Applying a VCL style to TWebBrowser - delphi

Is there any way to apply a VCL style to TWebBrowser? I would like to change the scrollbars to fit my selected style.
Thank you.

TWebBrowser is a thin wrapper around the Internet Explorer ActiveX client. All of the UI behavior is controlled by IE, not the VCL. So I don't think you can control the look with VCL styles. You will have to use HTML/CSS styles instead.


Issue with BringToFront in Firemonkey

I have two controls on my form.
TWebBrowser with Align set to Client
TMemo with Align set to None
I want to display TMemo on top of TWebBrowser for a particular scenario and for that am using Memo.BringToFront but it does nothing.
Am I missing something?
TWebBrowser Is a particular firemonkey Control. Firemonkey control are "paint" according to their z-order on a openGL surface (ie: the form). but TwebBrowser is a native control that is draw on another surface that is placed on the top of the form, hidding in this way everything back to it.
The only way you can do is to show you memo inside another window on the top of the TwebBrowser. for this you can use a native Memo. As far as i know their is only one native memo implemented on android (delphi already have some that work on ios/windows) it's

TPagecontrol equivalent for Firemonkey

while changing software development from VCL frame work to Firemonkey, I can not understand where is the TPagecontrol component gone from the good old VCL framework.
I already placed a TTabControl on my Form and added several Tabitemn, bit now I can not find the replacement for the TPagecontrol.
You can take Firemonkey's TTabControl as a replacement for VCL's TPageControl. Their tabs are containers just like everything else in Firemonkey (so unlike the VCL's TTabControl their tabs are real containers).

How to disable Delphi XE3 theme over TMS CurvyEdit component

Help pls. The theme option in Delphi XE3 is great. Unfortunately something goes wrong when I try to use component – TMS CurvyEdit. When I'm applying bright theme on Form everything is OK. When the theme is dark TMS CurvyEdit looks quite ugly. This component is similar to standard Delphi ButtonedEdit though it looks quite nice here. The problem is that the area between buttons looks awful. I unsuccessfully tried different methods to disable applying themes over the above mentioned component. I need TMS CurvyEdit component to be always white no matter which theme is active. Any suggestions pls.?

TGridPanel no transparency if themes disabled in Win7

I have a form filled with a TImage. I put over this a TGridPanel. If themes are enabled in Windows 7 the TGirdPanel appears with transparency. If themes are disabled (no visual styles) the TGridPanel loses transparency and hides the part it ocupies. I use Delphi XE2
Is there any workaround for this?
That's a basic fact of life for panels. It's not special to the TGridPanel, you will see the same effect for any control derived from TCustomPanel. The transparency is only supported when the application is themed.
The grid panel is just a convenient way to layout your controls. If you want to support running unthemed then the simplest solution is to remove the TGridPanel and layout your controls manually. That's pretty much trivial to do. Handle the OnResize event of the control that currently contains the panel, and position your controls as desired.

Delphi 2009 Ribbon Controls - Glass Frame

I've been starting to use the new inbuilt Ribbon controls in Delphi 2009 and use the custom frame so the Application button and Mini-toolbar slide up onto the Window Frame, but I'm wondering if on Vista it should use the glass effect like Office 2007 does, and if so how I would enable this setting.
Thanks for any help.
Unfortunately it doesn't appear that that CodeGear implementation of the Ribbon control is compatible with the glass frame. Something about the way it draws disables it.
You can try this
It interfaces the Native Ribbon Framework and works beautifully.
