Xcode Storyboard: Can't add View to ViewController - ios

I'm using Xcode 10 (with Swift 5 and for iOS 12) and my app is currently set up like this:
UIViewController 1 (login screen) - segue12 to ->
NavigationController that automatically created
UIViewController 2 with a UITableView - segue23 to ->
UIViewController 3 (detailed info about an item in the UITableView with automatically created "back" button)
The NavigationBar only contains a " ".
I now want to add another UIView with a button below the UITableView but Xcode won't let me drag it below the UITableView, only either into the UITableView or directly underneath "First Responder", which puts the View outside into its own window.
If I delete "My Table View", it won't let me drag in a replacement either.
How do I fix this, so I can add the new UIView + UIButton?

NavigationController that automatically created UIViewController 2
That explains everything. When you drag a navigation controller into the storyboard, what you get is a navigation controller and its root view controller, and the root view controller is a UITableViewController.
Let's step back for a moment. A view controller can and must have exactly one main view. It occupies the whole scene. It cannot be resized. It cannot have a sibling view, because it has no superview for a sibling view to be a child of. It can only have children (subviews).
Well, in this case, ViewController2 is a UITableViewController, and MyTableView is ViewController2’s main view. (A table view controller is always configured this way, and that is what you got when you dragged the navigation controller into the storyboard.) That is why you cannot add more views to it, except as subviews, e.g. prototype cell contents. Your button has no place to go except inside the table view.
So, what to do?
If the extra interface you want to add is just a button, the usual solution is to put it into the navigation bar. It becomes part of the table view controller's navigation item.
If you don't want to do that — that is, if you really want the button and the table view to be siblings of one another in the interface — then you need to replace ViewController2 itself with an ordinary view controller. Now its main view will be an ordinary view, and you can drag anything you like into it, including a table view and a button. More likely, instead of a bare table view, you would use a container view, with an embed segue to a table view controller.


ContainerView nextViewController is not child stacked to container view as subview

I have 3 View Contorller
First View controller have Container View of height 300.0f at the center.
It has one embedded view Controller which is table View controller.
On cell selection it should navigate to detailsViewController.
All the process is ok.
But detailsViewController is not behaving as embedded view controller of containerView and not of same size as container view.
It takes whole screen size.
As it is triggered from the embedded View Controller it should follow that frame without overlapping other controls which are in First View Controller.
You need to embed not view controller with table view, but embed navigationController(you can hide navigation panel on up side), end set yours table view controller as root for it, and use pushViewController to go to detail page.
hope ganesh this will help you
Look You have a Container View inside it you have a tableView and By clicking an cell you pushing another viewController that what i concluded after reading your question(hope you done everything in modular way).
Now you must have UIView subclass(i.e separately creating a view class ) inside which you have a tableView so you pushing by
[self.nav pushViewController:sos animated:YES];
there are two way to push ViewController inside a view first by Callback(through blocks) or passing Navigation ref. in UIView Class .So you are pushing the new Controller over the navigation thats why it showing this behavior and which is obvious.

UITableViewController inside a UIViewController

I'm new to iOS and objective-C and I'm having some trouble in understanding how controllers work.
In my code I have a UIViewController (with my custom controller assigned by storyboard) and inside it, together with other objects, I want to have a table handled by a different controller. What is the right way to do this?
You can make that table view controller a child view controller of your UIViewController.
In the storyboard, you can do this easily by dragging a container view into your controller's view, and that will give you a child view controller automatically.
You'll want to:
delete the child view controller it gives you (it's just a UIViewController)
drag out a table view controller
control drag from the container view to the table view controller
choose "embed".
If you need to get a reference to this table view controller from the UIViewController, you can do that in prepareForSegue -- the table view controller will be the segue's destination view controller, and prepareForSegue will be called right after the controllers are instantiated.
You'll want to use an embedded container view.
Drag a "Container View" from Interface Builder sidebar into the view. This adds and links a default "contained" UIView/Controller as well.
Delete the entire UIViewController and View that was automatically added and linked to the container view (as you'll want a Table View Controller instead).
Drag a UITableViewController onto the Storyboard canvas.
Control-Drag from the Container View to the Table View Controller. Select "Embed" to contain the UITableView within the container view.
You're left with the parent view, now containing a UITableView via a Container View. The Controller for the Table View is on the storyboard canvas as well.
Add UITableViewController to storyboard, And create subclass (new file) of UITableViewController. In Storyboard go to Identity Inspector and in Class field type name of the subclass you created. After that you have to add your app logic based on your requirements.
Create Another UITableViewController in the storyboard, go to its inspector and assign it the same UITableViewController class that you have created before...

Adding toolbar to a ViewController in storyboard

I'm using storyboard to create an iPad app. On the main view I have a toolbar and a bar button item, let's call it "show". Then I have dragged a table view controller into the storyboard. I have also added a subclass of UITableViewController to the files and made the class of the dragged table view controller to be that subclass. And I made a popover segue from the "show" button to the table view controller. It works fine, meaning that when "show" pressed I see the popover showing the correct data that I set in the table view. What I cannot seem to figure out is how to put a toolbar on top of the table view in the popover. I took a step back and used a UIViewController instead of UITableViewController and still cannot add a toolbar by dragging it to the view. Any help will be appreciated.
I ended up putting the TableViewController within a NavigationController and the latter in a PopoverController, all in the code, without using IB. I found this an easier solution to get the toolbar than anything else that might work.

Why nothing happen when connecting UITableViewCell to UInavigationcontroller

I have UITableView with Static cells. I control-drag from one of these static cells to another UINavigationcontroller and select "Push". I notice nothing happen, when I run the app and tap on the static cells.
However, when I do the same thing & choose "Modal" it works fine. Did I miss something?
You can only use a "Push" transition when segueing between view controllers within a parent UINavigationController.
Your Navigation Controller should be your app's initial view controller. Also when your table cell is tapped you'll want to segue to a View Controller (probably a custom UIViewController subclass), not a UINavigationController.
Make sure you have set your storyboard up with the following:
A UINavigationController - this should be set as the Initial View Controller for your app. Check that the checkbox "Is Initial View Controller" is checked in the Attributes inspector pane when the navigation controller is selected in the storyboard.
A UITableViewController - this should be set at your navigation controller's Root View Controller (there should be an arrow pointing from the nav controller to the tableview controller that looks like a segue but has a different icon in the middle)
Another View Controller - this is the view controller you want to segue to when clicking on your table cell, probably a customer UIVewController subclass you've created. Note that it should probably NOT be a navigation controller.

UIViewController as a subview for other view controllers

My app has a menu button which is available in every view controller. Every time a user taps on the menu button, a small menu pops up. The menu has multiple UIButtons, and each button links to another view controller.
My current solution is to create a view controller with a nib for the menu view and add it as a subview to each of the other main view controllers.
Is there is a better solution?
There could be multiple ways of doing it and I don't think there is the best answer.
However, in the performance perspective, implementing a view container such as UINavigationController or UITabBarController would be most effective.
Implement a root view controller (whose view is added as the only direct subview of the application window), and add the menu as a subview of its view. Let the root view controller decide (or know) which view to display, and add the view as a subview of its view, below the menu.
In this way, the view for the menu need not be removed and added again to the current view hierarchy.
