How to break out of a loop in x seconds - lua

I am trying to modify a FiveM script and I am trying to break out of a loop in Lua after 4 seconds but I don't know how.
I don't know what I am doing and need some help.
function drawscaleform(scaleform)
scaleform = RequestScaleformMovie(scaleform)
while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(scaleform) do
PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SHOW_POPUP_WARNING")
PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterString("~b~Peacetime Active")
PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterString("This Means No Priority Calls")
DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(scaleform, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
while true do
I would like to break out of the while true after 4 seconds

Most likely some combination of Lua’s break command, setting a condition on your while loop that more clearly communicates the loop’s intention (other than just while true...) and better using FiveM’s Citizen.Wait() function. The documentation for that function here says the argument is the number of milliseconds to pause the current execution thread.
Take some time to understand these elements, the code you are trying to modify, and experiment. SO won’t just code for you.

There is a FiveM function Citizen.SetTimeout to call a function after a period has elapsed. Here is one (untested) way you could use it:
function drawscaleform(scaleform)
local wait = true
Citizen.SetTimeout(4000, function() wait = false end)
while wait do


How to turn off a function after a desired amount of time?

I know my question would sound silly but I'm new to Lua so I'm trying to make the best practice as I can.
function wait(n)
local start = os.time()
repeat until os.time() > start + n
function hi(x)
while x do
For example, I want to turn off the function "hi" after running for 6 seconds and re-enable it after stopping for 2 seconds, how can I do it? Thank you so much!
Try this changes...
function wait(n)
local start = os.clock()
repeat until os.clock() > start + n
function hi(x)
for i = 1, x do
hi(4) -- With the hardcoded wait(.5) this will end after 2s
One warning.
Lua is fast so wait() will run in high performance mode.
Let it run by hi(120) for a minute will also run your fans in high cooling mode. is better to have a more CPU friendly wait/sleep.
Easy Peasy with LuaJIT:

How to do a delay on a while loop loop in lua?

I'm Making something in Lua (I'm new to Lua so I'm not the best) and I was wondering how to Put a 1-second delay on while loop.
I've already tried to put a sleep(1) or a wait(1) but those just still caused the same error (lag)
local x = 0
while true do
--execute example code
-- put a wait so it waits before doing it again
In Roblox, you can make a loop execute in the background by using 'spawn' to make the code execute in a different thread.
local x = 0
-- make it loop in a background thread forever
while true do
print( "I can execute immediately" )
Try this:
while true do

I want lua function to run once

I'm quite new to lua scripting.. now i'm trying to code in game boss
local function SlitherEvents(event, creature, attacker, damage)
if(creature:GetHealthPct() <= 60) then
creature:SendUnitYell("Will punish you all",0)
creature:RegisterEvent(AirBurst, 1000, 0) -- 1 seconds
this should make the boss talk when his health = 60% or less but it should run one time, when I run the code the boss keep saying and attacking all the time. How can I make it run once?
Use a boolean created outside the scope of the function callback:
local has_talked = false
local function SlitherEvents(event, creature, attacker, damage)
if creature:GetHealthPct() <= 60 and not has_talked then
has_talked = true
creature:SendUnitYell("Will punish you all",0)
creature:RegisterEvent(AirBurst, 1000, 1) -- 1 seconds
If you are actually using the Eluna Engine's RegisterEvent call, then set the number of repeats to 1 and not 0. This will resolve the issue you had.

Lua Coroutine Error

I'm currently working on a simple 'guess the number' game using Lua. I'm programming through an app on my iPad called TouchLua+. One of the game modes is you have a certain amount of time to guess the number. I thought that to do this, I would create a coroutine that counts down from the given time. For some reason, I can't input a number while the coroutine is running. Can anyone help? Here is what I have so far.
target = math.random(1, 100)
for i = 1, roundTime do
lose = true
local n = tonumber(
if (n > target) then
print("Try a lower number.\n")
elseif (n < target) then
print("Try a higher number.\n")
win = true
until (lose or win)
return true
Coroutines are not a form of multiprocessing, they are a form of cooperative multithreading. As such, while the coroutine is running, nothing else is running. A coroutine is meant to yield control back to the caller often, and the caller is meant to resume the coroutine so the coroutine can continue where it yielded. You can see how this will appear to be parallel processing.
So in your case you would want to yield from inside the loop, after a small sleep time:
co = coroutine.create(function()
for i = 1, roundTime do
lose = true
Unfortunately, you can't interrupt, which means the above is of no use. Ideally you would want a "io.peek" function so you could do the following:
while coroutine.status(co) ~= "dead" do
if io.peek() then -- non-blocking, just checks if a key has been pressed
... get the answer and process ...
I am not aware of a non-blocking keyboard IO in Lua. You could create a C extension that exposes some of C non-blocking keyboard input to Lua, assuming that TouchLua+ supports C extensions. I doubt it, given that it is an iOS app.
It doesn't appear that there is a time loop or callbacks or such, and couldn't find docs. If you have option of creating a text box where user can enter answer and they have to click accept then you can measure how long it took. If there is a time loop you could check time there and show message if run out of time. All this is very easy to do in Corona, maybe not possible in TouchLua+.

How to end a looping coroutine in Lua?

I'm currently working on a game using Roblox (which uses Lua). It is a basically made up of several minigames. At the beginning of each round, all the players in game are put in a table and teleported to an area. That is where the coroutine comes into play. As the round is in progress, I want a coroutine to start. Every second that coroutine checks if the player's health is below zero, and removes them from the currentPlayer table if it is.
Sorry if I am not describing the problem correctly, but the coroutine will not yield. I haven't used coroutines before, so I am probably trying to yield it the wrong way. I know most of you will not be familiar with Roblox, but the Lua syntax is the same.
Can someone please give me an example of how I would end a looping coroutine?
currentPlayers = {}
roundTime = 60
local lookForWinners = coroutine.create(function()
while coroutine.running do
for i, v in pairs(currentPlayers) do
if v.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then
table.remove(currentPlayers, v)
while wait() do
repeat display("Two or more players need to be in the game.", 1) until #_G.plrs > 1 --Ignore, just checks if two+ players are in game.
display("Picking a map...", 3) pickMap()
teleport(0, 500, 0)
print("Round over")
Lua is a single-threaded language. Coroutines do not cause functions to execute in parallel.
Coroutines are effectively just a way to make a function that can pause its own execution (using coroutine.yield), that can be resumed from outside (using coroutine.resume). There is no "coroutine.running": there's only one line "running" at any given time.
If Roblox were meant for you to use wait() to jump out of the Lua thread, you would write this as a series of loops that check their condition and then call wait():
local currentPlayers={}
local roundTime = 60
while #_G.plrs > 1 do
display("Two or more players need to be in the game.", 1)
display("Picking a map...", 3) pickMap()
teleport(0, 500, 0)
for i=0, roundTime do
for i, v in pairs(currentPlayers) do
if v.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then
table.remove(currentPlayers, v)
print("Round over")
However, this is bad code. (Whenever you write code, let loops with a "wait" function in them serve to indicate that something is being done incorrectly.) You should be using Roblox's Events to handle your game's logic.
Check to see if the game should start only when the number of players changes.
"Look For Winners" only when a Humanoid's health changes (the HealthChanged event).
Run the timer on some kind of timer or interval (don't forget that you'll probably want to end your game early once somebody has won).
Events have many, many advantages over a busy loop; the most visible one will be that your checks occur when the thing they're checking for happens, and not later.
I suggest you follow Stuart's advice to use events; this is mostly to provide additional information on what coroutines are to help you use them correctly.
Think of coroutines as functions that may return values, but with a twist: while a "normal" function completes when it executes return, when you yield from a coroutine, it saves its state, so that resume can then continue from the point where you yielded as if nothing happened. Note that you only yield from a coroutine and only to the point where the resume of that coroutine was done (this is no different from calling a function and returning from it; the control returns to the point where you called the function).
In addition to that, resume and yield calls allow you to pass values to the coroutine and return (intermediate) values from the coroutine. See this SO answer for an example of how this can be used.
One can still return from a coroutine and it's no different from returning from a function, which completes its execution. If you check the status of the coroutine at that time (coroutine.status), it should be "dead".
So, to answer your question how you can end a looping coroutine: you can return from it, you can yield() from it (and never resume it again), or you can call error(), which you can then catch and check for in the result of the resume call. Having said that, I agree with Stuart that it may be the wrong way to solve your problem.
