substitute space character in lua - lua

I am creating a template in Wikipedia to link articles to an external website which is a book archive called I am generating a url to link to a specific author page. Part of the url is the author's name which contains one or more spaces. For example, the url for the author "Ian Fleming" is:, Ian. My template call structure is {{FadedPage|id=Fleming, Ian|name=Ian Fleming|author=yes}}.
For my template I am replicating an existing template which uses a script coded in lua to parse the template arguments. I have been able to generate all of the url except for the space character between the last and first name.
I could code the template call as: {{FadedPage|id=Fleming,%20Ian|name=Ian Fleming|author=yes}} which works OK but I would rather have the call format as it looks on the fadedpage website, ie. with the embedded space. So I need a way in lua to find the space character within the string and substitute it for the string "%20". So far I haven't figured out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.


markdown link to header

I'm using GitLab to write a file.
I tried to create a link to a header. According to the wiki an id should be automatically created:
see here
I created a header using:
### 1. This is my Header
and tried to create a link to it:
but it is not working.
What am I doing wrong?
In the Documentation you link to we learn that...
The IDs are generated from the content of the header according to the
following rules:
All text is converted to lowercase.
All non-word text (e.g., punctuation, HTML) is removed.
All spaces are converted to hyphens.
Two or more hyphens in a row are converted to one.
If a header with the same ID has already been generated, a unique incrementing number is appended, starting at 1.
Note rule 4: "Two or more hyphens in a row are converted to one." However, the example you tried has two hyphens in a row (after the 1). Remove one of them and you should have it.
From time to time I have encountered a unique header which is converted into an ID in some non-obvious way. A quick way to work out the ID is to use your browser's view source and/or inspect tools to view the HTML source code. For example, you might find the following HTML for your example:
<h3 id="1-this-is-my-header">1. This is my Header</h3>
Then just use the contents of the id attribute with a hash to link to that header: #1-this-is-my-header.
Markdown IDs are generated using some rules i've been able to google: (text to lowercase, non-word punctuation removed, spaces converted to hyphens, two or more hyphens in a row converted to one, naming collisions have incremented number appended, ...)
I found an easy way to figure out what the anchor link should be. Use your browser's HTML inspector to inspect the header you want to link to. The header tag's ID should be what you use. So for example my heading looks like this in the HTML inspector:
<h2 id="markdown-header-changing-plsql-parameters-and-shared-developers-lifecycle">
Changing PL/SQL parameters and shared developer's lifecycle
And I can link to it in markup like so:
[See instructions below](#markdown-header-changing-plsql-parameters-and-shared-developers-lifecycle)
And now "See instructions below" is linked to my header anchor.
There is a simpler way than the inspector, at least in GitLab-flavored mardown : hover over the header and a "chain" icon appears : right-click on it and copy the link.
header with clickable chain

hash tags in urls and hyperlinks

I created a hyperlink to a file. the file name contains hashtags as a means to separate information.
<div style="height:100%;width:100%">.</div>
translated to...
Is this a "legal" name in a URL? Im getting a "file not found" error
The requested URL /dir/upload/1427853638 was not found on this server.
So, clearly the # has another meaning in the URL (I understand now, its a location hash property). Is there a way to get this to work, or do i need to use another character besides the # in the file names?
Since # is a special character in the URL semantic (it's used to provide an internal anchor in a HTML page), it should be URL-encoded into %23.
Your URL should be: http://localhost/dir/upload/1427853638%230%23file%23A101.pdf.
NB: you can find an online URL encoder here:

How to generate complex url like stackoverflow?

I'm using playframework, and I hope to generate complex urls like stackoverflow. For example, I want to generate a question's url:
Note the last part, it's the title of the question.
But I don't know how to do it.
In the playframework, we can define routes in conf/routes file, and what I do is:
GET /questions/{<\d+>id}
In this way, when we call #{} in views, it will generate:
But how to let the generated has a title part, is difficult.
With playframework it's easy to generate such url. In your routes file you add this :
GET /questions/{id}/{title} YourController.yourMethod
See the doc in playframework site about routing for more info
In your html page :
<a href="#{YourController.yourMethod(id,title.slugify())}">
slugify method from JavaExtensions, clean your title from reserved characters (see doc)
It a server-side url rewriter does. In case of SO it doesn't matter you type {...}/questions/4698625/how-to-generate-complex-url-like-stackoverflow or {...}/questions/4698625 - they both redirects to the same content. So this postfix is used just to increase readability of a url.
To see more details about url rewriting, see this post.
to generate such a postfix,
take a title of the content,
shrink multiple whitespaces into single
replace all whitespaces with dash (-)
remove all non-letter symbols from a title
Better to perform this operations with Regular Expressions

dynamic seo title for news articles

I have a news section where the pages resolve to urls like
What I would like to do is use the title from the database to create seo friendly titles like
Any ideas how I can achieve this?
I suggest you actually include the ID in the URL, before the title part, and ignore the title itself when routing. So your URL might become
That's exactly what Stack Overflow does, and it works well. It means that the title can change without links breaking.
Obviously the exact details will depend on what platform you're using - you haven't specified - but the basic steps will be:
When generating a link, take the article title and convert it into something URL-friendly; you probably want to remove all punctuation, and you should consider accented characters etc. Bear in mind that the title won't need to be unique, because you've got the ID as well
When handling a request to anything starting with /news, take the next part of the path, parse it as an integer and load the appropriate article.
Assuming you are using PHP and can alter your source code (this is quite mandatory to get the article's title), I'd do the following:
First, you'll need to have a function (or maybe a method in an object-oriented architecture) to generate the URLs for you in your code. You'd supply the function with the article object or the article ID and it returns the friendly URL with the ID and the friendly title.
Basically function url(Article $article) => URL.
You will also need some URL rewriting rules to remove the PHP script from the URL. For Apache, refer to the mod_rewrite documentation for details (RewriteEngine, RewriteRule, RewriteCond).

Encoding of XHTML and & (ampersand)

My website is XHTML Transitional compliant except for one thing: the & (ampersand) in the URL are written as it is, instead of &
That is, all the URLs in my pages are usually like this:
But XHTML validator generates this error:
cannot generate system identifier for general entity "y"
... and it wants the URL to be written like this:
The problem is that Internet Explorer and Firefox don't handle the URL correctly and ignore the y parameter. How can I make this link work and validate correctly?
It seems to me that it is impossible to write XHTML pages if the browsers don't work with strict encoded XHTML URLs.
Do you want to see in action? See the difference between these two links (copy and paste them as they are):
I have just tried this. What you attempted to do is correct. In HTML if you are writing a link the & characters should be encoded as & You would only encode the & as %26 if you wanted a parameter value to contain an ampersand. I just wrote a simple HTML page that contained a link: Click me
and it worked fine: default2.aspx received the parameters intended and the source passed validation.
The encoding of & as & is required in HTML, not in the link. When the browser sees the & in the HTML source for a link it will interpret it as an ampersand and the link target will be as intended. If you paste a URL into your browser address bar it does not expect it to be HTML and does not try to interpret any HTML encoding that it may contain. This is why your example links that you suggest we should copy/paste into a browser don't work and why we wouldn't expect them to work.
If you post a bit more of your actual code we might be able to see what you have done wrong, but you appear to be heading the right direction by using & in your anchor tags.
It was my fault: the hyperlink control already encoded &, so my URL http://foo?x=1&y=2 was encoded to http://foo?x=1&amp;y=2
Normally the &amp inside the URL is correctly handled by browsers, as you stated.
You could use & instead of & in your URL within your page.
That should allow it to be validated as strict XHTML...
Note, if used by an ASP.NET Request.QueryString function, the query string doesn't use XML encoding; it uses URL encoding:
So you need to provide a function translating '&' into %26.
Note: in that case, Server.URLEncode(”neetu & geetu”), which would produce neetu+%26+geetu, is not what you want, since you need to translate & into %26, not just '&'. You must add a replace() call applied to URLEncode result, in order to replace '%26amp;' by '%26'.
To be even more thorough: use &, a numeric character reference.
Because & is a character entity reference:
Character entity references are defined in the markup language
definition. This means, for example, that for HTML only a specific
range of characters (defined by the HTML specification) can be
represented as character entity references (and that includes only a
small subset of the Unicode range).
That's coming from the wise people at W3C (read this for more).
Of course, this is not a very big deal, but the suggestion of W3C is that the numeric one will be valid and useable everywhere and always, while the named one is 'fine' for HTML but nothing more.
The problem is worse than you think - try it in Safari. &amp; gets converted to &#38; and the hash ends the URL.
The correct answer is to not output XHTML - there's no reason that justifies spending more time on development and alienating Mac users.
