Failed to create provisioning profile for uploading app to store - ios

Ok I have created a ios app that was working fine and running in the simulator.
I am now looking to upload it to the app store.
My boss has created a developer team and add me as a admin.
When I try to create an archive (I have the scheme set to generic ios device) now I get
Failed to create provisioning profile.
Showing Recent Messages
:-1: No profiles for '****.*****' were found: Xcode couldn't find any
iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching '*****.******'. (in
target '******')
There are no devices registered in your account on the developer
website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it.
on the Apple developer website I have gone to
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles and added Development certificates
What else do I need to do? Note I don't have a iphone or ipad to provision.
I was only testing in a simulator and was then going to upload to the store.
I am new to xcode. Sorry if this is simple.

Have you tried manually assigning provisioning profiles rather than letting XCode automatically sign your project?
You can do this by deselecting "Automatically manage signing" and
manually selecting provisioning profiles.
Also ensure that you Download the profiles you create on your Apple Developer account to XCode.


Do I need an iPhone for TestFlight? [duplicate]

I have enrolled to Apple Developer Program to release my first app. My app's bundle ID is the same at, at and in my XCode project. However, XCode still gives the error in "Signing & Capabilities" tab:
Failed to create provisioning profile.
There are no devices registered
in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device
to have Xcode register it.
And another error:
No profiles for ‘’ were found
Xcode couldn't find any iOS
App Development provisioning profiles matching ‘’.
First error message made me think that a physical connection to an iPhone is required to create a provisioning profile.
I have never connected a physical device to my Mac before. I made my tests by iOS simulator. I was planning to do my physical device testing via Testflight.
Do I have to physically (via a USB cable) connect an iPhone to my Mac in order to create a provisioning profile? If not, what might be wrong?
Is it required to have provisioning profile in XCode to be able to use Testflight or publish an app to App Store?
Do I have to physically (via a USB cable) connect an iPhone to my Mac in order to create a provisioning profile?
Yes, if you want to use automatic signing. An automatic provisioning profile unites a computer and a device and an app; it says that this computer is allowed to build this app onto this device. Until Xcode sees the device, it can’t create the profile.
The alternative is to switch to manual signing. It’s more work but now you can generate the profiles yourself.
You do NOT need a physical iOS device (iPhone or similar) to upload an app to App Store! Whether for real or TestFlight.
I realize this qn is old now, but I'm writing this for people like me, who stumble in here fighting the same problem... 😏
What you need to upload apps on App Store:
A MacOS machine (not too old)
A paid Apple Developer Account
An app signing certificate from the above account
A provisioning profile, with or without a physical device
When trying to create a new provisioning profile in your Apple Developer Account, the first option is:
iOS App Development
Create a provisioning profile to install development apps on test devices.
If you chose this option, you need a physical device! In fact, the way I understand it, you are supposed to register the UDIDs of ALL the phones and tablets that you want to test your app on...
If, like me, you don't have an iOS device, you can instead chose the last option in the list:
Developer ID
Create a Developer ID provisioning profile to use Apple services with your Developer ID signed applications.
This one only requires an Apple Developer ID!
At the end of your create-provisioning-profile process, you have to download your profile and open it in Finder to install it (in XCode or whatever you're using). In your project, you have to switch from "automatic signing" to "manual signing". In XCode, this is done here:
If, like me, you had already downloaded your app signing certificate and installed it in your KeyChain app, you may run into this error when trying to apply your provisioning profile:
"Provisioning profile 'your profile name' doesn't include signing certificate 'your certificate name'".
The way I solved this error was:
In KeyChain:
Exporting my Apple Developer certificate to a .p12 file.
Deleting my Apple Developer certificates.
Re-importing the exported certificate file to keychain.
In XCode:
Close and re-start XCode
In the "Signing & Capabilities" tab in the project, de-select the newly downloaded profile and then select it again.
Now, it works! 🙂 From there, you should be able to follow any tutorial for uploading an app to App Store.

Xcode Signing Failed to create provisioning profile

I subscribed to the App Developer program. I paid the fee. I've done Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. I added the app to App Store Connect.
xcode signing
I am getting the errors above. I don't have an iPhone phone. I'm developing on my macbook computer.
xcode device
How can I resolve this error?
As I can see in image that "Automatically Manage Signing" is enabled for this Xcode project. So Xcode is trying to create the provisioning profile for you but not able to create it.
B'coz you need to add account in Xcode from Xcode -> Preferences -> Account -> Click on + icon at bottom to add a new developer account.
You need to create provisioning profiles.
Once you have created provisioning profile, download it and install on your machine.
Please make sure the certificate used in cretation of the provisioning profile must be in your machine's keychain.
If those certificates not installed in your keychiain then you will see certificate issue in Xcode.
But I would recommend to create provisioning profile manually from apple developer portal as you can see and mainly you can know that which certificate and devices are used in the profile.
You can create following provisioning profiles for your app.
Development Profile
You will be able to run/debug app on real device.
The device must be added into the profile.
This can be used for only development purpose.
Adhoc Profile
You will be able to install app on real device but not able to debug it.
The device must be added in profile to install app on it.
It acts as a release build but not a actually release build.
Generally develop send the adhoc build to client for testing of app.
App Store Profile
You will not able to run app on device using this profile.
It will be used to upload app on App Store or create the release build for distribution on App Store.

Create an IPA file with ionic

I'm trying to compile my ionic app for iOS.
It compiles well with the simulator, so I'd like to test it on some friend's iDevices (I don't have any iphone or ipad), so I'd like to send them the IPA in order to test.
To do that I saw that I have to archive my project, I tried to do so and I got an error:
Code Sign error: No provisioning profiles found: No non–expired provisioning profiles were found.
I checked my profile, XCode suggests me to fix the issue. But when I try to do so, I got this error:
Creating a provisioning profile requires one or more devices to be registered with your team. Connect a device to your Mac to add it to your team.
So I thought that having an iDevice wasn't mandatory in order to compile for iOS. Am I wrong ?
You required provisioning profile to archive your project to make build. Now if you don't have create provisioning profile from your apple developer account, then you have option automatic, but to generate provisioning profile you required your device connected with your xcode,so that xcode takes udid of that device and can make automatic provisioning profile!
Now, if you don't have real device then from your developer account - Add some device first - I mean your friend's device(for that you required udid of it!) - create provisioning profile for development - download it - set it as provisioning profile from general or build settings from your xcode. Then you will able to make build!
If you have device then also you need to create provisioning profile that contains your friend's device, other wise application will not install on it!
You can refer Raywenderlich's tutorials to manage these kind of stuff that i have mentioned above!

"No matching provisioning profiles" when Submitting App to App Store in XCode 7.3

I have been trying to submit an update to my app in the app store and for the past 12 hours. I keep encountering this message in Xcode 7.3.
I have deleted all distribution provisioning profiles, recreated them, remade my app ids, removed them from xcode, re-downloaded them to xcode etc... I keep getting this message. The app is already in the app store. Any suggestions on what I can try? Building the app is easier then submitting the app. Thanks for any assistance
I have this error before and solved it by simple steps:-
1-xCode->Preferences->Accounts choose your Apple developer account-> View Details> right click on provision profiles and choose show in finder and delete all provision profiles.
2-Remove your Developer account.
3-Remove all Certification from Key Chain access.
4-Restart your Mac.
5-Check your certifications and provision profiles in your Apple Developer Account and be sure its working correct.
6-Open your xCode and add your Developer account and be sure that you download all provision profiles.
7-Restart your Mac and open xCode again and push your App to iTunes Connect.
I hope I help you.
I'm not sure if this is the right way for doing it, but I also had this problem when trying to submit an app with a watch kit component. What I did was create different provisioning profiles for each target.
1) The provisioning profile that you already have for your actual app.
2) Provisioning profile for the WatchKit target.
3) Provisioning profile for the WatchKit Extension.
I added all three of these to the Xcode project and went to the Build Settings tab for each target to set the provisioning profile for each target separately. Then I was able to submit my app without any warnings or errors.
Nothing worked for me except the following simple solution. What resolved the issue was manually setting Provisioning Profile for Debug and Release to the appropriate values, as opposed to choosing Automatic (i.e., set values to your development and distribution provisioning profiles) for each of my targets. I did this for the main app, today extension, watchkit extension and watchkit app. After that all works as expected. Thanks for everybody's contribution.

Adding provisioning profile to new device on existing project

I'm confused as to how to add a provisioning profile to a new device. So I'm using Xcode 4.3.2, and TestFlight. I was given a pre-existing project and a team license via the company I'm helping out. The provisioning profile on had certain devices already set up. So I added all these devices as testers to TestFlight, sent out an archived build, no problems, worked fine.
Now, one of the testers wants to try out testing on an iPad. So, I sent them an invite via TestFlight, and their device automatically registered on TestFlight. I see their UDID, and device, etc. However, their device is listed under "Teammates Devices Not On This Profile". So, I followed the prompts, exported the missing UDID to a file, and uploaded the file to the Provisioning Portal. I see the iPad now under "Devices" in the Provisioning Portal, however it is listed with 0 profiles associated. How to I associate the provisioning portal of this app with the iPad? Is there some simple step I'm missing? Keep in mind this iPad is in a foreign location, so I have no control over it. I need to tell them what they need to do (or automate it myself). Please help!
You need to add the device to the provisioning profile. Then, build the project again using the updated provisioning profile. And upload that build to test flight.
Or, I believe TestFlight has a new feature that allows you to simply update the build with the new profile without having to create a new build.
