Can/should Ruby on Rails tests persist to the database? - ruby-on-rails

I have a DailyQuestionSet model and a method in it that (is supposed to) go to the database, see if a DailyQuestionSet already exists for that day, if so, return it, or if not, create a new one, save it to the database and return it.
This seems to work when I call it from a Controller but not from a Ruby on Rails automated test of the model. I am not sure if I'm going crazy or missing something.
class DailyQuestionSet < ApplicationRecord
def DailyQuestionSet.get_today_dailyquestionset
#dailyquestionset = nil
#questionlist = nil
#dailyquestionset_list = DailyQuestionSet.where('posed_date BETWEEN ? AND ?',,
if #dailyquestionset_list.empty?
#dailyquestionset = DailyQuestionSet.create!(posed_date:!
raise "disaster"
return #dailyquestionset
class DailyQuestionSetTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test "make sure today's daily_question_set has been deleted by the setup function" do
# later add function to delete today's daily_question_set so we can create it and then make sure get_today_dailyquestionset has created it once and then we can refer back to the same row
test "create daily_question_set and make sure it has questions" do
#dailyquestionset = DailyQuestionSet.get_today_dailyquestionset
test "create daily_question_set and make sure it has the same questions" do
#dailyquestionset = DailyQuestionSet.get_today_dailyquestionset
What I thought this would do is add a row to the daily_question_sets table in the database every time I run the first test, and then retrieve that row when I run the second test.
But when I look at the test database there's no row in there being created. I think maybe Rails is not committing the transaction to the database?
Or, put more simply, the raise "disaster" exception never gets thrown because get_today_dailyquestionset always returns a new DailyQuestionSet and never gets the one it (should have) created from the database.
I think I might be fundamentally misunderstanding testing in Rails. Should I be messing around with the DB in model tests at all?

Test database is erased on each run and each individual test runs it queries as transactions so you can't share objects from one test to the other.
If you need objects shared between tests use a setup block or just run both queries one after the other on the same individual test.

It depends on how your tests are set up. Most likely, you have a separate test database for when the test suite is being run. Try running sqlite3 <app-name>_test, from the command line, if you are using the default Rails database solution. If you wanted to view the development database, you would run sqlite3 <app-name>_development.


Records disappear during Rails tests when calling PORO (transaction issue?)

I have an existing application (Rails 6) with a set of tests (minitest). I've just converted my tests to use factory_bot instead of fixtures but I'm having a strange problem with records created and confirmed in the test and controller being unavailable in a PORO that does the actual work. This problem occurs inconsistently and never seems to happen when I run an individual test, only when tests are run in bulk (e.g. a whole file or directory). The more tests are run, the more likely the failure, it seems.
(NB I've never seen this code fail in actual use - it only happens during tests.)
Previously, when using fixtures, every test ran successfully both individually and when run all together with rails t. Now, with factory_bot, a few of my tests often (but not always) fail, all related to the use of the same object that is defined as a PORO.
Drilling down, I have found that there's an issue with records sometimes mysteriously going missing or being unavailable within the PORO during the test, even though they're confirmed as present in the test and in the controller that calls the PORO!
In my application, I have a RichText object that receives some text and processes it, highlighting words in the text that match those stored in a Dictionary table. In my tests, I create several test Dictionary records, and expect the RichText object to perform appropriately when passed test data. And it does, when the individual test files are run (and always did when I used fixtures).
However, now, the records are created and available in the test and in the controller it calls, but then are not available within the RichText object created by the controller. With no Dictionary records available in the RichText object, the test naturally fails because no words are highlighted in the text. And, again, this only seems to happen when I run the tests as a group rather than running just a single test file (e.g. rails t test/objects/rich_text.rb passes, but rails t test/objects will fail within the same rich_text.rb test file).
It doesn't seem to matter whether I create the records with factory_bot#create or directly with Dictionary#create, which suggests it's nothing to do with factory_bot - but then why has this just started happening?
I do have parallelisation enabled in minitest but disabling it makes no difference - the tests still fail the same way.
Example test code that runs and passes, up to the last assertion here, which sometimes fails as described above:
test 'can create new content' do
create(:dictionary, word_root: 'word_1')
create(:dictionary, word_root: 'word_2')
create(:dictionary, word_root: 'word_3')
assert_equal 3, Dictionary.all.count
# This next line is the one that calls the relevant controller code below
post '/api/v0/content', headers: #auth_headers, params: #new_content_params
# This assertion passes, as it did above, even though the error's already happened after the post above
assert_equal 3, Dictionary.all.count
# This assertion checks the response from the above post and fails under certain circumstances, as described above
assert_equal #new_content_output, response.body
I've added checks to the controller as below and, again, everything's fine through this code, which is called by the post line in the test above (i.e. the database records are present and correct just before the RichText object is called):
def create
byebug unless Dictionary.all.count == 3
rich_text =, new_version[:content])
However, the RichText object's initialize method immediately fails the same check for these records - but only if the test is being run in bulk rather than individually:
class RichText::Basic
def initialize(organisation, text)
byebug unless Dictionary.all.count == 3
Rails 6.1.4, ruby 2.7.1
Having tried various things (like disabling transactions in the affected tests), I found that the root cause was a constant defined in the RichText class (a line I didn't include in the question!). It looks like there was a race condition or similar that meant that the RichText class sometimes ran before the database was populated, leaving it with an empty constant.
Replacing the constant with a direct database call resolved the problem. It does mean slightly more database calls but, on the flip side, does mean it's slightly easier to update the Dictionary table. (This happens rarely - on the order of once a month - which is why I'd put it into a constant.)
class RichTest::Basic
WORDS = Dictionary.standard
def some_method
WORDS.each do...
class RichTest::Basic
def some_method
Dictionary.standard.each do...

Why does a sleep between ActiveRecord#first calls change its behaviour?

I've inherited some code written in ruby 1.8.7 with Rails ~> 2.3.15 and it contains a test which looks something like this:
class Wibble < ActiveRecord::Base
# Wibbles have integer primary keys and string names
def test
w1 = Wibble.first
sleep 2 # This sleep is necessary to
w2 = Wibble.first = "Name for w1" = "Name for w2"
w3 = Wibble.first
That comment next to the sleep line hasn't been cut off, it literally says This sleep is necessary to. Without that sleep, this test fails - removing it changes the behaviour somehow beyond making it run 2 seconds faster. I've been digging through the file's history in our version control system, and the messages were uninformative. I also cannot contact the original author of this test to figure out what they were trying to do.
From my understanding, we're pulling the same record out of the database twice, editing it in two different ways, saving the first, and asserting that we can't then save the second. I suspect this is a test to make sure our database locks the table correctly, but surely if this were to fail our Wibbles would be fine, and ActiveRecord would be at fault. Nobody in the office can figure out why this test may have been necessary, nor what difference the sleep statement might make. Any ideas?
This is likely caused by Active Record caching and memoization stopping the second find from actually going to the DB and get fresh data.
In fact, try printing the object_id of each wibble; they might be the exact same memoized object. If that is the case, then the test kinda makes sense.
You could also do the same test in a controller action and look at the verbose SQL logs from Rails; I'd expect the second find call to tell you it just used cached data and did not actually run any SQL query.

Rails 3.2 has-and-belongs-to-many update association unit test

In my 'notification' model I have a method (notification and contact models both has and belongs to many):
`def self.update_contact_association(contact, notification)
unless contact == nil
c = Contact.find(contact)
notification.contacts << c
that updates the association between a specific notification and contact. It takes a notification object(row) and a list of contact ids. The method works fine, given a single contact id 1 and a notification with the id of 4 updates the table should and will look like this:
notification_id contact_id
4 1
The problem comes in when trying to write a unit test to properly test this method. So far I have:
'test 'update_contact_association' do
notification = Notification.find(4)
contact = Contact.find(1)
Notification.update_contact_association([], notification)
Running the test method causes no errors, but the test database is not updated to look like the above example, it is just blank. I'm pretty sure I need to use a save or update method to mimic what the controller is doing, but I'm not sure how. I just need the unit test to properly update the table so I can go ahead and write my assertions. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated for I need to test several methods that are very similar/the same as this one.
Tests will generally run any database queries inside of a transaction and rollback that transaction when finished with each test. This will result in an empty database when the tests complete.
This is to ensure a pristine starting point for each test and that tests are not interdependent. A unit test is supposed to be run in isolation, so it should always start from the same database/environment state. It also runs on the smallest amount of code possible, so you don't have to worry about code interaction (yet!).
When you're ready to worry about code interacting, you'll be wanting to build out integration tests. They're longer and will touch on multiple areas of code, running through each different possible combination of inputs so touch as many lines of code as possible (this is what code coverage is all about).
So, the fact that it's blank is normal. You'll want to assert some conditions after you run your update_contact_association method. That will show you that the database is in the expected state and the results of that method are what you expect to happen.

Run rails code after an update to the database has commited, without after_commit

I'm trying to battle some race cases with my background task manager. Essentially, I have a Thing object (already exists) and assign it some properties, and then save it. After it is saved with the new properties, I queue it in Resque, passing in the ID.
thing = Thing.find(1)
puts # outputs "old value" = "new value"
The background job will load the object from the database using Thing.find(thing_id).
The problem is that we've found Resque is so fast at picking up the job and loading the Thing object from the ID, that it loads a stale object. So within the job, calling will still return "old value" like 1/100 times (not real data, but it does not happen often).
We know this is a race case, because rails will return from before the data has actually been commit to the database (postgresql in this case).
Is there a way in Rails to only execute code AFTER a database action has commit? Essentially I want to make sure that by the time Resque loads the object, it is getting the freshest object. I know this can be achieved using an after_commit hook on the Thing model, but I don't want it there. I only need this to happen in this one specific context, not every time the model has commit changed to the DB.
You can put in a transaction as well. Just like the example below:
transaction do
thing = Thing.find(1)
puts # outputs "old value" = "new value"
Update: there is a gem which calls After Transaction, with this you may solve your problem. Here is the link:
What about wrapping a try around the transaction so that the job is queued up only upon success of the transaction?
I had a similar issue, where by I needed to ensure that a transaction had commited before running a series of action. I ended up using this Gem:
It meant that I could do the following:
def finalize!
Order.transaction do
# ...
# Ensure that we only send out items and perform after actions when the order has defintely be completed
after_commit { OrderAfterFinalizerJob.perform_later(self) }
One gem to allow that is
It is a little different than the other answer's after_commit_everywhere gem. The after_commit_everywhere call seems decoupled from current model being saved or not.
So it might be what you expect or not expect, depending on your use case.

Ruby on Rails - Testing Database

Is there a way to prevent Rails from clearing the test database prior to running the test? I want to use a copy of my production database for testing so I need to prevent rails from clearing out the data every time.
There is quite a bit of data so I would like to avoid using fixtures if possible since I'm assuming it would take a long time to populate the db every time.
You can avoid it by running the tests manually
ruby -Itest test/unit/some_test.rb
It is the rake task which does the test db recreation (you can run it manually like so)
rake db:test:prepare
But my suggestion is that you're doing it wrong.
The general idea in testing is that you know the state of the database, and therefore know what to expect from a function.
test "search_by_name" do
expected ={|u| =~ /arthur/i}
assert_equal expected, User.search_by_name("Arthur")
is a fine test
however, if you don't know the state of the db, how do you know there is an arthur?
The test above would pass in three bad cases;
there are no User records
all Users are called "Arthur"
there are no users called arther.
So its better to create a false reality,
where we know the state of the database.
We want;
at least one user with the name "Arthur"
at least one user with the name "Arthur" as part of another word
at least one non-Arthur user.
a better test, assuming the db is empty, and using factory girl, may be.
test "search_by_name" do
expected = [
Factory.create(:user, :name => "Arthur"),
Factory.create(:user, :name => "MacArthur")
not_expected = [Factory.create(:user, :name => "Archer")]
assert_equal expected, User.search_by_name("Arthur")
Let me preface this by saying you generally don't want to use production data for testing. That being said...
You could load "seed" data but make sure you don't have any fixtures for it otherwise it will get deleted for every test run.
See this answer for ways to automatically seed data.
