Rubymotion TableView Not not rendering all sections - uitableview

I'm attempting to add a tableview to an existing UIViewController in my app. The implementation can be found here:
It seems to be working okay for the most part, but it doesn't look like the delegate is calling the numberofSectionsinTableView method at all. Throwing some logging text in there returns nothing.
When I run the app in the simulator I get
There don't seem to be any errors in the console...I'm sure I am missing something very simple as I have done this a number of times in the past but can't get it working now.
Any help would be very much appreciated..thank you!

def numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView)
seemed to fix it


Archiving stops without any context, but It works well while building on devices

I've tried to archive my project, but every time it stops at the same place. There is no error has been thrown in this case.
Anyone has faced this issue or any way to find what causes it to stop.
This problem has been resolved.
Normally the way code has been done should have been working fine, but it didn't.
We had just declared one array, which was removing it's all values before inserting new once.
var arrayDictDeviceNames = [DeviceEndPointName]()
Yes, arrayDictDeviceNames.append(DeviceEndPointName.init()) this statement was stopping that achieve. Weird.
Well, what we have done is to alloc our array - arrayDictDeviceNames again and it worked fine.

Why is a controller not printing to console, when everything is most certainly running properly

I have a main ViewController. I then added an extension (custom keyboard), and made a KeyboardViewController. In the viewDidLoad() method, I have tons of functions that are 100% running, and working properly. If I try t print anything to console using print() it doesn't work however, and I am stumped as to why it wouldn't.
Assuming it might have something to do with extension?
use (lldb) and po to print or display anything you want to console.
In case anyone runs into this, the problem is that the logging is happening from the main app, one solution is to run the extension, and all the print logs work as expected. Otherwise, you can also change debug settings.

User/Search Paging not working suddenly

I was using Twitter's User/Search API with no problem:
But from yesterday, the paging property seemed not to work.
when I change page value, it returns the same page 1 results.
I even tested my query with but nothing changed.
I'm sure that I'm not doing anything wrong because it was working yesterday. So what happened?
Thanks for your help.
Well it seems something's wrong with twitter REST API:
This issue is solved now. It was a twitter bug (PREL-11824).
More info:
Looks like this problem has come back.

I can't figure out what this iOS element is for xcode
I am thinking of adding one of these ui elements to my app but for some reason, I can't find the name of it online. All I see are alerts. Does anyone know what they are called? Thanks!
those are called UIActionSheets, here is the link to the Class Reference
Did you try UIActionSheet? that is what it looks like

CGContext errors in iOS application

When I run my application it works well, but during transitions between its views I have a lot of CGContext errors in the console output, but the app still works well, no crashes or bugs I didn't see. Description: so I only run my app - all work well - but there appears error messages in the console:
And after any other view transition they appear again and again. So the question - how to fix this? And what may be the reason of this error messages? There a lot of views and code in my application so I don't even know what part is error-prone.But these messages appear after transitions between all views in my app. Thanks in advance.
Look for some method in your code where you call CGContextSaveGState, CGContextSetBlendMode, CGContextSetApha, etc. Chances are that you won´t find many places where you do that.
Well, if you find it, look for some statement (just before those listed in your console log) where a context is created, and try to understand why it fails. You may set a breakpoint on that line and inspect the parameters to the CGContextCreate call.
If you need more help, paste the code you have (hopefully) found.
