Deploying app for personal use on iOS device - ios

I want to build a very simple gallery like app (which uses the Telegram bot API to fetch images from certain telegram channel). I want to have this app for both Android and iOS device. I guess either progressive web app or flutter could be used to achieve this. I have developed native android apps before, and wish to learn PWA or flutter along with this project.
So my question is, can I deploy this app to my iOS device without enrolling in the Apple developer program? Since this is only for personal use and I do not wish to publish this app on any app store. Also, do I need to have a Mac with Xcode to do this?!
Thanks in advance!

For developing a Progressive Web App for iOS, you won't need Xcode and a Macbook since it is basically still a website with enhancements. However, bear in mind that PWA support on iOS is very limited. Android has much better PWA support.
This article gives an overview of what is currently possible


Create an app for apple watch with flutter?

I started developing a Bluetooth Low energy application on flutter with android studio ( Windows). As i heard flutter allows to create app for android as well as iOS, I'd like to install my app on an apple watch. But my research got me thinking that this feature was not available yet:
So, as I need to develop this app for professionnal need and already coded my app on Flutter, I'd want to be sure that it's not possible or if some solutions exist.

Material UI Web App packaged with Cordova as IOS APP

We have created a Web App using material UI and React JS. It is working great and wanted to bundle it as a mobile app using Cordova.
The bundled Cordova Android app has been accepted on Google Play. However, the IOS version has been rejected by App store review team.
Reason given:
4.2 - Design
We continue to find your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is similar to the general experience of using Safari. It would be appropriate to include additional iOS interactive features within your app before resubmitting for review.
Has anyone managed to publish a react web app as an IOS app. What advice would you give us?

Uploading an app to iPhone

I'm making a small app for personal use that cannot (as far as I'm aware) be done as a web page. It utilises Cordova and the Ionic framework. The only reason I require Cordova is for bluetooth support.
Is there any way to put the app on just my phone without paying the $99? As far as I can see there isn't the possibility of that?
There is no way to do this. You have to join Apple Developer program to install your application into your actual device.
You can use the PhoneGap Developer App or Ionic View to run apps on your phone. However neither support the Cordova Bluetooth plugins yet.

how to make ios app as a plugin

I have a small app which displays different hot offers in malls, restaurents  and their  details around the user location. So I have to install this app in some other applications as a plugin. Is it possible in IOS.
Well No and Yes, You as the developer of this app can not still your app in other apps as and plugin.
You might offer other developers to download you app and a framework and us it in there apps.

How can I send my iOS app to my client for them to use it?

I've been developing an app using Titanium Appcelerator, until now I've been previewing it using the iOS Simulator and my iPhone.
Now, I want to send my app to the client so they can use it on their iPhone. How can I do this?
Bear in mind this is my first iOS app and so I am not fully au-fait with the terminology or process in making an app go live.
There is no Apple provided mechanism for achieving this, however apps like TestFlight provide a good mechanism for this. You have to register your clients device in order to allow them to install your app. Yes, this should work for Titanium.
You can find out how TestFlight works here:
How does TestFlight do it?
