Youtube iframe not embedding in my website? - youtube

i want to embed youtube video through "iframe" but Youtube is ban in my country, recommend me how to embed video on my website!
[1]: here is image attached that shows youtube is not accessible in my country

The video will be embedded, even if you can't see it.
If you want to see it, you will need to setup VPN and it will send your internet traffic over a secure VPN tunnel, so you can see the Youtube video and verify the video works.


How can I play video from YouTube channel in Decentraland?

There is sample code to play video in Decentraland. This link
However, I want to play video from a playlist in YouTube channel. Is there any sample code you can reefer me?
Unfortunately you cannot directly access any Youtube videos due to a CORS policy set on their side. This is not an issue with Decentraland itself, but rather with Youtube and other content providers that have a similar CORS policy.
Youtube and Twitch (for example) have their own javascript players that not only display ads but also gather information about the viewer. Seeing as this is the basis of their income, they do not want people bypassing this and just viewing the video for "free".
You may notice that youtube videos work in CryptoVoxel for some reason. This is due to some trickery that the game is doing, where it is loading in the html/js and placing the video on-top of the game itself. (At least that is what I've heard)
In the meantime I strongly suggest you look into hosting your videos on another platform like Vimeo. You can directly access the video files if you pay for their service. Alternatively, you can host your videos on an Antmedia server through a cloud hosting service like Digital Ocean. Both of these are great options.

youtube live chat show only on desktop - on mobile see nothing

I used the following iframe to embed youtube live chat:
If you try to see the embeded chat you see regurarly on desktop version:
If you try to see it on mobile I only see a blank space.
My question is: is it possible to show youtube live chat on mobile ?
Are there any limit? I have seen on internet that youtube don't allow live chat on mobile if you don't have an ADSense account. We have a Google ADS account on the web site.
Any suggestion is very appreciated!
Many thanks in advance
I tried to put the iframe directly into the page and not into widget but nothing changed.
I followed all suggestion find out on stack overflow without success.
It says YouTube Chat embed is not possible on Mobile, only on Desktop browsers:
Note: embedding live chat isn't available on mobile web.
During a live stream, you can embed live chat on your own site by
using an iframe.
Get the video ID for the live stream. You can get the video ID from the watch page URL ( In this case, the video ID is ‘12345’. If you chose "Stream now," right-click on the player and select Copy video URL to get the video URL.
Get the domain URL for the site you want to embed chat on. If you're embedding chat on, your embedding domain is ""
Combine the embedded URL in the following way:
This is the URL for your iframe. Note the embed_domain must match the URL of the page you’re embedding the chat on. If they are different, the embedded chat will not load.

How to put a direct download link at my website for My YouTube channel videos

At my website, I am using the thumbnails of the videos listed at my YouTube channel. So the users of my website can click on the thumbnails and video start download automatically from YouTube channel. I tried many softwares and copied their download link and put to my website but after sometime the link didn't worked at all, may be because YouTube change some parameters in the URL.
So is there any way to offer one click direct download from YouTube, or any other like Vimeo, dailymotion,etc. I tried already the vimeo and I am able to get the direct download but the same problem as the url doesn't work after sometime on other ip, so my users are not able to download and they redirect to vimeo website.
I will appreciate if you could help me.
With YouTube it's absolutely not possible via the official API. There are certain third-party scripts in existence that may be able to download videos off YouTube anyways (cf. e.g. this SO question) but be advised that this is against the YouTube terms of service and thus illegal.
With Vimeo it's a little bit different, to my understanding. Video owners can opt to allow users to download their videos, but I think this is only through the player. Vimeo won't provide you with a download link, with this exception.
This is not what these services were designed for anyways. They are social media platforms, not video hosters.

Embedding private youtube video

I have a youtube account with some private videos and I want to embed those private videos in my website. Only users who are registered with my website and are logged in to my website should be able to see/play those videos. Also, It is required that they should not be able to open the video using the link in another tab without logging into my website, thus keeping the videos as unlisted is not an option. Any ideas? Thanks in Advance!
It's not possible, when a video is private on YouTube, only you can see the video.
Plus once the video is private you cannot emebed the video.
The video requested was not found. This error occurs when a video has been removed (for any reason) or has been marked as private.
The only solution you have is to not use YouTue service but upload directly the video on your server and use the default HTML5 player. This way you can manage that only connected user can view the videos.

RTMP link youtube

im having issues to provide a rtmp link of my live webcast.
I need to send my rtmp link to another person im using this format rtmp://
But this doesn't work, i tried on vlc without luck.
I don't know if that link is for input, i need the output, so anyone can re-stream my live webcast.
Does anyone know how to get the link of the rtmp youtube webcast?
I'm getting the links from youtube settings.
The RTMP URL provided by YouTube is used for ingestion and not playback. For playback the platform offers multiple formats, depending on your device/browser. The content is meant to be viewed via YouTube so the streams are not exposed.
