youtube live chat show only on desktop - on mobile see nothing - youtube

I used the following iframe to embed youtube live chat:
If you try to see the embeded chat you see regurarly on desktop version:
If you try to see it on mobile I only see a blank space.
My question is: is it possible to show youtube live chat on mobile ?
Are there any limit? I have seen on internet that youtube don't allow live chat on mobile if you don't have an ADSense account. We have a Google ADS account on the web site.
Any suggestion is very appreciated!
Many thanks in advance
I tried to put the iframe directly into the page and not into widget but nothing changed.
I followed all suggestion find out on stack overflow without success.

It says YouTube Chat embed is not possible on Mobile, only on Desktop browsers:
Note: embedding live chat isn't available on mobile web.
During a live stream, you can embed live chat on your own site by
using an iframe.
Get the video ID for the live stream. You can get the video ID from the watch page URL ( In this case, the video ID is ‘12345’. If you chose "Stream now," right-click on the player and select Copy video URL to get the video URL.
Get the domain URL for the site you want to embed chat on. If you're embedding chat on, your embedding domain is ""
Combine the embedded URL in the following way:
This is the URL for your iframe. Note the embed_domain must match the URL of the page you’re embedding the chat on. If they are different, the embedded chat will not load.


Am I separating, isolating or modifying the audio or video of a Youtube Video in my Android App?

I have a responsive website for kids. Kids can watch selected Youtube Videos in a webbrowser. To make ann Android app, I used an APK creator. This app shows my website in a fullscreen webviewer. I set it up to hide the addressbar, so kids can more safely brows the App (website). On the website are no external links, except the links from the Youtube player. The YouTube video's are loading with a normal Wordpress YouTube plugin. When hitting the YouTube logo or Video URL, the Youtube website wil show.
Now Google Plays said i am violating the rules of the YouTube Api:
"Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: (8) separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API;"
This I truely not understand. There is no way I want to violate anything. When I appeal for reinstatement the just saying:
"After further review, we are unable to reinstate your application. You can find out more information under Reason for Suspension in the initial removal notification from Google Play."
The initial removal notification said what I wrote above.

Youtube iframe not embedding in my website?

i want to embed youtube video through "iframe" but Youtube is ban in my country, recommend me how to embed video on my website!
[1]: here is image attached that shows youtube is not accessible in my country
The video will be embedded, even if you can't see it.
If you want to see it, you will need to setup VPN and it will send your internet traffic over a secure VPN tunnel, so you can see the Youtube video and verify the video works.

How to embed video content from news site to iOS App?

I want to show news sites video content in my App. Either in an embedded via UIWebView or to open Safari an preload video, start to show it from a certain second. How can I do it? What is the basic concept?
The video url is here:
And I want to show the content from 22:19 to 23:09. How can I do it? Do I violate any copyright law?
Site use a flow player lightweight technology to stream data.

Is there ANY way to provide a link to a playlist in the YouTube iOS App that will actually work?

I've tried maybe 6 different permutations of YouTube playlist sharing links and none of them will bring you to the playlist on iOS browsers when it transfers you over to the YouTube app (or if it stays in the browser for that matter).
What it does is it goes to the individual video page for the starting point of the playlist, but it's not the actual playlist view, which IS accessible only if you go through the playlists tab within the YouTube mobile app.
Does anyone know if there's an answer or if YouTube just doesn't want me going to a playlist view in its app when clicking the link on my mobile device?
Simple summary:
All I want to do is put a link in my website that will (in a mobile browser) take me to a playlist in the proper playlist view (where it continues on to the next video after the current one is done) either via the YouTube app switch or simply in the mobile browser.
Its because Youtube doesn't understand browser URL of playlist like this -
Alternatively, go to your video->playlist in youtube
Right click on the playlist and select "copy link address"
It provides a link something like this -
Use this as a URI to play in native youtube app.
Now, when the youtube app is launched it navigates to your playlist and continues to play all the videos in your playlist one by one.
For more info - you can check my answer to similar question here -
Youtube URI

do pre-roll ads appear on embedded youtube videos on iOS?

We are contemplating using youtube to store and encode our videos for our iOS app. If we do so, will the pre-roll ads that appear on youtube via the web also appear on mobile?
As far as I know, no form of ad appears on the mobile or HTML5 versions of YouTube. Embedded ads only appear in the Flash Player driven version of the page, available in desktop browsers.
