TransactionScope flow across async continuations without the original context?

I'm developing an ASP.NET MVC5 application and I have the following situation:
Async controller method calls custom async method 1+ times, each Task object being stored successively in a List
Each custom async method call establishes its own top-level TransactionScope with TransactionScopeAsyncFlow.Enabled
Each custom async method call performs transactional work, then awaits DbContext.SaveChangesAsync()
While this is occurring, the controller method performs its own transactional work within its own unrelated TransactionScope, then awaits Task.WhenAll()
The question arises from using ConfigureAwait(false) when awaiting DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(). Each call to the custom async method starts in the controller method's ASP.NET request context but I don't see any need to recapture it when SaveChangesAsync() returns EXCEPT if it's going to mess up the current transaction. This is important because if an unrecoverable exception occurs in the controller method before I await Task.WhenAll, I need to cancel the async Tasks within a catch block, which means instead of awaiting Task.WhenAll() I'm forced to use the blocking method Task.WaitAll(), which I'm pretty sure will deadlock if the async Tasks are trying to recapture the original request context.
Sorry if this is a repeat question. I did quite a bit of searching and couldn't get a clear answer. Feel free to tell me this is bad programming or whatever, just at least suggest an alternative and leave my mom out of it. Thanks!

How to set ViewBag for _Layout in MVC4 using async in every action

The usecase is simple. Info for logged in user is displayed in _Layout.cshtml. That info needs to be refreshed every time.
I found two ways to do that
Have BaseController and in its OnActionExecuting method set ViewBag.UserInfo = ...; which is later used in _Layout.cshtml
In _Layout.cshtml do #{Html.RenderAction("GlobalUserInfo", "UserInfo");}
The problem is that these two ways fail miserably with deadlocks or exceptions if UserInfo is returned from an async public async Task<UserInfo>GetUserInfo(){...} method.
So the question is this: How to set ViewBag properties on every action when data is retrieved using async/await.
MVC is not quite fully async-friendly, particularly with filters.
You could write your own RenderAsyncAction extension method or duplicate the code in all your async actions.
Alternatively, you could attempt a bit of a hack. I describe on my blog why using Result in ASP.NET can deadlock, but there's a workaround: use ConfigureAwait(false) on every await in GetUserInfo.
Then you can define a synchronous wrapper:
public UserInfo GetUserInfoBlocking()
return GetUserInfo().Result;
You should be able to use GetUserInfoBlocking in OnActionExecuting or RenderAction.
Please note the side effects:
This approach uses multiple threads per request, so this will decrease scalability. The pure async approach uses multiple requests per thread, so it increases scalability.
Any exceptions from GetUserInfo will be wrapped in an AggregateException, so be sure your logging will capture the InnerException details or you'll get meaningless errors in your logs.
It's definitely best to use async all the way down instead of blocking like this. But sometimes MVC doesn't leave you a choice (hopefully this will change in the future).

how to synchronize methods in actionscript?

The question is how could I stop a method being called twice, where the first call has not "completed" because its handler is waiting for a url to load for example?
Here is the situation:
I have written a flash client which interfaces with a java server using a binary encrypted protocol (I would love to not have had to re-invent the whole client/server object communcation stack, but I had to encrypt the data in such a way that simple tools like tamper data and charles proxy could not pick them up if using SSL).
The API presents itself to flas as an actionscript swf file, and the API itself is a singleton.
the api exposes some simple methods, including:
Each method will call my HttpCommunicator class.
HttpCommunicator.as (with error handling and stuff removed):
public class HttpCommunicator {
private var _externalHalder:function;
public function communicate(data:String, externalHandler:APIHandler):void {
// do encryption
// add message numbers etc to data.
this._externalHalder = externalHandler;
request.data = encrypt(addMessageNumers(data)));
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete);
private function handleComplete(event:Event):void {
var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(event.target);
String data = decrypt(loader.data);
// check message numbers match etc.
The problem with this is I cant protect the same HttpCommunicator object from being called twice before the first has handled the complete event, unless:
I create a new HttpCommunicator object every single time I want to send a message. I also want to avoid creating a URLLoader each time, but this is not my code so will be more problematic to know how it behaves).
I can do something like syncronize on communicate. This would effectivly block, but this is better than currupting the data transmission. In theory, the Flash client should not call the same api function twice in a row, but I but it will happen.
I implement a queue of messages. However, this also needs syncronization around the push and pop methods, which I cant find how to do.
Will option 1. even work? If I have a singleton with a method say getBalance, and the getBalance method has:
// class is instantiated through a factory as a singleton
public class API{
var balanceCommunicator:HttpCommunicator = new HttpCommunicator(); // create one for all future calls.
public funciton getBalance(playerId:uint, hander:Fuction):Number {
balanceCommunicator.communicate(...); // this doesnt block
// do other stuff
Will the second call trounce the first calls communicator variable? i.e. will it behave as if its static, as there is onlyone copy of the API object?
If say there was a button on the GUI which had "update balance", and the user kept clicking on it, at the same time as say a URLLoader complete event hander being called which also cals the apis getBalance() function (i.e. flash being multithreaded).
Well, first off, with the exception of the networking APIs, Flash is not multithreaded. All ActionScript runs in the same one thread.
You could fairly easily create a semaphore-like system where each call to communicate passed in a "key" as well as the arguments you already specified. That "key" would just be a string that represented the type of call you're doing (getBalance, login, etc). The "key" would be a property in a generic object (Object or Dictionary) and would reference an array (it would have to be created if it didn't exist).
If the array was empty then the call would happen as normal. If not then the information about the call would be placed into an object and pushed into the array. Your complete handler would then have to just check, after it finished a call, if there were more requests in the queue and if so dequeue one of them and run that request.
One thing about this system would be that it would still allow different types of requests to happen in parallel - but you would have to have a new URLLoader per request (which is perfectly reasonable as long as you clean it up after each request is done).

Remoting (server side)

I´m relative new on remoting (2.0 C#). Is there any/someway to lock the server side object/instance to one client?
I have up to 10 clients that will connect to the server. The server will offer 3 different task/operations/classes and if one client does a request and if the server is not working on that, I´ll like to lock this operation to that client. The reason for this is that the requests works with HW that only can handle on task at the time. Hope you understand what I like too do.
I´ll try to explain my problem again...
I have 3 classes that will have X number of methods/operations (operations that will trigger a external hardware to do some measuring). When a client "connects" to one class (at the time) and request a measuring to be performed I want to lock that class to the client, hence, the client will own this class and it shall be able to execute all methods. No other client shall be able/allowed to access this class while the first client has control. The other tow classes should be open for requests from other clients, but the same principle/rules shall apply to these classes. As soon as a client request a lock it shall have it as long as it requires it. I´ll will have an intreface that all clients must follow. Call a method called Lock() to require the control over the class and Unlock() to release the control. I/We will develop all the clients and the server!
Thanks for all the help, so far!
You have to lock the task by using semaphores in order to ensure only one thread at a time. Look into the Semaphore and Mutex classes.
You can do many ways from locking to complex semaphores, here you have two samples:
This one only locks to ensure that one execution is being done at a time:
private static object lockObject=new object();
public void Test()
lock (lockObject)
//your code here
This one uses a Mutex to wait until it is released, but with a timeout that will return with some information to the client indicating that the method could not be executed.
private static Mutex mutex = new Mutex();
public bool Test2()
if (!mutex.WaitOne(500))
return false;
//your code here
return true;
Ok, now I see the point.
You can use the CAO approach instead: create a factory (can be a singleton) that gives you a CAO (Client Activated Object) if nobody else owns an instance.
CAO is good for that because it will ensure that if the client dies the CAO would be released.
Explaining a CAO is too much for a simple answer, it is something like this: CAO is a class inherited from MarshalByRefObject that you will create from your factory and return the instance from one method (i.e.: your Lock method); the object lives in the server and the client receives only a proxy. The object will live into the server while it's lease is being refreshed by the client (done automatically while the object is referenced and client are alive).
You may take a look to the Ingo Rammer's articles and books on remoting.
jmservera, thanks for all your help.
I have now found a solution that will work for me...I´m using the proxy pattern combined with the factory pattern. I do use the WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton method so I can control how many active instances I have on my server.
And by doing it this way, i don´t need to share my code with the client, only the interface (as you said before).
