Adding Custom Control Into TListView In Firemonkey - delphi

Can I add custom control into TListView other than the official provided in Firemonkey Delphi, if can, how to do it?


How can I disable VCL Style for PopupMenu/Menu for Delphi 10.1 Berlin?

How can I disable VCL Style for PopupMenu/Menu for Delphi 10.1 Berlin?
Because it's not running properly with long menus. So, I want to use windows style for menu/popup menu items.
Is this possible?
To disable the styling of the menus under the VCL Styles you must remove the shMenus element of the TStyleManager.SystemHooks property.
TStyleManager.SystemHooks := TStyleManager.SystemHooks - [shMenus];

TPanel in Embarcadero Rad Studio

I have a TMapView. Above the TPanel. Problem is that the map visible through the TPanel. How to make background non-transparent for TPanel
There are no way to show panel (or any other styled FMX control) on the TMapView, TWebBrowser, other controls with ControlType = Platform (like TEdit) on mobile platforms.
TMapView is a wrapper around native control. Native controls always shown on top of form because of differences in the mechanism of rendering. Like in VCL, TEdit always displayed above TLabel, because TEdit is descendant of TCustomControl, which painting controlled by OS, and TLabel is descendant of TGraphicControl, which painting controlled by form.
If you want to show some controls above TMapView/TWebBrowser, etc..., you should use only native controls.
a good explanation is given on

TGridPanel no transparency if themes disabled in Win7

I have a form filled with a TImage. I put over this a TGridPanel. If themes are enabled in Windows 7 the TGirdPanel appears with transparency. If themes are disabled (no visual styles) the TGridPanel loses transparency and hides the part it ocupies. I use Delphi XE2
Is there any workaround for this?
That's a basic fact of life for panels. It's not special to the TGridPanel, you will see the same effect for any control derived from TCustomPanel. The transparency is only supported when the application is themed.
The grid panel is just a convenient way to layout your controls. If you want to support running unthemed then the simplest solution is to remove the TGridPanel and layout your controls manually. That's pretty much trivial to do. Handle the OnResize event of the control that currently contains the panel, and position your controls as desired.

How I can apply a vcl style to a TPopupmenu?

I'm using the vcl styles in a Delphi XE2 application, but when i popup a TPopupmenu this is show using the native windows look and feel, exist any way to apply the vcl style colors to the TPopUpMenu?
Replace the TPopupmenu for a TPopupActionBar or use a interposer class to cast the TPopupMenu to TPopupActionBar.
Also you can read this Adding VCL Styles support to a TPopupMenu in 2 lines of code

Applying a VCL style to TWebBrowser

Is there any way to apply a VCL style to TWebBrowser? I would like to change the scrollbars to fit my selected style.
Thank you.
TWebBrowser is a thin wrapper around the Internet Explorer ActiveX client. All of the UI behavior is controlled by IE, not the VCL. So I don't think you can control the look with VCL styles. You will have to use HTML/CSS styles instead.
