Adding toolbar to a ViewController in storyboard - ios

I'm using storyboard to create an iPad app. On the main view I have a toolbar and a bar button item, let's call it "show". Then I have dragged a table view controller into the storyboard. I have also added a subclass of UITableViewController to the files and made the class of the dragged table view controller to be that subclass. And I made a popover segue from the "show" button to the table view controller. It works fine, meaning that when "show" pressed I see the popover showing the correct data that I set in the table view. What I cannot seem to figure out is how to put a toolbar on top of the table view in the popover. I took a step back and used a UIViewController instead of UITableViewController and still cannot add a toolbar by dragging it to the view. Any help will be appreciated.

I ended up putting the TableViewController within a NavigationController and the latter in a PopoverController, all in the code, without using IB. I found this an easier solution to get the toolbar than anything else that might work.


Xcode Storyboard: Can't add View to ViewController

I'm using Xcode 10 (with Swift 5 and for iOS 12) and my app is currently set up like this:
UIViewController 1 (login screen) - segue12 to ->
NavigationController that automatically created
UIViewController 2 with a UITableView - segue23 to ->
UIViewController 3 (detailed info about an item in the UITableView with automatically created "back" button)
The NavigationBar only contains a " ".
I now want to add another UIView with a button below the UITableView but Xcode won't let me drag it below the UITableView, only either into the UITableView or directly underneath "First Responder", which puts the View outside into its own window.
If I delete "My Table View", it won't let me drag in a replacement either.
How do I fix this, so I can add the new UIView + UIButton?
NavigationController that automatically created UIViewController 2
That explains everything. When you drag a navigation controller into the storyboard, what you get is a navigation controller and its root view controller, and the root view controller is a UITableViewController.
Let's step back for a moment. A view controller can and must have exactly one main view. It occupies the whole scene. It cannot be resized. It cannot have a sibling view, because it has no superview for a sibling view to be a child of. It can only have children (subviews).
Well, in this case, ViewController2 is a UITableViewController, and MyTableView is ViewController2’s main view. (A table view controller is always configured this way, and that is what you got when you dragged the navigation controller into the storyboard.) That is why you cannot add more views to it, except as subviews, e.g. prototype cell contents. Your button has no place to go except inside the table view.
So, what to do?
If the extra interface you want to add is just a button, the usual solution is to put it into the navigation bar. It becomes part of the table view controller's navigation item.
If you don't want to do that — that is, if you really want the button and the table view to be siblings of one another in the interface — then you need to replace ViewController2 itself with an ordinary view controller. Now its main view will be an ordinary view, and you can drag anything you like into it, including a table view and a button. More likely, instead of a bare table view, you would use a container view, with an embed segue to a table view controller.

Add UIBarButtonItem in Interface Builder to navigated UIViewController?

I have a UINavigationController in Interface Builder in a storyboard. I've added two UIBarButtonItems to the first UIViewController. They display just fine. How can I add them to the second UIViewController which is navigatated to? On that view controller, I only see the Back button.
When I try dragging a UIBarButtonItem to the top of the second view controller, the button ends up at the bottom of the scene for some reason. It is not displayed when running the app.
Edit: I should have mentioned that I know how to do this in code, but not in Interface Builder.
To add further informations about my comments concerning navigation item :
Here is a simple project with a UIViewController embedded in a UINavigationController. A second UIViewControllercan be pushed via the Next button.
If you select the next button, you can see in the hierarchy that this button is embedded within the group Right Bar Buttons Items, which is embedded within the First object. In fact, First is a UINavigationItem automatically added to your view controller when it was embedded in the navigation controller.
But the second view controller (the pushed one) doesn't have this navigation item since it isn't directly embedded within a navigation controller. Simply drag and drop it from the Object Library to your view controller.
#Slack, As i said earlier just drag and drop 2 "bar button item" in your navigation bar.

Segue from one ViewController to another ViewController inside a Tab Bar Controller?

In the interface builder I have a UITabBarController and it is set as the initial view controller. From the tab bar controller, I have linked three independent ViewControllers; two UIViewController's and one UITableViewController. I have embedded all three of these views inside UINavigationController's as each of these views will eventually segue to a new view.
Interface Builder
I now want to link one of the UIViewController's to the UITableViewController using a button to segue to the table view. This way I can pass information, i.e. func prepareForSegue(), to the table view. I want to maintain the tab bar controller at the bottom, however I do not want to have the ability to go back to the previous UIViewController from the current UITableViewController via a UIBarButtonItem at the the top of the view; That is what the tab bar at the bottom is for.
However every time I segue "Show" the table view (it is actually a segue to the table views navigation controller), the navigation bars at the top and the bottom of the table view disappear. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening?
I have also tried segue "Show" directly to the table view, in which case the tab bar is visible, but then it displays a "back" button at the top of the view to segue back to the sending UIViewController. I am hesitant about accepting a solution that would just hide the back button, because I feel I will run into problems down the road when I want to navigate to a detail view from the table view itself, since I would be bypassing the UITableViewController's UINavigationController.
Any solutions would be greatly appreciated. I have been trying to solve this problem for hours and I'm about to put my head through my computer screen. Also I thought about just using tabBarController?.selectedIndex on the button click to shift to the table view, and then passing the information using NSUserDefaults, but this is out of the question since I would be passing a custom object, and would have to encode and decode every custom field.
I you use a segue to get to it, as you say, you will still be using the UIViewController's UINavigationController which seems a bit messy. So I actually think selectedIndex is probably the best way to go as once you change to the UITableViewController you'll be in the correct navigation stack.
Instead of using NSUserDefaults, why not just reference the UITableView itself from the UIViewController, set the values you want, and then swap to it using self.tabBarController.selectedIndex.
So for your scenario above it, assuming the UITableViewContollrer is the third view in the UITabBarController, you would do something like the following:
Pass whatever you want into the UITabBarController by setting some pre-defined var in it. For example, if there was a String called saveMe in the UITableViewController, then do the following in the UIViewController:
let navController = self.tabBarController?.viewControllers![2] as! UINavigationController
let tableViewController = navController.viewControllers.first as! JarListTableViewController
tableViewController.saveMe = "Saved string here"
Swap to the UITableViewController using:
self.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 2
The only issue with this is using selectedIndex won't perform a transition animation but not sure if you need this. This link could help if you do.

How to change view controller's title in storyboard

I have a ViewController, which is connected to a UINavigationController, that has two buttons, each one for a specific UITableViewController.
I drag and drop from each button to its corresponding UITableViewController and select show for the seque
the problem is that I can tap on the top of the first UITableViewController and set the name, but I can't do that on the second UITableViewController. my question is that normal?
please notice that the second UITableViewControlelr (Subtitle Cell Table View Controller) doesn't have a come back symbol like the other two do
as I am totally aware that I might need to wait because on swift still not a lot of programmers as in Android, i hope you help me
Updat3 1
I will add screenshot to show you my problem
this is the MainViewController
This is the first UITableViewController (as you see it has a title, which is players)
This is the second UITableViewController (my problem is here I couldn't add a title for it by clicking on the sense on my storyboard)
You need to drag a UINavigationItem into UITableViewController.
Navigation item belongs to a view controller and it is used to show the view controller title on the navigation bar. Every UIViewController has a Navitagtion item assigned to it. Its generated at runtime.
When a View Controller is pushed onto a Navigation Controller, the navigation controller gets the information for title view form the view controllers's Navigation Item.
So if you want to be able to change the title of a View Controller from storyboard, you need to add a Navigation Item in ViewController.
UINavigationController cannot have title changed, because, title belongs to ViewController, and navigation controller just show the relevant title onto its navigation bar.

Adding a toolbar to a navigation controller

I am completely new to ios development and I am only interested in developing for ios5.
I have an app with some scenes, they are mostly tableviews. I also use a navigation controller
I however need to add some status text and buttons that are always visible in all scenes and thought that a toolbar added to the navigation controller should do the trick.
so i thought that i should only have to drag out a toolbar in storyboard to the navigation controller, but it does not stick there. I can add it to the bar underneath with first responder and navigation controller but that does not help me (small icons).
I can also not add it to my table view (but if i drag out a plain view I can add it there)
do I have to make my own custom navigation class that the navigate view uses and then programatically add my toolbar?
Had the same question recently. Check Attributes Inspector in your ViewController's properties in storyboard. There you can define a Bottom Bar.
Well, inside the UINavigationController, you should have something... A UIViewController for instance. You can easily add a UIToolBar by dragging the object inside the UIView of the UIViewController. What might being happening is that as the root view you have the UITableView, in that case I think you can't do that. But to better understand, just take a small print screen of your StoryBoard.
If you zoom up to 100% on the storyboard it should drag.
