I took mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/aspnet:3.5 as a base image for my windows container.To my application I want both 4.7 and 3.5 frameworks.I am unable to install 4.7 in my container.Could you please help me.
I have Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2015 Community version and created one "hello world" using Apache Cordova.
I want to build and run that app without using Mac pc remotely.
I have my iphone 6 but don't know how to run that app in my phone like run apk in android.
I have my developer account but don't have Mac system so Is it possible to run and get the ".ipa" file from windows and run in my phone by debugging or release it, any tutorial any help would be appreciate.
I have come across these links but every link suggest to have Mac Mini / Mac to build the app, even on a Microsoft's official site in Link 4 they say it is not possible but still is there any way to do it please suggest me thanks in advance.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
I am new in BlackBerry application development. I have installed "BlackBerry Plug-ins for Eclipse version 7.1" successfully. Now I am trying to import one existing project into Eclipse, it is showing the following error:
Build path entry is missing: org.eclipse.jdt.lau...de.BlackBerryVMInstallType/BlackBerry JRE 4.7.0
what is the reason for this?
If you have only installed the OS 7.1 plugin, then you won't be able to target OS 4.7.
You'll need to also install the SDK for OS 4.7. To do that, in Eclipse, go to the Help menu, then Install New Software..., then select the Work With: pull-down menu, and pick the BlackBerry Eclipse Plugin site.
Then, in the center of the window, you'll select the SDKs (OS Versions) you want to directly target:
As you see, I'm using the Mac Eclipse Plugin, and it doesn't even show OS 4.7 ... I can't remember if the Windows versions still supports 4.7 (I think it might offer a 4.5 plugin). Basically, all the 4.7 devices out there should be eligible for free upgrades to 5.0, so I don't know that it's worth it to support 4.7 anymore. Just support OS 5.0+.
Once you're sure that you have the correct SDK, then in the window you show in your screenshot, try removing that OS 4.7 library. Then, use the Add Library.. button, select JRE System Library and pick the BlackBerry JRE 5.0.0 (it may be in the Alternate JRE menu):
After you do that, try cleaning and rebuilding your project.
I have developed sample cocoa (64 bit) webview application with all plug In settings enabled (setJavaEnabled:YES setPlugInsEnable:YES). But the Java applet plugin has been failed to load. I am using latest Java 7 from Oracle (update 25). I dont know the reason why plugin is fails in my sample always. Every thing works fine with Safari and Firefox.
The issue I am facing with both Lion and Mountain Lion (10.7.5 and 10.8.4)
Note: Test java applet url (http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp) to check the Java version also fails in my sample application.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am a Blackberry newbie. I develop on Mac OS Lion. I just installed the latest component pack for blackberry. However, the device that I am going to develop for has Blackberry 4.6 installed. So it is unable to run any of the new samples provided by the RIM component pack. How do I obtain an older version on eclipse?
You can install additional BlackBerry SDK versions via the BlackBerry's update site. Follow this guide, BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse Update Site, to learn how. According to this guide, as for today, the available BlackBerry SDK versions that can be downloaded via the update site are:
4.5 (Available for Windows only)
Also check this guide, BlackBerry Plug-in for Eclipse.
I am trying to install an application onto my device..I have compiled the application using JDK 4.5.0 and also signed it with RIM signing keys...But i am unable to install my application onto my device(8900) through desktop manager..It keeps on showing "application is not compatible with your device and cannot be loaded"... Since I have compiled my application in JDK 4.5, it must be compatible with all devices having OS > 4.5.0...What might be going wrong? Is there any version miss match?
Use javaloader.exe - it's much easier (it's in the bin directory of the JDE).