"No matching provisioning profiles" when Submitting App to App Store in XCode 7.3 - ios

I have been trying to submit an update to my app in the app store and for the past 12 hours. I keep encountering this message in Xcode 7.3.
I have deleted all distribution provisioning profiles, recreated them, remade my app ids, removed them from xcode, re-downloaded them to xcode etc... I keep getting this message. The app is already in the app store. Any suggestions on what I can try? Building the app is easier then submitting the app. Thanks for any assistance

I have this error before and solved it by simple steps:-
1-xCode->Preferences->Accounts choose your Apple developer account-> View Details> right click on provision profiles and choose show in finder and delete all provision profiles.
2-Remove your Developer account.
3-Remove all Certification from Key Chain access.
4-Restart your Mac.
5-Check your certifications and provision profiles in your Apple Developer Account and be sure its working correct.
6-Open your xCode and add your Developer account and be sure that you download all provision profiles.
7-Restart your Mac and open xCode again and push your App to iTunes Connect.
I hope I help you.

I'm not sure if this is the right way for doing it, but I also had this problem when trying to submit an app with a watch kit component. What I did was create different provisioning profiles for each target.
1) The provisioning profile that you already have for your actual app.
2) Provisioning profile for the WatchKit target.
3) Provisioning profile for the WatchKit Extension.
I added all three of these to the Xcode project and went to the Build Settings tab for each target to set the provisioning profile for each target separately. Then I was able to submit my app without any warnings or errors.

Nothing worked for me except the following simple solution. What resolved the issue was manually setting Provisioning Profile for Debug and Release to the appropriate values, as opposed to choosing Automatic (i.e., set values to your development and distribution provisioning profiles) for each of my targets. I did this for the main app, today extension, watchkit extension and watchkit app. After that all works as expected. Thanks for everybody's contribution.


Failed to create provisioning profile for uploading app to store

Ok I have created a ios app that was working fine and running in the simulator.
I am now looking to upload it to the app store.
My boss has created a developer team and add me as a admin.
When I try to create an archive (I have the scheme set to generic ios device) now I get
Failed to create provisioning profile.
Showing Recent Messages
:-1: No profiles for '****.*****' were found: Xcode couldn't find any
iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching '*****.******'. (in
target '******')
There are no devices registered in your account on the developer
website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it.
on the Apple developer website I have gone to
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles and added Development certificates
What else do I need to do? Note I don't have a iphone or ipad to provision.
I was only testing in a simulator and was then going to upload to the store.
I am new to xcode. Sorry if this is simple.
Have you tried manually assigning provisioning profiles rather than letting XCode automatically sign your project?
You can do this by deselecting "Automatically manage signing" and
manually selecting provisioning profiles.
Also ensure that you Download the profiles you create on your Apple Developer account to XCode.

iOS how to add a provisioning profile

I am using Xcode Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b). I have an app developed that I would like to deploy to Apple's App Store.
In order to Archive and deploy, I understand I first need a provisioning profile. So, in the developer console, I set up an iOS Distribution Provisioning Profile.
I also have the following certificates:
On my MacBook, I added the following certificates to the key chain:
Then when I go to Xcode, I would expect to have a Provisioning Profile:
But as you can see, it Failed to create provisioning profile and No profiles for 'com.ionicframework.thewhozoo912107' were found.
I am obviously missing some step in order to create the Provisioning Profile in order to distribute the app to the Apple App Store.
If anyone can suggest what I need to do in order to create a working provisioning profile in order to distribute the app, I would appreciate the help.
More info:
I fixed this in Xcode by unchecking Automatically Manage Signing, and then selecting my provisioning profile.
I had that problem as well when I was developing my first app. It took a while, since I managed it. Try to plug your iOS device in your computer and then it should work.

Xcode 7: App installation failed: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found

I have already searched and almost implemented max solution but it's not installing any app even though if I am creating just sample single view app.
App installation failed
A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
============== update ====================
I fixed this issue today.
First, go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles.
Make sure Xcode isn't running.
Then, delete all provisioning files (like xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.mobileprovision).
Start Xcode.
You will see something like "Fix this issue" in your Target's General tab.
Click it.
Xcode will now load new provisioning profile.
That's it.
----------- OLD Answer -------------
I have same problem now.
I've checked my provisioning profile using https://github.com/chockenberry/Provisioning/releases.
In my case, my provisioning profile had the wrong UDIDs but right machine count.
I've registered machines, and Apple Developer Center listed right UDIDs for those machines.
However, whenever I downloaded new provisioning profile, it contained wrong UDIDs.
I think Apple's system is outputting wrong provisioning profile.
I called Apple support for this issue today, but Apple only emailed me with their knowledge base links(forums,documents,etc).
Possibly you are using App Store distribution provisioning profile. Use development or Ad-Hoc provisioning profile.
For Xcode 8 / Swift 3.0
In my case, for my app target and my extension in "General" I check "Automatically manage signing" and it work
I was having this issue because the date/time on my iPhone was not the same as that on my Mac running Xcode ( i changed the date on my iPhone while testing some app).
On my iPhone, i went to Settings > General > Date & Time > Set Automatically
This fixed it
Make sure you have added device UDID in your provisioning profile.
Go to provisioning portal.
Edit provisioning profile.
Make sure device is checked.
Done, download
Use new Profile
Another possible reason: Device date is set to later than the expiry of you provisioning profile.This is very weird but, it could happen.
In my case it was that the running option in the building scheme was set to Release so it was trying to sign it using the appstore provisional profile not the development or the adhoc one. I had to set it to Debug to fix this!
I could run on Simulator just fine, but trying to install the App on device was throwing this exact error.
I had a test target in addition to the main target. The test target had signing set to a different team and profile. Setting the unit test target to match the main target settings for signing solved my issue.
Didn't notice it had been automatically changed over to a different team, was caused by being added to a new Enterprise team.
In my case, I went to the Apple Developer website and added the phone to the Provisioning Profile.
Then I re-downloaded the Provisioning Profile and worked =)
In my case was The build system. I had to change the default build system in "File > Project / Workspace Settings" and change it to the Legacy Build system.
For me, it's because the project I was trying to build is someone else's. The bundle identifier does not match with my team's provisioning profile.
Change bundle identifier to something else help.
In my case, my certificate is overdue..
The following worked for me:
Install the app using Personal provision profile (re-install after going into your phone settings and trusting the profile)
Delete the app from ypur phone
Switch back to registered developer profile and try again
In my case iOS 14.4, rebooting the iPhone solved it.

Wrong/AutoGenerated Provisioning Profile when Submitting Build to App Store

I am attempting to upload my iOS app build. After clicking submit from the Organizer-Archives window in Xcode, it seems to select the wrong Provisioning profile to submit. It is also not editable.
I have the correct iPhone Distribution signing identities, and App Store provisioning profile in both the project and target (under Build Settings).
I'm skeptical about submitting the app with this auto-selected Provisioning Profile ("XC: Rajib.Tho") instead of "My Parse Push App Store Profile." Am I doing something wrong here? My app uses push notifications so I want to make sure the provisioning profile is set up correctly before submitting.
Screenshot here of what I see:
I solved this by deleting the provisioning profile that Xcode was auto generating from Apple's developer portal. It appears that it was pulling it from there, and once I deleted it from there and archived and submitted it, it pulled the correct provisioning profile that I intended to use!
I'm not sure how Xcode chose another provisioning profile, when you explicitly selected another.
If I were you I would find and delete the "XC: Rajib" provisioning profile and start over (restarting Xcode in the process).
I guess you could give Xcode the benefit of the doubt, by turning down the Binary and Entitlements triangle and carefully checking the entitlements then submitting if they're right... but I wouldn't feel good about it.

App stuck on installing ipa from iTunes

Since moving to ios7 I am unable to distribute my app to my iPad using the ipa and provisioning profile (the same ones that worked just before I upgraded to ios7 do not work either).
This is what I have tried:
Remove all profiles from iPad
Deleting existing app from iPad and iTunes
Add ipa and prov profile to iTunes
Reinstalled app from iTunes
The app installs on the iPad saying 'installing' until it appears to have loaded and the app name is shown below the icon. However in iTunes it still says 'installing' and never changes to 'remove'.
If I then unplug the iPad and tap the app to start it it reverts back to 'installing' and then nothing else happens.
You most likely built your archive with an App Store provisioning profile instead of an Ad-Hoc Provisioning profile
Here are the steps that seemed to fix the problem for me:
Deleting all profiles from device (iPad in my case)
Settings - General - Profile
delete any relating to your app
Deleting all profiles from iTunes on iMac
Finder - Library (GO with ALT pressed displays this) - Mobile Device - Provisioning Profiles
delete all provisioning profiles you see here. This is where Xcode sees any when choosing your profile.
In Xcode - in both Projects and Targets
Set all code signing to None
Archive your project - in Xcode Product - Archive
You will be told no profiles exist - choose Fix Issue. Your provisioning profiles will be downloaded into the Library - Mobile Device - Provisioning Profiles (the folder we previously cleared.) In future these will be your options when setting your Project and Target code signing.
In Organiser
Export your archived product and choose the team Profile (or any that have been downloaded) as code signing.
Drop the ipa into iTunes and install.
For Ad Hoc provisioning - check the device UDIDs.
We used an app called UDID+ to get the device UDIDs. Don't! The app gives you the wrong UDID with iOS7.
Apple's developer site accepted the faulty UDIDs and everything proceeded normally until the issue described above occurred. It took a looong time and lots of starting from scratch to figure that one out.
I had the same problem. I had archived with the wrong code signing identity selected in XCode. Changing that and creating a new archive solved it straightaway.
I just did 'clean' and 'build' in the xcode product menu (then archive, export ipa, etc) and it works now.
I had a similar issue and turned out the reason was because I was trying to distribute an .ipa file without first adding the recipient device UDIDs to my developer account settings. It used to be possible in some earlier iOS versions to distribute an .ipa without adding the UDIDs but apparently not anymore. More info here: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/TestingYouriOSApp/TestingYouriOSApp.html
And I also needed to change the code signing settings from Xcode from "iPhone developer" to "iPhone distribution".
