Can't validate Flutter iOS application to AppStore - ios

I've prepared my app to AppStore, successfully built it in Xcode and then try to Validate and got an error:
"App Store Connect Operation Error
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'io.flutter.flutter' is correct."
I use another identifier in the app. It is the 2 build of version, first was successfully uploaded to TestFlight two weeks ago. What's wrong?

Your bundle identifier has been set wrongly (io.flutter.flutter). It needs to match the bundle identifier from the developer portal and the app created on App Store Connect. Change it to the one you use in the app.

It's necessary to replace the value for CFBundleExecutable from $(FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME) to $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) in the file ios/Runner/Info.plist


Incorrect bundle identifier for Expo App when uploading .ipa to the App Store with

After building an Expo application archive via expo build:ios, uploading the .ipa file via fails with this error:
Could not create a temporary .itmsp package for the app "filename.ipa"
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier "___" is correct.
The bundle identifier shown in the error message has been quadruple checked and is correct and matches the bundle identifier created by Expo in the Apple developer portal.
As the documentation suggests I have logged into iTunes connect and accepted the terms, I'm logged in Transporter (I've restarted both this app and the computer a couple of times) but I always get this error.
Any ideas?
On this link there is a screenshot.
Thank you!
This was resolved for me when I created an app at App Store Connect, which is separate from the steps to create certificates and provisioning profiles in the Apple Developer Portal.
Once I created a new App there and mapped it to the bundle identifier I created in the Apple Developer Portal, I was able to upload the binary.
I can confirm Pat's answer
When you do expo build:ios you will be given an ipa that you can download from the expo dashboard.
When you try to transport that to app store connect for the first time it will fail with the error the questioner has posted.
You need to go to app store connect, click add an app and from the dropdown select your bundle identifier it should be prepopulated.
Next go back to transporter and drag your ipa and click deliver.

I cant upload my app to the Appstore and my bundleID is correct

The appstore's response when i try to upload my new build is this= "no suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'com.1234.ubicalapro' is correct.'
but then i've checked the appstore and its the same bundleId im trying to upload with the build.
what can i do?
BundleId when i try to upload it
BundleId in Xcode
BundleId from the AppStore
I had this error in XCode 10.0.
On closer inspection, Apple had truncated my bundle ID.
The only way I could stop XCode from truncating my bundle ID was to ...
Archive the app with a new bundle ID and a new app name. I did nothing with this intermediate archive.
Set the app name and bundle ID back to what I originally needed
Archive again.
After this, no more error.
First, make sure the website identifier is online, like below:
Second, check for any problem in the two frameworks:

How to get iTunes Connect to recognise a new Bundle ID

I’m having trouble getting iTunes Connect to recognise a new Bundle ID. On the iTunes Connect Developer Help page, in step 4 it says
Bundle ID shows two options: Choose and Xcode: iOS Wildcard AppID -
This is the step I'm missing. I found no way to enter the app Bundle ID as shown here.
Underneath the text window I clicked the link in Register a new Bundle ID on the Developer Portal which creates the new certificate. I then Build for a Generic iOS Device and when I tried to validate the certificate got this message
iTunes Store operation failed. This bundle is invalid. The value for
key CFBundleShortVersionString [1.0] in the Info.plist file must
contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version
Obviously it is invalid as I never got past step 4 to complete the form for the first app record. I tried logging out of iTunes Connect and logging in again and yes, the certificate was there (highlighted). The form just doesn't recognise it (and yes, I tried the other one).
Has anyone else seen this ?
iTunes Store operation failed. This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [1.0] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [1.0].
I had same problem when i submitted my app second build with version number "1.0". In next build, I forgot to change version number from "1.0" to "1.1" and got this error.
I changed my new version to be "1.1" and the submission worked.

iTunes Store operation failed

I have a problem with one of my iOS application.
I try to validate archive in Organizer but i have this message :
Archive validation failed with errors : Archive validation failed due
to the issues listed below. iTunes Store operation failed. No suitable
application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier
'org.alamofire.Alamofire' is correct.
i use Alamofire in this application and the bundle identifier is not recognized, it is the first time i have this problem, in the previous version uploaded no problem with alamofire !
EDIT : of course bundle identifier of my app is like 'com.organization.myApp' and is created on developer center, i already uploaded archive on iTunes connect with alamofire and no problem. But Alamofire has also a bundle identifier (com.alamofire.Alamofire) and this time it implies this issue.
Thank you for your help
It clearly mentions that the bundle identifier of your app is not matching with the bundle identifier on iTunes record for your app. Are you sure you are archiving the correct Target from your workspace?
I had similar issue. The wondering part is that bundle id (com.xyzcompany.abcappname) exists in Bundle Id section of my apple developer account.
The solution was to clean Xcode, delete the derived data content and then start Archive.
In your case the bundle id seems to be reserved type (use of alamofire). Try changing your Bundle Id. For eg. com.YourCompanyName.AppName

Submitting an App to the App Store that uses iCloud, invalid entitlements

I have an app I tried to submit to the app store. Like many others I'm getting the following e-mail from the app store approval process. The answer to the other questions seems to be, uncheck iCloud from the App ID, but my app uses iCloud and I wouldn't want to lose that functionality. Has this been solved yet?
I did double check that my App ID's Bundle Identifier matches the value of the items that are entered in the Entitlements area of the Target Project. Thanks for your help!
Dear Developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent binary
submission for "XXXXXX". Before your app can be reviewed, the
following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Code Signing Entitlements - The signature for your app bundle
contains entitlement values that are not supported. For the entitlement, the
first value in the array must consist of the prefix provided by Apple
in the provisioning profile followed by a bundle identifier suffix.
The bundle identifier must match the bundle identifier for one of your
apps or another app that you are permitted to use as the iCloud
container identifier.
Specifically, value "" for key
"" in WeHeartApps is
not supported.
Once these issues have been corrected, go to the Version Details page
and click Ready to Upload Binary. Continue through the submission
process until the app status is Waiting for Upload and then use
Application Loader to upload the corrected binary.
The iTunes Store Team
Found the answer, it seems as though my Provisioning and Distribution Profiles were out of sync. When in doubt;
delete your provisioning and distribution profiles on the iOS provisioning portal
recreate them on the iOS provisioning portal
Delete the old ones locally.
Download the new ones from the portal.
Clean the project
Drag the new profiles onto the xcode app
Do a fresh "Build for Archiving." ( Make sure iOS device is selected for this to be enabled )
Finally archive
Go to the organizer and Validate the Archive
Submit to the app store!
For others who have apps sharing data between both Mac and iOS devices via iCloud, you will also run into this problem if you try to submit the platform which depends on the other's bundle identifier first. This is because the bundle identifier you're trying to share data with has not yet been registered as an app.
The solution is simply to submit the app whose bundle identifier you're using as the entitlement first.
For example, if you're sharing data between a Mac app with a bundle identifier of com.mycompany.osx, and an iOS app with a bundle identifier of com.mycompany.ios, you will likely choose one as the mutual data store. If you choose the iOS version, the your Mac app will have the value "com.mycompany.ios" set as your ubiquity storage and iCloud key-value storage. In this case you just need to submit the iOS app first so that the "com.mycompany.ios" bundle identifier registers as a valid app on Apple's side.
