How to get iTunes Connect to recognise a new Bundle ID - ios

I’m having trouble getting iTunes Connect to recognise a new Bundle ID. On the iTunes Connect Developer Help page, in step 4 it says
Bundle ID shows two options: Choose and Xcode: iOS Wildcard AppID -
This is the step I'm missing. I found no way to enter the app Bundle ID as shown here.
Underneath the text window I clicked the link in Register a new Bundle ID on the Developer Portal which creates the new certificate. I then Build for a Generic iOS Device and when I tried to validate the certificate got this message
iTunes Store operation failed. This bundle is invalid. The value for
key CFBundleShortVersionString [1.0] in the Info.plist file must
contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version
Obviously it is invalid as I never got past step 4 to complete the form for the first app record. I tried logging out of iTunes Connect and logging in again and yes, the certificate was there (highlighted). The form just doesn't recognise it (and yes, I tried the other one).
Has anyone else seen this ?

iTunes Store operation failed. This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [1.0] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [1.0].
I had same problem when i submitted my app second build with version number "1.0". In next build, I forgot to change version number from "1.0" to "1.1" and got this error.
I changed my new version to be "1.1" and the submission worked.


Can't validate Flutter iOS application to AppStore

I've prepared my app to AppStore, successfully built it in Xcode and then try to Validate and got an error:
"App Store Connect Operation Error
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'io.flutter.flutter' is correct."
I use another identifier in the app. It is the 2 build of version, first was successfully uploaded to TestFlight two weeks ago. What's wrong?
Your bundle identifier has been set wrongly (io.flutter.flutter). It needs to match the bundle identifier from the developer portal and the app created on App Store Connect. Change it to the one you use in the app.
It's necessary to replace the value for CFBundleExecutable from $(FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME) to $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) in the file ios/Runner/Info.plist

An App ID with Identifier 'xxx.yyy.zzz' is not available. Please enter a different string when submitting new build

Here I already added a new version of my app on the iTunesConnect, and the status of the new version is at 'Prepare for Submission'. However, I have a problem with verifying my new build and submitting it to iTunesConnect.
The Error I got is An App ID with Identifier 'xxx.yyy.zzz' is not available. Please enter a different string
Here I left out the Bundle Identifier because I do not want to expose my app ID anyway, but I certainly sure that the bundle Identifier, Version, and Build version is exactly the same as what I added to the iTunesConnect (1.20).
I also already archived the app, but got stuck at the verifying process, and got this An App ID with Identifier 'xxx.yyy.zzz' is not available. Please enter a different string error.
Is this the proper way to submit a new build to the iTunesConnect? I think the system should match the App Bundle ID with the one registered at the iTunesConnect's database, and simply verify and upload a new build for me. I do not really know what is wrong here. It seems that the XCode is trying submit the new app, but cannot go through because the Bundle ID is already registered (with the previous version).
You should check the certificate and the AppId
Let XCode automatically manage the certificates and profiles to use:
on the Project Navigator click on the app
go to Build Settings
find the Code Signing section
change the Provisioning Profile to Automatic from the drop-down
change the Code Signing Identity to iOS Distribution
if the project builds without errors, you can Archive, Validate and Upload to App Store
the build will be available on iTunesConnect
If something is missing XCode will ask to fix it for you.
This is not related to the app version on iTunesConnect.
When submitting a version for review you can chose the build to use.
I also encountered the same problem. Xcode7.2.1.
Effective solution is:
You can try:
Closing Xcode.
Opening the keychain,deleting the certificate with the corresponding key string.
Opening Xcode, Preferences -> View Details -> Reset Certificate
Choosing the right certificate.

iOS app Bundle ID errors and iTunesConnect

As described in this SO entry, I am getting errors in iOS app Application Uploader.
These are the values I have:
in KeyChain I have this certificate:
iPhone Distribution: ExampleCompany (DistCertificateID)
In my account I have defined app:
Name: LongReadableName
Prefix: DistCertificateID
ID: com.example.*
Name: Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID
Prefix: DistCertificateID
ID: *
These are the errors I am getting:
This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is not
formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID Seed,
followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier:
The Bundle ID DistCertificateID.appname defined in your Xcode Project
does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in iTunes
Connect appname.
Above has let me to conclude I possible submitted the app incorrectly (?) to iTunesConnect since that is the only conclusion that makes any sense to me.
(For reference, and if I understood everything correctly, I believe both the specific and wildcard app ID is appropriate for me since I do not need to use inapp-purchases or anything like that.)
When submiting an app in iTunesConnect I can choose between
Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID - *****
LongReadableName - com.example.*
I am completely lost on how I can ever choose a BundleID / BundleID Suffix that obeys both what is written in iTunesConnect (?) and the errors I am getting in Application Uploader right now. Could anyone point me to values I could use that would not collide with Application Uploader requirements?
Newest update #1
I decided to drop using wildcard app IDs since I can see that has caused other people problems. Hence I chose the other option in iTunesConnect resulting it in showing me BundleID as being com.example.appname. I then made sure 1) my provisioning for distribution used* 2) to set CFBunldeIdentifier (in Delphi) as same shown in iTunesConnect. I then built and deployed followed by submitting it to Application Loader. That resulted in error message:
The Bundle ID com.example.appname defined in your Xcode Project
does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in iTunes
Connect com.example.appname.
As you can see, the bundle ID is now the same, but still it complains. I do not understand why :(
Newest update #2
I actually made a small typo error last night when I tried above. Guess I was too tired. Above solution works! (I will make it an answer.)
Ditching the wildcard app ID worked for me. Hence I chose the other option in iTunesConnect resulting it in showing me BundleID as being com.example.appname. I then made sure 1) my provisioning for distribution used* 2) to set CFBunldeIdentifier (in Delphi) as same shown in iTunesConnect. I then built and deployed followed by submitting it to Application Loader.

Delphi XE4 and iOS Application Loader complaining "This bundle is invalid"

I can not pick a correct CFBundleIdentifier value it seems.
in KeyChain I have this certificate:
iPhone Distribution: ExampleCompany (DistCertificateID)
In my account I have defined app:
Name: LongReadableName
Prefix: DistCertificateID
ID: com.example.*
Name: Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID
Prefix: DistCertificateID
ID: *
In iTunesConnect I have name SkuID + BundleID appname
I have then tried to enter and deploy with following values with different error messages:
This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is not
formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID Seed,
followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier:
The Bundle ID DistCertificateID.appname defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.
The Bundle ID defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.*
The Bundle ID* defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.
The Bundle ID defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.
The Bundle ID com.example.appname defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.
I think I have tried everything I could think of...
I speculate if the issue could be resolved by a different iTunesConnect configuration/upload although I have now idea at present how to create one that would solve the problems listed here. But just in case, I have create a specific SO for BundleID/iTunesConnect: iOS app Bundle ID errors and iTunesConnect
Newest update #1
I decided to drop using wildcard app IDs since I can see that has caused other people problems. Hence I chose the other option in iTunesConnect resulting it in showing me BundleID as being com.example.appname. I then made sure 1) my provisioning for distribution used* 2) to set CFBunldeIdentifier (in Delphi) as same shown in iTunesConnect. I then built and deployed followed by submitting it to Application Loader. That resulted in error message:
The Bundle ID com.example.appname defined in your Xcode Project
does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in iTunes
Connect com.example.appname.
As you can see, the bundle ID is now the same, but still it complains. I do not understand why :(
Newest update #2
I actually made a small typo error last night when I tried above. Guess I was too tired. Above solution works! (I will make it an answer.)
Ditching the wildcard app ID worked for me. Hence I chose the other option in iTunesConnect resulting it in showing me BundleID as being com.example.appname. I then made sure 1) my provisioning for distribution used* 2) to set CFBunldeIdentifier (in Delphi) as same shown in iTunesConnect. I then built and deployed followed by submitting it to Application Loader.
I was struggling with the same problem, I found this link
I just hadn't set the CFBundleIdentifier in Debug although I was deploying for Release. I hope this will help you to solve your issue.

Invalid Binary on Itunes in ios sdk

I just try to upload a new version of my app with some bugs fixed.
I check all the icon files & version history are set in plist file.
App is passed the Validation & shows me as submitted & also shows me Upload received.
But after 2 minutes it shows me Invalid Binary.
I can't able to find the problem.
Help me to solve this.
Thank you,
First Please Check Your Email Account (Developer ID) Email Address. In My Case i Got email form Apple with diagnose information.
Here is the All Details In the Email.
Invalid Code Signing Entitlements - The signature for your app bundle contains entitlement values that are not supported. For the entitlement, the first value in the array must consist of the prefix provided by Apple in the provisioning profile followed by a bundle identifier suffix. The bundle identifier must match the bundle identifier for one of your apps or another app that you are permitted to use as the iCloud container identifier.
Specifically, value "KD8JU7654H.*" for key "" in ProductName is not supported.
Invalid Code Signing Entitlements - The signature for your app bundle contains entitlement values that are not supported.
Specifically, value "KD8JU7654H.*" for key "" in ProductName is not supported.
In another option Revoked all of your certificates. then add new app id and provisioning then try to upload application.
