TestFlight do not show any iOS Build [duplicate] - ios

This question already has answers here:
App Store Connect TestFlight showing no builds
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I Have uploaded a new build on iTunes Connect using Xcode 10.2 and Application Loader 3.7.2 too.
The build is showing under activities:
But no build is showed under TestFlight IOS Builds:
I tried with many websites browsers (Safari, Google Chrome, ...) and clear website data too (after got the advice from Apple Support).
What should I do now? Any help would be appreciated

Please check your email inbox which you registered as apple account. There will be detail why apple removed your build. Mostly it happen due to, not added permissions in plist file like accessing microphone or photo library.


Xcode iPhone application vanishes after a while [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How long will an app continue to run on my iOS device if installed via Xcode?
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have created a simple application for my iPhone SE (iOS 15.1). I use it almost everyday, building and running it from Xcode (version 13.2 beta) with my device as the target; the app thus gets installed and I can use it for about a day. After a while, I couldn't say how long exactly, if I try to launch it on my iPhone an error message appears stating that the application is not available. How can I change that behavior and let Xcode know that I want to install it for keeps?
I guess the answer must lie somewhere in the "build settings" page of my applications, but I lose my bearings in this maze of options. I'd be most grateful if someone could help me figure that out.
With thanks,
You can't. Unless you put it on the AppStore. This is because of the Provisioning of the App.
You have four Options:
Free provisioning (no paid developer account) is good for one week.
TestFlight distribution (via Xcode and a purchased developer account) is good for 90 days.
Local/ad-hoc installs (via Xcode and a purchased developer account), to a device registered in the Member Center, are good for max one year, but not longer than time left on the dev's annual paid account. See https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev7ccaf4d3c
Apps on the store are re-signed by Apple and never expire.

Enabling Push Status Messages on iOS 9 (APS/PC Logging)?

I suddenly started having problems receiving push notifications to my application targeting iOS 9.0+ yesterday - now they're working fine again without a single code line change in the app or on the notifications provider server (anyone happened to witness the same? / to know if Apple might have had some kind of APN services outage yesterday?)
Anyway, I tried debugging the problem using the steps described here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2265/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40010376-CH1-TNTAG24 in the Enabling Push Status Messages on iOS section but I was unable to install the "APS/PC Logging" tool to my iPhone 6s / iOS 9.3.1 - I sent the provided file PersistentConnectionLogging.mobileconfig to the iPhone via an email attachment as suggested but when I tried to open it, I received an "Invalid Profile" error message.
Hence my questions: Is it possible to install the "APS/PC Logging" tool to iPhone 6s / iOS 9 and debug push notification logs that way?
(according to the Document Revision History, the last modification in the Apple document linked above was made on 2014-10-01, i.e. before iOS 9 was launched so the instructions and/or the file might be outdated).
Thank you very much in advance for any answer!
Got back to this issue after a longer while and I'm glad to find out that even though nobody answered the question here, there's been an update made to the "Troubleshooting Push Notifications" technical note available at https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2265/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40010376-CH1-TNTAG24
According to the Document Revision History, there have been several modifications described as "Updated for iOS 8 and later. Refreshed logging profile." dated a couple of days after I asked my question here. I downloaded the new version of the tn2265_PersistentConnectionLogging.zip file and can confirm that it is now possible to install the tool into an iPhone running iOS 9.3.4 and capture some logs.
(Not sure if my question could have triggered the update or if it was merely a lucky coincidence - anyway, I'm glad that it's working again.)

Check if a particular app is installed or launched on iOS 9

Does anybody know how to check if a particular app is installed or launched on iOS 9.
Previously I used a PhoneGap plugin that returned a list of running apps so I could check it (using sysctrl). But it doesnt work on iOS 9 because they have closed many backdoors. It could be a list or just a check for a particular app (process or budle name or whatever else). As I understand ulrscheme is not working for this purpose, because this should work for any app, with or without urls setup.
App is designed for Enterprise Distribution model so we can use some hacks if needed because it`s not for App Store distribution and verification.
This is not possible in iOS9. Check this article.

TestFlight external testers' upgrade workflow after app is released to App Store [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
When releasing to the App Store after using iTunes Connect Testflight beta testing, what's a good way to ensure that external testers get cleanly upgraded to the official App Store version? Specifically:
Will external testers get a notification on the device that a new app version is
available? Will this be a regular iOS notification, a notification
from the Testflight app, or both?
On the home screen, will the beta app's icon show any indication that
it's been superseded by a non-beta app?
If the user has automatic app updates enabled, will the app store app
download and install automatically, replacing the beta app? Or will
the user have to upgrade manually even if auto-upgrades are enabled?
If the user opens the Apple Testflight app, will they see any
indication that the build they were testing has been superseded by a
released build?
If the answers to some of the above questions are "maybe" then what configuration or settings should we use to ensure that app updates work as expected? (where "expected" means that when we release the app to the app store, then all testers should be updated with that new version of the app).
Googling on this topic hasn't been very helpful, perhaps because Apple's TestFlight support is only a few months old so Google is dominated by non-technical news links instead of technical blogs and other places that may offer more details. I've been unable to find any programmer blogs which talk about the "upgrade from external tester to app store version" workflow.
Apple's documentation is clear about what happens from the perspective of the iTunes Connect web application (see excerpts below, coalesced for clarity) but not very clear about the external testers' user experience, which is what I'm trying to figure out. Here's excerpts from Apple's Docs illustrating this:
Finish Testing an App. To stop testing a prerelease version of an app that is actively being
tested in TestFlight beta testing, set the Testing switch into the Off
(white) position.
Submit to the App Store When you are done using TestFlight beta testing, you can submit the
app for final review. Before you submit it, make sure you no longer
want to test it or any builds you uploaded earlier than it. When the
app becomes Ready for Sale in the App Store, testing automatically
stops on earlier builds, and you will be unable to view or test them.
See When builds become unavailable for more details. If you want to
resume testing of an earlier build, you can upload it as a new build
associated with a new prerelease version.
When builds become unavailable
Before your app becomes Ready for Sale, the Prerelease pane lists all builds for all prerelease versions
you have uploaded. After the app becomes Ready for Sale, some of the
builds will be removed from the pane:
The build used in the app is removed from Prerelease, as are all other
builds in the same prerelease version. All builds in earlier
prerelease versions are also removed from Prerelease. On the
Prerelease page, the sections for those prerelease versions will be

How to detect an iOS version? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can we programmatically detect which iOS version is device running on?
We have a site which has a registration form. In this form we have a file upload button. As you already know when someone access our site via iOS devices they can't upload a file because iOS doesn't support file upload via safari. Now we found out iOS6 enables users to upload a photo via safari. Now the question is we don't know how many people will update to iOS6. So how can we detect which version of iOS a visitor is running and then show them a warning or a popup message ?
We want to detect if the site is accessed by iOS5.1 or less and show a popup message saying "Your software version does not support file upload. Please update to iOS 6 or download our app to upload your image"
Any help ? thank you.
There is a tutorial there, it was the most recent i could find (may 2012) as i know many methods dont work on newer IOS, worth a shot though! :)
