What we add under dev_dependencies in flutter - dart

I have a silly question regarding dev_dependencies in flutter, I am planning to use mock_cloud_firestore and in its installation page it says that we need to add it in the dependencies section of pubspec.yaml
I think mock_cloud_firestore is not a production dependency but a dev dependency if so why we need to add it under dependencies?
Also what we add under dev_dependencies?

you can run below command flutter pub add <packagename> --dev to add under dev dependencies
and you can run below command flutter pub add <packagename> to add normal dependencies.
Both make an entry within the pubspec.yaml file under different headers.
dev_dependencies only have packages and tools which help the development process for the developer and are not really needed in production . eg. code generation etc

This issue is mentioned in Dart's official docs:
Pub supports two flavors of dependencies: regular dependencies and dev dependencies. Dev dependencies differ from regular dependencies in that dev dependencies of packages you depend on are ignored
Therefore, I believe it safer to put it under dependencies during development and remove it from pubspec when personal testing is finished. But below quote from the official doc is more clear:
The rule for deciding between a regular or dev dependency is simple: If the dependency is imported from something in your lib or bin directories, it needs to be a regular dependency. If it’s only imported from test, example, etc. it can and should be a dev dependency.


Swift Package Manager Dependency Mirroring

I have a project and:
the company I'm working with is self-hosting their git
the CI can communicate only with company's network
That being said, if I want to install any dependency, I have to ask their dev ops to mirror the target repository and only then I can use it.
The problem arises when I want to implement Crashlytics which has a lot of dependencies. When I import the Firebase, it's fetched from the mirrored repo correctly, but it's dependencies are still being fetched from the original URLs (which makes perfect sense).
The question is - How do I tell Swift Package Manager to swap each URL with mirrors? I have all the dependencies mirrored. I only need to tell SPM to use it.
I have found this proposal which was implemented in Swift 5, but when I go to root of my project and run:
$ swift package config set-mirror --package-url <original URL> --mirror-url <mirror URL>
I get this error:
error: root manifest not found
Any ideas how to do this correctly? Thank you
As Florian correctly pointed out, the proposal works from the package's repository, not my projects! So:
I do clone mirrored repo in my project's root
I run set of commands to set mirror url for each dependency:
swift package config set-mirror \
--original-url https://github.com/google/GoogleAppMeasurement.git \
--mirror-url <company's url>/mirrors/githubcom-google-GoogleAppMeasurement
I go back to projects root and run:
xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -project MyProject.xcodeproj -scheme MyAppScheme
But it's still fetching from original urls, not the mirrors!
Having an Xcode project makes this task basically impossible (at the time of writing). Xcode's integration with SPM works fine for most things, but is not (yet?) at par with what SPM can do in pure SPM packages.
The problem is, that swift package config is always only local to the package and does not have any effect on projects / packages that depend on the package. And with Xcode currently having no counterpart to swift package config, it's not possible to do this at the moment.
What you could do, however, is to clone all your dependencies locally and then reference them as local packages from Xcode (simply dragging the package folder into the open Xcode project will do so). Xcode will be smart enough to take the dependencies from the local local checkout (or at least it was smart enough last time I tried this).
Let's hope for a future Xcode version with full SPM support!

How to create pubspec.yaml by command?

I am learning Dart (2.9.3). I use pub global activate webdev command.
I think it will work like npm in Node.js and create pubspec.yaml automatically, but it didn't.
Do I need to add more switches (like --save) to pub global?
Thank you.
The pub global activate webdev command activates webdev package to use on your computer. This package is
A command-line tool for developing and deploying web applications with Dart.
As author wrote in usage section
webdev provides two commands: serve and build.
But neither of both creates pubspec.yaml file.
If you want to generate a project, you can use stagehand. But there is no option to generate customized pubspec.yaml file. Dart must know which packages to use in a particular project, and only this file can provide those informations.

Installation with Create React App

I'm sorry for asking what may be an obvious question to most, but I'm lost. I have created a react project with create-react-app. I want to add a third party library (Ant Design UI Framework) that uses .css styles. Ant will use global .css and the rest of my application can then use styleName.
After running npm install babel-plugin-react-css-modules --save what do I have to do to get this running? The documentation references the configuration but the individual steps required properly configure the app aren't clear at all—at least to me.
Can someone help with a bit of an "idiot's guide" to setting this up, and detail some of the steps?
Ant Design also have react native library as you can see here
You just need to run the following command on your project root to install it:
$ npm install antd-mobile --save

Dart Package Management via dart2js

I'm learning Dart and its dependency manager pub and am having a tough time seeing the "forest through the trees" here.
Say I want to use Polymer.dart in my project. So, in my project root, I create the following pubspec.yaml:
name: test_dart
description: A sample web application
browser: any
polymer: ">=0.9.0 <0.10.0"
I then run pub get, which goes to the pub repo and fetches the browser and polymer dependencies that I've specified. It then creates a packages directory in my project root, which now means I have a project that looks like:
...all the packages that ship with Polymer
Now I start coding my Dart web app (myapp.dart), which will references various Polymer and browser types/functions/etc. in its source code.
When I'm all done, I want to create a JavaScript file called myapp.js.
According to the dart2js docs, I need to run something like:
dart2js --out=myapp.js --package-root=??? myapp.dart
How do I include all the browser & polymer packages on the buildpath?
There is a "pub build" option now.
Use pub build when you’re ready to deploy your web app. When you run
pub build, it generates the assets for the current package and all of
its dependencies, putting them into a new directory named build.
$ cd ~/dart/helloworld
$ pub build
Building helloworld......
Built 5 files!
If the build directory already exists, pub build deletes it and then creates it again.
That should do everything you are after here. You can also launch it from the IDE by right clicking on the pubspec.yaml file and choose "pub build"
EDIT: You should also see the links in zoechi's answer.
If you run dart2js from your MyDartProject directory you don't have to provide --package-root parameter.
An alternative way is running pub build. If you use Polymer you need to add a transformers section.
see also
How to deploy a Dart Polymer app to Javascript using dart2js
How do I pass multiple entry_points to polymer transformer in pubspec.yaml?

pub install does not work in Dart

I am trying to install glmatrix using pub install. My OS is Windows 7 and I have Git installed.
Here is my pubspec.yaml
name: WebGLTut1
description: A sample application
git: git://github.com/pjako/glmatrix.dart.git
When I run pub install I get the following error:
Running pub install ... Pub install fail, FormatException: Could not
parse "git://github.com/pjako/glmatrix.dart.git".".
I googled a while to find a solution but couldn't. Please help.
I found the problem. There has to be a TAB/Space when specifying git: url in pubsec.yaml as follows.
git: git://github.com/pjako/glmatrix.dart.git
This solved the previouse problem of FormatException. But now when I run pub install again it throws theis error.
Running pub install ... Pub install fail, Git failed.
As you identified you update, yaml files are whitespace sensitive; that's why you don't have to use lots of curly braces like json. :)
I see a few of possible problems here:
Glmatrix doesn't appear to have its own pubspec defined. Libraries participating in the package system much declare a pubspec file with the name property defined. The name is important because pub uses it when you declare your dependencies. Let's say you had a project called toast with the following simple pubspec:
name: butter
version: 0.0.0
Then you would need to declare your dependency to that project like so:
git: git://github.com/foo/toast.git
Have the project owner make the changes or fork it yourself, add the pubspec, and then reference your fork in your pubspec.
Glmatrix is does not conform to the pubspec package layout conventions (your own projects should also conform to this). Although I believe that pub may handle non-conforming layouts currently, it may not in the future. So again, you can either ask the project owner to fix, or fork and fix it yourself.
Since you are on windows, make sure git is in your system PATH variable. If you are using the bash shell, git will work, but it's not going to work outside of bash (like from Dart editor) until you add it to your PATH.
