Getting authorization from iNaturalist for API - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to use iNaturalist's API via Ruby on Rails. I'm new to Ruby and iNaturalist's documentation is pretty sparse. As a first step, I need to figure out how to get authorization from their site.
iNaturalist provides the sample code below. I set up a project with iNaturalist and tried running the sample code in Rails Console with my credentials. #{url} in the following line is replaced with a url that the user is supposed to go to in order to log in to iNat:
puts "Go to #{url}, approve the app, and you should be redirected to your " +
"redirect_uri. Copy and paste the 'code' param here."
I went to the resulting url and logged in:[my client id]&redirect_uri=
iNaturalist responds with "The redirect uri included is not valid."
If I leave off &response_type=code, it responds with "The authorization server does not support this response type."
My website is on The url of the main page is "". Part of the problem is that I don't understand what kind of page I'm supposed to create for redirect_uri, since I'm still kind of new at this.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'
site = ""
app_id = 'YOUR APP ID'
app_secret = 'YOUR APP SECRET'
redirect_uri = 'YOUR APP REDIRECT URI' # you can set this to some URL you control for testing
# Your web app should redirect the user to this url. They should see a screen
# offering them the choice to authorize your app. If they aggree, they will be
# redirected to your redirect_uri with a "code" parameter
url = "#{site}/oauth/authorize?client_id=#{app_id}&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}&response_type=code"
# Once your app has that code parameter, you can exchange it for an access token:
puts "Go to #{url}, approve the app, and you should be redirected to your " +
"redirect_uri. Copy and paste the 'code' param here."
print "Code: "
auth_code = gets.strip
payload = {
:client_id => app_id,
:client_secret => app_secret,
:code => auth_code,
:redirect_uri => redirect_uri,
:grant_type => "authorization_code"
puts "POST #{site}/oauth/token, payload: #{payload.inspect}"
puts response ="#{site}/oauth/token", payload)
# response will be a chunk of JSON looking like
# {
# "access_token":"xxx",
# "token_type":"bearer",
# "expires_in":null,
# "refresh_token":null,
# "scope":"write"
# }
# Store the token (access_token) in your web app. You can now use it to make authorized
# requests on behalf of the user, like retrieving profile data:
token = JSON.parse(response)["access_token"]
headers = {"Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}"}
puts "GET /users/edit.json, headers: #{headers.inspect}"
puts RestClient.get("#{site}/users/edit.json", headers)
After the user logs in to iNat, he should be redirected back to my website with the authorization code provided in the data. In routes.rb, my login route is set as:
post '/login', to: 'organisms#login'
I've tried using get, as well.
iNat is returned the error mentioned above and not redirecting back to my site.

OAuth can be a bit daunting at first. And that guide really just shows the equivalent of using cURL to test your API.
In an actual application redirect_uri is whatever endpoint in your application that handles the response when the provider redirects back from authorization.
So lets setup a minimal real rails app.
1. Register your app
Register a new application or edit your existing app.
Use http://localhost:3000/oauth/inaturalist/callback for the callback url (adjust the host as needed).
Keep the window open as you will need the client_id and secret in a moment.
2. Setup your routes
# /config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# just make sure you have a root path defined.
root to: 'pages#home'
namespace :oauth do
namespace :inaturalist, controller: :callbacks do
# This is just a simple redirect route
get '/', action: :passthru, as: :authorize
# This is the route that handles the actual callback
get 'callback'
You can actually do this without the redirect route and just plant a link to the url in your view. But having it isolates your application against the craziness that is OAuth and its how OmniAuth does it.
3. Add your credentials to the Rails app.
In Rails 5 use the encrypted credentials to store your client_id and secret.
Run $ bin/rails credentials:edit from your shell.
client_id: <from the inaturalist site>
secret: <from the inaturalist site>
In earlier versions use ENV vars instead.
4. Install the oauth2 gem
# Place this in your gemfile outside any groups
gem 'oauth2', '~> 1.4', '>= 1.4.1'
Then run bundle install.
4. Setup the controller
# app/controllers/oauth/inaturalist/callbacks_controller.rb
require 'oauth2'
module Oauth
module Inaturalist
class CallbacksController < ::ActionController::Base
# GET /oauth/inaturalist
def passthru
redirect_to client.auth_code.authorize_url
# This endpoint is where the provider redirects the user back to
# after authorization.
# GET /oauth/inaturalist/callback
def callback
# Fetch an auth token from the access code
token = client.auth_code.get_token(params[:code])
# Perform an authenticated request to get the users data
api_response = token.get("/users/edit.json")
#user_data = JSON.parse(api_response.body)
# This is just an example of how you can use the user data from
# the provider
#user = {
uid: #user_data["id"],
nickname: #user_data["nickname"]
session[:user_id] = #user[:uid]
session[:token] = token.to_hash
redirect_to root_path, success: "Hello #{#user[:nickname]}"
# Change this if you are not using Rails 5 credentials.
def client
site: "",
redirect_uri: oauth_inaturalist_callback_url
def credentials
token here is actually a new OAuth2::AccessToken instance that can be called to call endpoints with the fetched credentials.
This example stores the token in the session. You can retrieve it in subsequent requests with:
token = OAuth2::AccessToken.from_hash( session[:token] )
The docs kind of mention trading the oauth access token for an api token for But the details are kind of sparse.
5 Add a link to sign in:
<%= link_to 'Sign in to', oauth_inaturalist_authorize_path %>


Getting "Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth2::Error" for custom omniauth strategy

Currently I am working on rails 4 project, and now I have to link / connect another application (not sso but for accessing API's) say (Note: uses 3-legged oauth security architecture)
After searching found that I have to implement omniouth strategy.
For this I have refereed this link. As per Strategy-Contribution-Guide I am able to complete setup and request Phase, You can find my sample code here.
require 'multi_json'
require 'omniauth/strategies/oauth2'
require 'uri'
module OmniAuth
module Strategies
class MyAppStrategy < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2
option :name, 'my_app_strategy'
option :client_options, {
site: site_url,
authorize_url: authorize_url,
request_url: request_url,
token_url: token_url,
token_method: :post,
header: { Accept: accept_header }
option :headers, { Accept: accept_header }
option :provider_ignores_state, true
def consumer
binding.pry, options.client_secret, options.client_options)
def request_phase # rubocop:disable MethodLength
request_token = consumer.get_request_token({:oauth_callback => callback_url}, options.request_params)
session["oauth"] ||= {}
session["oauth"][name.to_s] = {"callback_confirmed" => request_token.callback_confirmed?, "request_token" => request_token.token, "request_secret" => request_token.secret}
if request_token.callback_confirmed?
redirect request_token.authorize_url(options[:authorize_params])
redirect request_token.authorize_url(options[:authorize_params].merge(:oauth_callback => callback_url))
rescue ::Timeout::Error => e
fail!(:timeout, e)
rescue ::Net::HTTPFatalError, ::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e
fail!(:service_unavailable, e)
def callback_phase # rubocop:disable MethodLength
fail(OmniAuth::NoSessionError, "Session Expired") if session["oauth"].nil?
request_token =, session["oauth"][name.to_s].delete("request_token"), session["oauth"][name.to_s].delete("request_secret"))
opts = {}
if session["oauth"][name.to_s]["callback_confirmed"]
opts[:oauth_verifier] = request["oauth_verifier"]
opts[:oauth_callback] = 'http://localhost:3000/auth/callback' #callback_url
#access_token = request_token.get_access_token(opts)
rescue ::Timeout::Error => e
fail!(:timeout, e)
rescue ::Net::HTTPFatalError, ::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e
fail!(:service_unavailable, e)
rescue ::OAuth::Unauthorized => e
fail!(:invalid_credentials, e)
rescue ::OmniAuth::NoSessionError => e
fail!(:session_expired, e)
def custom_build_access_token
verifier = request["oauth_verifier"]
client.auth_code.get_token(verifier, get_token_options(callback_url), deep_symbolize(options.auth_token_params))
alias_method :build_access_token, :custom_build_access_token
def raw_info
#raw_info ||= access_token.get('users/me').parsed || {}
def callback_url
options[:redirect_uri] || (full_host + script_name + callback_path)
def get_token_options(redirect_uri)
{ :redirect_uri => redirect_uri }.merge(token_params.to_hash(:symbolize_keys => true))
I am able redirect to, also after login I am able to return to my callback_phase (you will ask how did you know, so answer is I have added binding.pry in callback_phase method for checking the flow).
But after executing the strategy I am getting following error
ERROR -- omniauth: (my_app_strategy) Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth2::Error.
After debugging found that I am getting this error for the super call (from callback_phase method).
First I though may be there are some credentials issue but I am able fetch access token using following (which is executing before the super call)
#access_token = request_token.get_access_token(opts)
Also for more information I am getting error for build_access_token which is the oauth2 method
You can refer this link for more info (just search the build_access_token on the page).
EDIT - 1
After debugging found that getting this issue from the request method.
(While making the faraday request). Here is the code snippet
response = connection.run_request(verb, url, opts[:body], opts[:headers]) do |req|
yield(req) if block_given?
Here is my faraday request
#<struct Faraday::Request method=:post, path="", params={}, headers={"User-Agent"=>"Faraday v0.9.2", "Content-Type"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, body={"grant_type"=>"authorization_code", "code"=>"aPexxxvUg", "client_id"=>"xxxxxur303GXEch7QK9k", "client_secret"=>"xxxxxxcad97b3d252e2bcdd393a", :redirect_uri=>"http://localhost:3000/auth/my_app_strategy/callback"}, options=#<Faraday::RequestOptions (empty)>>
In response I am getting following error message
HTTP Status 400 - Inadequate OAuth consumer credentials.
So can any one help to fix this issue?
Is there any other way to store the access token so that I can utilize this for communication purpose.
First of all, I wan to make clear how Oauth2 works:
Oauth2, the protocol says:
You redirect the user to the provider sign in endpoint adding some required parameters (Ejm: PROVIDER/public/oauth?redirect_uri=MYWEB/oauthDemo&
response_type=code&client_id=ABCDE). Sometimes there is also a scope/permission/resource parameter that indicates whats your purpose.
-> Then the users signs in and is redirected to your endpoint MYWEB/public/oauth with a code
Now you have to request the access token doing a POST to the providers endpoint. Example:
Now you have the access_token and you can use it to get information or decode it using JWT.
Having this clear, and seeing that your call seems corect:
#<struct Faraday::Request method=:post, path="PROVIDER/oauth/access_token", params={}, headers={"User-Agent"=>"Faraday v0.9.2", "Content-Type"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, body={"grant_type"=>"authorization_code", "code"=>"aPexxxvUg", "client_id"=>"xxxxxur303GXEch7QK9k", "client_secret"=>"xxxxxxcad97b3d252e2bcdd393a", :redirect_uri=>"MYWEB/auth/my_app_strategy/callback"}, options=#<Faraday::RequestOptions (empty)>>
As the response is "HTTP Status 400 - Inadequate OAuth consumer credentials.", I think maybe you:
a. Your client is not well configured on the Provider. Usually you use to have a basic configuration on the provider site so he can recognise you. So maybe is not well configured.
b. There is a resource/permission/scope parameter missing or wrong configured on the first step (in the redirection to the provider). So when you ask for the token there is a problem.

stripe callback redirecting http instead https uri

I'm using stripe connect on my website, and when a user in production tries to connect his stripe account to my web site, I have the following error in the stripe callback :
"error": "invalid_redirect_uri",
"error_description": "Invalid redirect URI ''. Ensure this uri exactly matches one of the uris specified in your application settings",
"state": "4 ยป
whereas my redirecti URIS in my stripe application setting is
here is my controller :
require 'oauth2'
class StripeConnectionsController < ApplicationController
skip_after_action :verify_authorized
def new
stripe_auth_url = ""
client =['STRIPE_CONNECT_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'], :site => stripe_auth_url)
#stripe_url = client.auth_code.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/stripe_connections/callback", :scope => 'read_write', state: params[:brief_id])
def callback
#brief = Brief.find(params[:state])
stripe_auth_url = ""
#user = current_user
client =['STRIPE_CONNECT_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'], :site => stripe_auth_url)
access_token = client.auth_code.get_token(params[:code], :redirect_uri => '#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/oauth2/callback')
stripe_connection = StripeConnection.find_or_create_by(user_id:
stripe_connection.update_attributes(access_token: access_token.token,
refresh_token: access_token.refresh_token,
livemode: access_token.params['livemode'],
stripe_user_id: access_token.params['stripe_user_id'],
publishable_key: access_token.params['stripe_publishable_key']
#user.profile.projects.where(state: 'pending').update_all(state: "on_sale")
I'm using heroku and paying the SSL add-ons already.
I don't know why stripe is returning http instead of https. Does anyone have an idea? thx.
ps: this has already worked before in production and works in the beta version of the website
Do you have a button that the user clicks to connect to stripe? I just removed the redirect_uri parameter.
You have to remove the redirect_uri of client.auth_code.authorize_url() in the new method and also the redirect_uri in the callback method and put the right protocol in the dashboard stripe.

Ruby and Twitter: Getting Access Token from Request Token?

I am currently in Step 3 of the processing on getting an oauth token/secret from an user trying to login via Twitter.
Step 3 tells me to send this request to the API, but I am stuck as to how to do so. I currently have BOTH the oauth_token and oauth_verifier, but how do I send this POST request to get the oauth_token, oauth_token_secret pair?
Is there a standard Oauth Ruby gem I can use to send this POST request? I see examples online where I pass an #accessToken object, but i do not have such an object available. I just have the oauth_token and oauth_verifier (as strings). Given these 2 things, how do I convert them to an oauth_token and oauth_token_secret?
POST /oauth/access_token HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: themattharris' HTTP Client
Accept: */*
Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="cChZNFj6T5R0TigYB9yd1w",
Content-Length: 57
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Try something like the following rails controller actions, using the twitter and oauth gems:
def redirect
consumer =, CONSUMER_SECRET, {
:site => "",
:scheme => :header
request_token = consumer.get_request_token(:oauth_callback => CALLBACK_URL)
session[:twitter_request_token] = request_token
redirect_to request_token.authorize_url #=> ""
def callback
request_token = session[:twitter_request_token]
access_token = request_token.get_access_token(:oauth_verifier => params[:oauth_verifier])
client =
:consumer_key => CONSUMER_KEY,
:consumer_secret => CONSUMER_SECRET,
:access_token => access_token.token,
:access_token_secret => access_token.secret
twitter_user = client.user
redirect_to root_url # or do something with the twitter_user
See also:
yes there is the Omniauth gem for authentication with Twitter. The documentation is straight forward.
I personally use Omniauth integrated with Devise and the Twitter gem to access Twitter - works very well.
Hope this helps,
The common procedure is the following:
You shell to register your app on twitter development page.
Then set the proper Name, Description, and Website values up for your application.
App Name
App Description
Change Application Type is your app, by default it has read only access type.
Setup the callback URL for yuor application:
Store the all keys, and secrets that are shewn on the OAuth tool twitter page:
Consumer key:
Consumer secret:
Access token:
Access token secret:
Setup route on your site with devise, or devise-like gem with the specified twitter keys, and secrets to enable authentication engine. The route list now shall include /auth/twitter path.
By going to you will be redirected to twitter site, and dropped back to your site with passed oauth_token
You simple receive those keys, and secrets, and apply then in your app, avoiding the 6, and 7 points:
client = do |config|
config.consumer_key = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY"
config.consumer_secret = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET"
config.access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
config.access_token_secret = "YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

Unable to get access token with oauth_verifier, keep getting 401 error

I saw many questions about the same problem, but I just cannot find a way around so I'm asking a question to be sure I did not miss a thing.
On twitter, I set the callback_url to 'https://my_app_url/'.
# consumer
#consumer ='consumer_id',
:site => '')
# request_token
#request_token = #consumer.get_request_token(:oauth_callback => "https://my_app_url/?state=#{state}")
# then get the user to log in via
login_url = #request_token.authorize_url
# I have a params[:oauth_token] and params[:oauth_verifier] in return
# I don't know what the oauth token is for
# I then should be able to get an access token
# all oauth calls are done in an object so #request_token has been conserved.
#access_token = #request_token.get_access_token(:oauth_verifier => params[:oauth_verifier])
# then it happens.
# => 401 Unauthorized
I have no idea why the 401 is being raised. Is there a step I have been missing?
I would appreciate any help.
get_request_token gives you temporary OAuth tokens to authenticate you during the OAuth authentication flow. The OAuth verifier is something that proves that the user authorized the application. You have to give this last to get_access_token in order to get the final OAuth tokens that will be used for all your authenticated requests.
For further informations, consider reading the official Twitter documentation dealing with this : ( for the description of the process)

"Missing authorization code" error when trying to use Google Calendar API

The following is the code I am using to allow users to allow users to authorise my app to access their Google Calendar via OAuth. I based it off this sample code.
It works most of the time, but sometimes, there is an ArgumentError: Missing authorization code error on the client.authorization.fetch_access_token! line in the create_google_calendar action in the services controller. If I comment out that line, all of the client.authorization attributes are null.
I am using Rails 3.2.0 and Ruby 1.9.2.
What is causing this?
gem 'google-api-client', :require => 'google/api_client'
def self.google_calendar_client google_calendar_service=nil
client =
client.authorization.client_id = xxx
client.authorization.client_secret = xxx
client.authorization.scope = ''
url_prefix = Rails.env.production? ? xxx : 'http://localhost:3000'
client.authorization.redirect_uri = "#{url_prefix}/create_google_calendar"
if google_calendar_service.present?
client.authorization.update_token! :access_token => google_calendar_service.token, :refresh_token => google_calendar_service.google_calendar_refresh_token, :expires_in => google_calendar_service.google_calendar_expires_in, :issued_at =>
client.authorization.fetch_access_token! if client.authorization.expired?
def connect_google_calendar
#google_calendar_url = Service.google_calendar_client.authorization.authorization_uri.to_s
def create_google_calendar
client = Service.google_calendar_client
client.authorization.code = params[:code]
client.authorization.fetch_access_token! :provider => 'google_calendar', :token => client.authorization.access_token, :google_calendar_refresh_token => client.authorization.refresh_token, :google_calendar_expires_in => client.authorization.expires_in, :google_calendar_issued_at => client.authorization.issued_at
The truth is, I don't know. Your code looks right to me. But I can at least tell you what the error means. Missing authorization code means that it thinks you're trying to do an "authorization code" grant type when you fetch the access token. If you're actually trying to obtain an access token off a refresh token as opposed to doing it on the first pass after obtaining authorization from the user, then you may not have correctly set up the authorization object.
You can check this by inspecting the client.authorization.grant_type value. In very recent versions of the client you can manually set the grant_type value to force a particular mode, which may give you more informative error messages, depending on what the actual issue is.
