Archiving stops without any context, but It works well while building on devices - ios

I've tried to archive my project, but every time it stops at the same place. There is no error has been thrown in this case.
Anyone has faced this issue or any way to find what causes it to stop.

This problem has been resolved.
Normally the way code has been done should have been working fine, but it didn't.
We had just declared one array, which was removing it's all values before inserting new once.
var arrayDictDeviceNames = [DeviceEndPointName]()
Yes, arrayDictDeviceNames.append(DeviceEndPointName.init()) this statement was stopping that achieve. Weird.
Well, what we have done is to alloc our array - arrayDictDeviceNames again and it worked fine.


when removing element from form array with react-final-form, the displayed value of the <input> does not update, but final-form data object does

This is a bizarre situation. I have simplified an example of react-final-form-array that allows me to add elements to my form, and i can extend an array of objects. It is very similar to the simple example provided by react-final-form-arrays. The array works just fine, but the issue im having is that when i try to REMOVE a specific element, the actual value displayed in the inputs doesnt change. So for example, with images:
Here we can see i can add customers to a list, which makes an array of objects. This works great. Now, let's say i want to get rid of the first element. i click the X, and what happens?
Here we can see that the form data properly removed the first element i wanted to remove, however, the actual value DISPLAYED on the inputs is still John Doe, though the form knows it's Mary Jane. When i click on the inputs, they seem to update to the correct values. But this is not what should be happening.
The STRANGEST thing though, is that i made a codesandbox you can see here
It has the exact same code I have on my app, and it works as expected! So i cant even recreate the bug and i made sure the dependencies are the same versions im working with. I can only recreate it in my own setup, and i dont understand why that is.
I tried with chrome, safari and firefox and they all seem to be doing the same thing on my computer and i even tried on my phone by connecting to my react server that runs on my laptop, and they all show the same behavior.
I dont know what i could be, versions, react, if anyone has any idea or has had a similar issue in the past, PLEASE HELP. I won't paste my code here so as not to bloat this post, but you can see it's literally the exact same code in the sandbox i linked above.
EDIT: I want to point out another bug that occurs, and thats once i remove the first element, if i try to edit it, it pushes another field into the array with the input i just added, as if it were bound or something. I wish i could recreate it on codesandbox
Try deleting your node_modules folder and reinstalling them. Are you seeing any errors in your console log?

TClientDataSet / MIDAS.DLL stopped to work

I use TCLientDataSet often to store local data, using the SaveToFile and LoadFromFile methods.
Everything always worked fine, but somehow now it has stopped to work. When i call SaveToFile method, no exception is generated, BUT nothing is saved as well.
This problem started after i did some tests deleting the 'MIDAS.DLL' file from my app path, but even after i returned it to the path, the problem persists.
Any hints ?
I don't know what happened or why, but after i selected my clientdataset on design time and click again on 'Create dataset' the problem got solved.

Rubymotion TableView Not not rendering all sections

I'm attempting to add a tableview to an existing UIViewController in my app. The implementation can be found here:
It seems to be working okay for the most part, but it doesn't look like the delegate is calling the numberofSectionsinTableView method at all. Throwing some logging text in there returns nothing.
When I run the app in the simulator I get
There don't seem to be any errors in the console...I'm sure I am missing something very simple as I have done this a number of times in the past but can't get it working now.
Any help would be very much appreciated..thank you!
def numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView)
seemed to fix it

Termination caused websites executing no more

I had a perfectly well running mvc application and I was debugging message sending via SignalRand I decided to stop debugging and went to edit some code. However, there was an error saying something about IIS termination and whether I want to do that because something (I assume - the application) cannot be stopped. (I am really sorry, but I didn't read it at the time). So now I try to relaunch my program and it just won't open. The website is trying to be opened but the loading circle in chrome just kept on spinning forever.
What I tried to do was:
1. restarted VS - didn't help
2. restarted PC - didn't help
3. created a new project, brought all files to it and launched it and it worked!
So then it worked for ~10 minutes or so and then just stopped again (this time no error message or anything). I tried changing a port in the settings of the project. Didn't work. Tried changing back and it launched successfully. For a minute or so... :(
So finally, I tried putting a break point right at the
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
-> {
The breakpoint was hit, it successfully passed the next line
and just disappeared at
Many times I tried and it always disappears at the same location. Going deeper is not an option since this is system method. I suspect something can be problematic with that, but I am not experienced with much configuration of
P.S. many times VS was acting strange and even tho I set the breakpoint at the place I marked above, it showed the breakpoint with a message that it won't be hit because the source differs from the current code (But I didn't change a thing since before the very first crash! The only place I modified a few symbols at was at MyHub.cs which is an extended class for a Hub for SignalR)
Lastly, I tried deleting everything from bin folder so it got fully rebuilt, but without any success to revive my application.
What could be a possible problem, maybe someone had anything at least similar to this? Or maybe someone would be kind to help me at choosing better keywords while searching in google because "IIS termination" and "AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); not working" didn't bring me much :(
This is a known bug:
We have been unable to successfully reproduce this issue on our servers. We've seen that using a different web server will resolve the issue. If you're able to post a reproduction project to the linked Issue, chances are it will be resolved promptly.
Apparently, the solution I marked isn't the exact thing that helped me. This link was the thing that miraculously helped me and I was able to finally get back to work. However, I found the winning link because of N. Taylor Mullen, so he deserves the full credit :) But letting others know if anyone comes to this question :)

CGContext errors in iOS application

When I run my application it works well, but during transitions between its views I have a lot of CGContext errors in the console output, but the app still works well, no crashes or bugs I didn't see. Description: so I only run my app - all work well - but there appears error messages in the console:
And after any other view transition they appear again and again. So the question - how to fix this? And what may be the reason of this error messages? There a lot of views and code in my application so I don't even know what part is error-prone.But these messages appear after transitions between all views in my app. Thanks in advance.
Look for some method in your code where you call CGContextSaveGState, CGContextSetBlendMode, CGContextSetApha, etc. Chances are that you won´t find many places where you do that.
Well, if you find it, look for some statement (just before those listed in your console log) where a context is created, and try to understand why it fails. You may set a breakpoint on that line and inspect the parameters to the CGContextCreate call.
If you need more help, paste the code you have (hopefully) found.
