messages file is not picking single quote - playframework-2.6

In Play Framework, the messages file is used for localisation. I have added the following key-value in it but the single quote in the value is not getting picked.
error.incorrectTag = The specified tag doesn't exist in the system
When I print the above message using the following code
I see The specified tag doesnt exist in the system (single quote is not there)
How can I print the single quote?

You need to escape the single quote ' by using a double single quote '' like this:
error.incorrectTag = The specified tag doesn''t exist in the system


substitute space character in lua

I am creating a template in Wikipedia to link articles to an external website which is a book archive called I am generating a url to link to a specific author page. Part of the url is the author's name which contains one or more spaces. For example, the url for the author "Ian Fleming" is:, Ian. My template call structure is {{FadedPage|id=Fleming, Ian|name=Ian Fleming|author=yes}}.
For my template I am replicating an existing template which uses a script coded in lua to parse the template arguments. I have been able to generate all of the url except for the space character between the last and first name.
I could code the template call as: {{FadedPage|id=Fleming,%20Ian|name=Ian Fleming|author=yes}} which works OK but I would rather have the call format as it looks on the fadedpage website, ie. with the embedded space. So I need a way in lua to find the space character within the string and substitute it for the string "%20". So far I haven't figured out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.

Slack slash commands - Variable/Parameters

I'm integrating slack with jenkins to use slash commands and want to know if slash commands have variables
What I want to do is something like this;
/this_word_should_be_in_the_url word
and the be able to use word in the URL the slash command will call.
On their page they have something like /weather 94070
Do I have access to the 94070 and somehow set is as a query parameter for the URL.
Is this possible?
Can't find any documentation of this.
Yes. You will have access to the word as per the example that you mentioned.
So for example, if you have the following:
/this_word_should_be_in_the_url word
Then there will be an additional query parameter named text that will contain everything else after the slash command. If you just have one parameter then it should be simple to just trim and use the text query parameter but if you have multiple words and need to split them into something more meaningful, then you might have to use some regex or simple string split function.
It is documented at How do commands work. In this section they have provided the various query parameters that will get passed to your Slash Command External URL. For the weather example, the data posted as per the documentation is:
Notice the text parameter in the above list.

Sql Server Full-Text Search with wild card suffix using Entity Framework 6 Interceptor
This example works fine for full word searches but does not talk about how to implement wild card suffix.
For example, I can do the following in SQL and get results for "bill" or "billy" using '*' in the end. How do I add that to my Interceptor?
select * from dbo.messagethread a
where contains(Text, '"bil*"')
If you look at that example code in that link above, I was thinking if something like this (below) is possible, but obviously that does not work as it is getting added to the parameter name not the value.
string.Format(#"contains([$1].[$2], #{0} *)", parameter.ParameterName));
There are questions like this one which talk about wildcards in full-text in SQL.
Look for this line in the example link provided in the question.
parameter.Value = value;
Then, to do prefix match, just add this line below that.
value = $"\"{value}*\""; // prefix match
We're basically changing the value of the parameter to have the * in it inside double quotes.
Now if you search for "bil", you get results for "bill"/"billy" and so on.

How to find and save a string section in ruby on rails 4?

I need to find a section of a string that includes the substring "print time:" and save it with the time it displays after the colon on the database.
What I've used until now is the downcase helper and the includes? helper to start the search but I'm not sure how to actually execute a search inside the string.
How can I find the section of the string so that I can save it afterwards?
Use regular expressions, which in Ruby can be written with the /…/ syntax and matched against using String#match.
log = "username: jsmith\nprint time: 08:02:41\npower level: 9001"
print_time = log.match(/print time:\s*([^\n]+)\s*\n/)[1]
p print_time # => "08:02:41"
The regex /print time:\s*([^\n]+?)\s*\n/ matches any text after “print time:”, on the same line, ignoring surrounding whitespace \s*, and saves it as the first capture group using the (). Then [1] selects the contents of that first capture group.
After extracting the print_time string, you can do whatever you need to with it. For example, if you had a Rails model PrintTime, you might save the extracted time to the database with PrintTime.create(extracted_time: print_time).

Problems getting data from XML using Nokogiri and Rails

I'm trying to get information from a XML file with Nokogiri. I can retrieve file using
f ="/my/path/file.xml")
And what a get is a fancy noko:file. My row tags are defined like
<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x217e7b8 name="z:row" attributes=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x217e754 name="ID_Poblacio" value="3">
and I cannot retrieve the rows using either:
s=cac.at_xpath("/*/z:row") or
s=cac.at_xpath("//z:row") or
s=cac.at_xpath("//row") or
Probably I'm really fool but I cannot figure out which can be the issue.
Does anyone face this problem?
Thanks in advance.
P:S I tried to paste my cac file directly from bash but something wierd happens with format so I remove it from question. If anyone can explain how to do it I will appreciate it.
Your XML element name contains a colon, but it is not in a namespace (otherwise the prefix and uri would show up in the dump of the node). Using element names with colons without using namespaces is valid, but can cause problems (like this case) so generally should be avoided. Your best solution, if possible, would be to either rename the elements in your xml to avoid the : character, or to properly use namespaces in your documents.
If you can’t do that, then you’ll need to be able to select such element names using XPath. A colon in the element name part of an XPath node test is always taken to indicate a namespace. This means you can’t directly specify a name with a colon that isn’t in a namespace. A way around this is to select all nodes and use an XPath function in a predicate to refine the selection to only those nodes you’re after. You can use a colon in an argument to name() and it won’t be interpreted as a namespace separator:
