How to detect an iOS version? [duplicate] - ios

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can we programmatically detect which iOS version is device running on?
We have a site which has a registration form. In this form we have a file upload button. As you already know when someone access our site via iOS devices they can't upload a file because iOS doesn't support file upload via safari. Now we found out iOS6 enables users to upload a photo via safari. Now the question is we don't know how many people will update to iOS6. So how can we detect which version of iOS a visitor is running and then show them a warning or a popup message ?
We want to detect if the site is accessed by iOS5.1 or less and show a popup message saying "Your software version does not support file upload. Please update to iOS 6 or download our app to upload your image"
Any help ? thank you.
There is a tutorial there, it was the most recent i could find (may 2012) as i know many methods dont work on newer IOS, worth a shot though! :)


TestFlight do not show any iOS Build [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
App Store Connect TestFlight showing no builds
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I Have uploaded a new build on iTunes Connect using Xcode 10.2 and Application Loader 3.7.2 too.
The build is showing under activities:
But no build is showed under TestFlight IOS Builds:
I tried with many websites browsers (Safari, Google Chrome, ...) and clear website data too (after got the advice from Apple Support).
What should I do now? Any help would be appreciated
Please check your email inbox which you registered as apple account. There will be detail why apple removed your build. Mostly it happen due to, not added permissions in plist file like accessing microphone or photo library.

is it possible to get info about another apps on iphone [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I check programmatically that list of applications are installed or not in iPhone
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm doing an iOS app and I want to get some data about my users.
Is it possible to get information about another apps on user's phone? At list name of all apps on iphone, or last launching time?
Answered here: Check for installed apps on iOS 9 and 10 also has a good article on this: How to check whether your other apps are installed
The HWS video on this warns that "you may have to provide an explanation to the review team if you query too many apps or apps that aren't yours"

Can Apple reject my application if it open HTML5 games in WebView? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Will iOS apps that are just UIWebView's be rejected? [closed]
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Can Apple reject my application if it run HTML5 games in WebView?
I develop native app. One screen will contain list with data retrieved from server. Any item run HTML5 game in IOS WebView. I reed guidelines but i`m not sure in this case.
Maybe somebody can provide any published examples with the same behavior?
I am 100% sure your app will be rejected, as apple say here in point no. 2.12. And also check link1 and link2. There are lots of apps which will rejected because they are using webView to show HTML or simply load dynamic urls.
If you want your app will pass, you need to add some component natively means mix of native and webView app can be pass. I have develop an app with mix of native and webView and that was passed without any issue.

How to fetch all music apps name contains in device [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Finding list of installed apps on iphone
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have to fetch all music apps name contains in device (like google play,gaana,saavan) and has to show all name in my app. I search a lot but not able to find a solution.Please help me if anyone has an idea.
Is there any way to fetch downloaded music files or list from iTunes store?
iOS applications are installed in Sandboxed environment, meaning that they cannot do anything outside their own application. It may work on Jailbroken devices!
More details given in this link,

Delete iOS app settings [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Is it possible to reset the privacy settings in iOS?
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm working on an app that requires requesting mail access. Since the simulator doesn't have a Mail app I've been using my physical device to test the app.
My problem is that I want to test the request to access Mail in relation to the welcome/intro screen that I've made but even if I delete the Xcode build version of the app from my device the settings for allowing the Mail access still persist.
I want to force those settings to delete when I delete my app from the device so that it requests Mail access after every fresh install for the sake of testing. So far the only solution that I've seen for doing this is to complete a fresh install of iOS each time, but that's much to much trouble when I'd be wanting to do it several times.
Does anybody have a solution for this?
The simulator does actually have a Calendar and I do plenty of testing on it. If you want to add more calendars via the simulator, open the calendar app, tap edit at the top and you can enter new calendars.
Here's the solution I found thanks to #Martin R's comment.
Go to General > Reset > Reset Location & Privacy
This reset accomplished what I needed for the problem.
I've myself run into the same problem when allowing photo access.
It's not a proper answer, but the workaround I found was effective: just change the bundle id when you want to test this behaviour. iOS will assume it's a different app and ask you again for all the authorisations granted before.
I'm still interested by the proper answer though — if there ever is one.
