Download .IPA media without physically create a .PLIST file - ios

I have been asked to create a "Download our app" button, with an IOS app in mind. I am using the CMS "Umbraco" and the users should only have to upload the ".IPA"-file. The backend should take care of the rest.
How do I do this nicely? I could of cause create a new .slist file everytime someone presses the download button, but that doesn't really make sense to me. Are there someway of creating a ".PLIST" on the fly? Maybe, without even saving it? Sent through headers maybe?
Looking for ideas :)


Auto generate strong password in Swift 5

I am really struggling to get the Generate Strong Password - Function done inside ma app...
This is my website: . I already set up Associated Domains and Autofill Credential Provider inside my app like this:
I think that's all I need to do on my App's site, right? I know I have to do something with Apple-App-Site-Association but this is the part where I struggle and can't find any good tutorial...
I followed this guide but I have no idea how to realize the 2nd step. I have no idea how exactly I have to create this Json-File and "add" it to my website. My provider is The tutorial isn't very "newbie"-friendly on this nor is the Apple-Documentation, so I hope someone can help me out here.
And is there something else I need to do? I already set all the textField.textContentType but right now when selecting the passwordTextField Xcode is telling me this:
Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords for app bundleID:
com.ckbusiness.Wishlists due to error: Cannot save passwords for this
app. Make sure you have set up Associated Domains for your app and
AutoFill Passwords is enabled in Settings
Does adding the Association-File fix this issue or is there something else to do ?
Via the documentation:
Adding support for universal links is easy. There are three steps you
need to take:
Create an apple-app-site-association file that contains JSON data about the URLs that your app can handle.
Upload the apple-app-site-association file to your HTTPS web server. You can place the file at the root of your server or in the
.well-known subdirectory. Prepare your app to handle universal links.
Prepare your app to handle universal links.
easy is Apples description. Not mine.
You need to get the correctly formatted apple-app-site-association file (that's the exact name) uploaded to your web directory at preferably a sub-folder called .well-known. That's the first place iOS will look, the root is the second place iOS will look. The file MUST be served via https.

How to get images from email or desktop into iOS app?

I know this is a very basic question, but something I'm never quite sure of, is how do you get images from say your email, or from your desktop (say a Mac) into your iOS app?
Let's say I develop an app and I want people to be able to put their company's logo into it, how would they do that? I presume they don't have their company logo in their phone, so how would they get it from another source into the app? If they linked to it on the web, wouldn't that just open a UIWebView to show it? i.e it wouldn't load the actual .png from the web direct to be used by the app or would it?
So, to avoid long comments, I'm putting my answer here, although this is a very general question.
The common thing with all the apps that want an image input, is that they require the user either take a photo with their phone camera, or grant access to the photo library, so that the user can select an image and upload it to the app. If you have used any of the photo-involved apps these days, you should be familiar with this. Example is Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, etc.
However if you really really want to let the user download it off the internet through your app, then you should embed a web browser in your app, allowing the user type in a URL and save the file in that URL to the documents/downloads folder in your app, and then allow them access those folders to browse and upload stuff. A good example of this kind of app, is "NuageApp" which is actually a client for the Cloud App. It's really handy to deal with file sharing the way NuageApp (funky name, huh?!) does, however it's far more complicated to implement that, than the access to the photo library.

Sending screenhots to server immediately on background

I have two questions:
Is it possible to create an app that upload screenshots to a server when the user takes one? It should also upload screenshots when another app is active.
If an app like this is possible, will apple allow this to their appstore?
I want to create an app like this to provide remote support to users so that we know what the user see on their device.
You can detect when a screenshot is done:
And then programatically take another one and upload to the server:
But I don't think that's a good approach. You shouldn't need to take an screenshot to upload one, you can use a UIButtonto trigger the programatic screenshot and then upload it to the server.

save text to default Notes app

I am working on app in which there is a textview with save button. On the click of save button I suppose to open the Notes app and save the text on notes. Same as we done to post the sms.
I also go through this given pdf file iPhoneURLScheme_Reference
But didn't find out the way to save the text/open the notes app from the app. If someone has ever done this type of functionality or having some idea please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
I don't expect there to be an URL scheme if it is not present in the PDF you linked to.
I wold expect it to be on this list however.
Looks like you can't do that.
If you consider the URL schemes in Apple's document you will notice that all of the schemes refer to an application the user is expected to interact with immediately (navigating with Maps, making a call,...). All these applications provide something you can't do your own. What would be the benefit of your app if it just allowed the user to write a note once?

Is there a function which lets you add functionality to an existing app on ios?

I am curious if it is possible to make an app that adds a functionality to an existing app on ipad, say safari. If yes, which function would add a button to safari?
My question is based on 2 app advertisements I saw, one added a button to safari, the other created an app itself. I didnt buy them yet, so I dont know if they really do what thet say.
As far as I'm aware, I think the closest you get to adding functionality to an existing app would be creating a new app that allowed interaction with certain document types.
For example, you might create an app that can open and read PDF documents. On installing this app, you would then find that interacting with a PDF document on any app (such as in an email attachment, or opening a PDF in Safari) would show a new option to open the PDF in your app. This kind of interaction is achieved via the UIDocumentInteractionController class.
Beyond that, I believe you would have to create your own app from scratch based on an existing one in order to extend functionality (so, create the 'MyBrowser' app to behave like Safari, except with additional controls and features).
I'd love to be proven wrong, however.
