AKReverb2 in AudioKit macOS Framework? - audiokit

The macOS 4.7.1 AudioKit Framework does not seem to include AKReverb2 like the iOS. Not sure if there is a technical reason for this. Thanks!

This is a reverb based on Apple's built-in DSP and it just isn't included on macOS.


How can I start live streaming using RTMP link from iPhone using Swift 5

I'm working on a project in which users can go for live stream using iPhone device camera.
I looked for the same and found certain libraries but mostly are paid.
So, please suggest the better way to achieve the desired result, any library link, blog or code would be helpful.
The project is built using swift 5, Xocde 12.3.
Reference link:
I found this library for android: https://github.com/TakuSemba/RtmpPublisher
Thanks in advance.
try this
"Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS."

Msgraph-sdk-java vs Msgraph-sdk-android for Android?

Has anyone tried Android development using Microsoft Graph SDKs?
What is the preferred SDK for Android? There are two SDKs available - one for Java (msgraph-sdk-java) and one separately for Android (msgraph-sdk-android) and its very confusing to choose between two. No appropriate documentation available as well!
Sorry for the confusion Samhith. We are in the process of deprecating the Android SDK in favour of the Java SDK for Android. The docs here should have mentioned the correct configuration for using Java. That's on me to fix.
There is an example of creating a client for Android here but you are absolutely correct that the guidance is not clear.
There is a dedicated Android Authorization Prodvider that can be found here.
All future work will be in the Java SDK and we will support the Android platform via that SDK.

How is Yuneec SDK?

Has anyone used Yuneec’s SDK or know anything about it? Building SDK for drones creates a lot of possibilities. But want to see if anyone here has experience with Yuneec before.
Yes! Yuneec has SDK for both iOS and Android. I am currently looking into the Yuneec Android SDK to design a custom app and so far its been great! The SDK exposes a lot of features and looks like they are going to be adding a lot of exciting features soon. SDK provides APIs to control the Yuneec drones and can be customized to your needs. You can definitely check out more here https://developer.yuneec.com.

Does Alljoyn support iOS

Does Alljoyn really support iOS? It seems the last release supports iOS 8.x. Have not seen anything beyond 8.x. Am I missing something? Looking for a way to use interoperable WiFi Peer-to-Peer on Android, iOS, and Windows10 (Mobile) platforms.
Yes, AllJoyn supports iOS. This library was written on Objective-C and company I worked at had to support and upgrade the framework by our own. The code is private.
You could also ask and learn something on their official page.
AllJoyn is connecting with Open Connectivity Foundation. So better to look at their solution.
And look at this IoTivity solution. Seems promising.

zxing barcode scanning library for blackberry

I want to implement the barcode scanner for Blackberry device higher then 5.0. As I am quite new to barcode scanning, I tried to google it and tried searching on stackoverflow. Got few samples, but quite confused.
Can anyone provide me links to get Zxing SDK for blackberry ?
The ZXing project is already built into Blackberry OS 6+. Still you may want to use a later version than the version that is included. You can of course download this from the site at http://code.google.com/p/zxing. BBOS support was discontinued in version 2.0, so you will need to use 1.7.
I think it may help you:
QRCode Implementation In My Blog
If you are not getting the code there then check this link:
barcode-code-scanning for 5.0 and 6.0
Note: It is better to read the conversations in the above link to understand well.
