Console of the chrome is Javascript Engine? - javascript-engine

Console in Google Chrome is a example of Javascript Engine? If not, please tell me what is the most popular example of Javascript Engine. This is not my homework, i'm kinda confused. Thanks a lot.


Is there a complete Frida Javascript API documentation?

I recently came across the Frida tool. And it feels amazing. But I can't find a good documentation on its Javascript API. For example, where can I read about how to use Java.use('...').methodName.overload('...') correctly? Besides existing examples. I couldn't find it on their website

Intergrating Rails with Cordova/Phonegap

I'm now making a hybrid app with Vue.js/Cordova/Phonegap + Rails 5 api.
I've searched a lot about this and just following the existing path.
But I'm wondering why I can't directly integrate rails with cordova and couldn't find any explanation about this.
I think Vue.js's component way could be similarly made by Rails' partial render. If this integration is possible it would be much easier for rails developer to make SPA without additional frontend framwork.
As far as I understand, cordova itself is a webview, then why is this impossible?
Can anyone explain why?

What does my elancer mean when he says this?

What does it mean if my web designer says this," I built custom site with RoR and rails NodeJs angularJs ember backbone fullstack meteor"?
I wanted him to edit an HTML5 template and after some back and forth that was his response. What do those things mean?
Those are different programming/scripting languages that he has built websites/apps in... I find it interesting that after telling you about all the JavaScript he has played with he didn't quite say he had the HTML5 experience you are needing. If you can't understand him now you probably wont have any better luck if you hire him to edit the template. You need to find someone you can communicate with efficiently.

Buying domain using API

I've been googling for more than 2 weeks to find any Rails code working with OpenSRS API, but I couldn't find any good solution at all.
Could anyone give me some example or references of using OpenSRS API with Rails 3?
After some quick browsing on the OpenSRS site, I found this gem. start here, definitely:
If you want to write it all yourself, the ruby toolkit is on this page:
But really, the opensrs gem looks like it's all you'll need.

Is there a Ruby on Rails site thumbnail generator available?

I'm hoping to avoid building this if it already exists. Does anyone know of a plugin for Ruby on Rails that will generate a screenshot of a web site? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me find one.
As far as I am aware you need a server with a desktop (eg. Gnome, X11, KDE) and a web browser with thumbnail capabilities installed (eg. webkit and CutyCapt). Of course this is not usual for a Linux server.
I have used the service suggested by Soufiane using code based on Peter Coopers snippet and it works very well.
Generating website thumbnails would require significant server resources and some sort of background process and job queue so using a web thumbnail generation service might be a better alternative to generating your own.
Yes there is a wonderful solution:
It has an great API and there are some Ruby Wrappers (i.e.
It allows you to process 100 thumbnails a month, if you need more the price for credits is very generous if you ask me.
This is not a plugin, but I found this snippet which is using an external site to do what you want (I think.). I didn't test it though.
This is getting a little dated now, but just for posterity's sake there is an answer over here
