Autocomplete with external source - jquery-ui

I found this example where autocomplete suggestions come from external source, here it is search.php:
However I don't see there how the search.php is formatted, so I get no help of getting external source to work right. I would like to get my suggestions from database and html page. Help the newbie!

The search.php return the data in the following format:
$result = array(
query is the search query the user entered (the results are cached in hidden divs on the page)
suggestions are your results which will be displayed
data is an optional parameter which contains an array of keys matching the suggested values

The full code of the search.php file they use is also on github, here:

Just look for a way to serialize objects into JSon on your platform, which should return something like this:
"id": "Dromas ardeola",
"label": "Crab-Plover",
"value": "Crab-Plover"
"id": "Larus sabini",
"label": "Sabine`s Gull",
"value": "Sabine`s Gull"
"id": "Vanellus gregarius",
"label": "Sociable Lapwing",
"value": "Sociable Lapwing"
"id": "Oenanthe isabellina",
"label": "Isabelline Wheatear",
"value": "Isabelline Wheatear"


Filtering chloropleth data using a slider for annual data in vega-lite

I have some geojson grids that map through to some annualised sales data over a period of 25 years. I am really struggling to filter this sales data by year to show the trends in a chloropleth map.
d3 = require('d3-dsv');
map_json = FileAttachment("Time_line#2.geojson").json()
sales_data = FileAttachment("Timeline_test#1.csv").csv()
vegalite = require('#observablehq/vega-lite')
vegalite ({
"$schema": "",
"width": 600,
"height": 350,
"data": {
"name": "mapdata",
"values": map_json,
"format": {"property": "features"},
"params": [{
"name" : "AnnualPeriod",
"value": 1995,
"bind" : {"input": "range", "min":1995, "max":2020,"step":1 }
"transform" : [{
"lookup": "",
"from": {
"data": { "values": sales_data,},
"key": "derived_boundary_id",
"fields": ["sales_volume"],
"layer": [
"mark": "geoshape",
"encoding": {
"color": {
"field": "sales_volume",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"scheme": "Oranges"},
"stroke": { "value": "#ff75"},
I have tried to add transform.filter and cannot get it to work. At the moment it appears to be taking the first sales_data record for each of the boundary_ids.
I would like the data to be filtered according to the setting of the AnnualPeriod slider.
I think I need to include something like
"transform" :[{"filter": "datum.year == AnnualPeriod"}]
I have tried it in the transform section, with the lookup between the sales_data and the geojosn objects.
I have also tried to filter in and around the geoshape mark but neither work.
Does anyone have any ideas?
The is a sample of the sales_data:
where the last column maps to an "id" in the geojson data.
and this is the 'map' that I get. Always the same, irrespective of the slider setting.
I have eventually worked out how to get this to work.
Create the main data source as the sales data and attach the maps/geojson to this via a transform/lookup.
It seems so simple now, but I thought I would post the result so others can see how it can be achieved.
These observations may help others:
The transform can take the "year" filter as well as the map_json lookup.
The map/json lookup is referenced as "geo" to make it easier to understand
The geoshape mark then references, via the encoding, this geojson "geo" object.
Thanks to Mike Bostock and the Observable and Vega-Lite team for their excellent work.
vegalite ({
"$schema": "",
"width": 600,
"height": 600,
"data": {
"values": sales_data,
"params": [{
"name" : "AnnualPeriod",
"value": 1995,
"bind" : {"input": "range", "min":1995, "max":2020,"step":1 }
"transform" : [
{"filter" : "year(datum.year) === AnnualPeriod"},
"lookup": "derived_boundary_id",
"from" : {
"data": {
"values": map_json,
"format": {"property": "features"},
"encoding": {
"shape": {
"scale": {
"domain": [0,15],
How's your progress? I am not familiar with Choropleths, but by comparing with the Vega Examples, I spot 2 differences you may wanna take a look:
Choropleth needs a projection
Map data should be placed in lookup transform, and sale data in normal data. Ref 1 Ref 2
Do feel free to correct me if I am wrong. If you need more help, please share an editor with dummy data because I found it hard to make good use of the sale data you provided :'(

Renaming type for FSharp.Data JsonProvider

I have a JSON that looks something like this:
"names": [
"value": "Name",
"language": "en"
"descriptions": [
"value": "Sample description",
"language" "en"
When using JsonProvider from the FSharp.Data library, it maps both fields as the same type MyJsonProvider.Name. This is a little confusing when working with the code. Is there any way how to rename the type to MyJsonProvider.NameOrDescription? I have read that this is possible for the CsvProvider, but typing
JsonProvider<"./Resources/sample.json", Schema="Name->NameOrDescription">
results in an error.
Also, is it possible to define that the Description field is actually an Option<MyJsonProvider.NameOrDescription>? Or do I just have to define the JSON twice, once with all possible values and the second time just with mandatory values?
"names": [
"value": "Name",
"language": "en"
"descriptions": [
"value": "Sample description",
"language" "en"
"names": [
"value": "Name",
"language": "en"
To answer your first question, I do not think there is a way of specifying such renaming. It would be quite reasonable option, but the JSON provider could also be more clever when generating names here (it knows that the type can represent Name or Description, so it could generate a name with Or based on those).
As a hack, you could add an unusued field with the right name:
type A = JsonProvider<"""{
"do not use": { "value_with_langauge": {"value":"A", "language":"A"} },
"names": [ {"value":"A", "language":"A"} ],
"descriptions": [ {"value":"A", "language":"A"} ]
To answer your second question - your names and descriptions fields are already arrays, i.e. ValueWithLanguge[]. For this, you do not need an optional value. If they are not present, the provider will simply give you an empty array.

How to get the optgroups object of the selected fields in the getRule json object output?

I have requirement to get the optgroup of selected field in the query builder, but as of I am aware queryBuilder('getRules') doesn't provide. For example:- I want to get optgroups object of selected field 'price' in the json output. How to get it? Please give some idea.
-optgroups object
optgroups: {
core: {
en: 'Item'
-json output object
"condition": "AND",
"rules": [
"id": "price",
"field": "price",
"type": "double",
"input": "text",
"operator": "less",
"value": "10.25"
As I was answered for this question on GitHub by the library developer(#mistic100). The answer is-
You can use the data property of the filter
It will be copied as it on each rule using the said filter.

Updating multiple documents on nested object change

I am using the elasticsearch-rails and elasticsearch-model gems for my Ruby on Rails app, which is like a question-and-answer site.
My main question is: how do you tell Elasticsearch which documents to update when there was a change to a nested object that's nested in multiple documents?
I have one index my_index and mappings for question, and answer. In particular, question has a nested object with a user:
"question": {
"properties": {
"user": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"created_at": {
"type": "date",
"format": "dateOptionalTime"
"name": {
"type": "string"
"id": {
"type": "long"
"email": {
"type": "string"
It's possible for a user to change his name, and I have hooks to update the user in Elasticsearch:
after_commit lambda { __elasticsearch__.index_document}, on: :update
But this isn't updating the appropriate question objects correctly, and I don't know what to pass to the index_document call to make sure it updates all the corresponding questions with the new user name. Does anyone know? It might even help me to see what a RESTful/curl request should look like?
Any help would be appreciated!
There are a couple of different ways you can go about this. They are all probably going to require some code changes, though. I don't think there is a way to do what you are asking directly, with your current setup.
You can read about the various options here. If you can set things up as a one-to-many relationship, then the parent/child relationship is probably the way to go. Then you could set up something like this:
PUT my_index
"mappings": {
"user": {
"properties": {...}
"question": {
"_parent": {
"type": "user"
"properties": {...}
And in that case you would be able to update users independently of questions. But it makes querying more complicated, which may or may not be a problem in your application code.
Given that you already have nested documents set up, you could simply query for all the documents that have that particular user as a nested document, with something like:
POST /test_index/question/_search
"filter": {
"nested": {
"path": "user",
"filter": {
"term": {
"": 2
and once you have all the affected question documents you can modify the user name in each one and update all the documents with a bulk index request.
Here is some code I used to play around with that last bit:

Jstree - Add nodes to tree by user input (button click)

I have a ASP.NET MVC 4.0 project using JsTree. The JsTree is being populated thought a model that returns a JSON.
Now my problem is this, i have a huge tree that makes the user experience pretty bad. What i need is to load a few items (let'say 20), and have a button that when clicked by the user add's the next 20 records to the tree.
I have been searching in Google JsTree documentation and SO, but i haven't found a example that works for me.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advanced.
Ok, some break trought. I kind of got this working. In my view the user input call this function:
function getNextRecords() {
var new_data = { "attr": { "ID": "999999999999", "NodeText": "999999999999" },
"data": "999999999999",
"children": [{
"attr": { "ID": "ACT99", "NodeText": "969994222" },
"data": "969994222 - PPP",
"children": [{
"attr": { "ID": "TRFps800", "rel": "disabled" },
"data": "Voz com unlimited 800 fidelização até 01/11/2019",
"state": "open"
"state": "open"
}], "state": "open"
var retDom = $.jstree._reference("#demoTree")._parse_json(new_data, -1, true);
$("#demoTree").jstree("move_node", retDom, -1, "inside", false, false, true);
This is working fine, expect that the parse json creates a "ul" instead of a "li" any ideas in how to change that?
OK, i finally got this working, this is the final version of my Function i hope this helps someone.
function getNextRecords() {
var new_data = { "attr": { "ID": "999999999999", "NodeText": "999999999999" },
"data": "999999999999",
"children": [{
"attr": { "ID": "ACT99", "NodeText": "969994222" },
"data": "969994222 - PPP",
"children": [{
"attr": { "ID": "TRFps800", "rel": "disabled" },
"data": "Voz com unlimited 800 fidelização até 01/11/2019",
"state": "open"
}], "state": "open"
}], "state": "open"
var ref = $("li ul:first")
var retDom = $.jstree._reference("#demoTree")._parse_json(new_data, ref, true);
$("#demoTree").jstree("move_node", retDom, ref, "first", false, false, true);
This add a new child after the first UL.
The second part "load part of the branch and with another load of the same branch
load more" is exactly what i'm trying to do but i have not yet succeeded, is it
possible to have an example?
Such task must be taken care of on server side. Take is this way: jsTree only displays whatever is passed to it. So you make a decision what to load in a first go and you can have a button (to reload the whole tree or a branch only) to load more or replace whatever was loaded. Don't forget the logic has (almost) nothing to do with jsTree.
