Buying domain using API - ruby-on-rails

I've been googling for more than 2 weeks to find any Rails code working with OpenSRS API, but I couldn't find any good solution at all.
Could anyone give me some example or references of using OpenSRS API with Rails 3?

After some quick browsing on the OpenSRS site, I found this gem. start here, definitely:
If you want to write it all yourself, the ruby toolkit is on this page:
But really, the opensrs gem looks like it's all you'll need.


Using Photobucket api with Ruby on Rails

I am trying to use Photobucket(API) as a image uploading option in my website.
Is there any available gem to do this? or should i use things like REST to achieve this?
Please suggest.
The only thing I really found was this They are using the oauth rubygem to talk to photobucket, still a lot of manual process involved. It is also still using REST.
I would say the easiest way it going ahead and using REST following and to get you started.
I haven't done a REST client in ruby but this gem looks pretty good
I would recommend, assuming you have the time, making a photobucket ruby gem and wrapping the REST calls in useful class abstractions. It is great for the community, forces you to follow good practices(to a certain extent) and will provide great experience to put on a resume/talk about in an interview.

Twitter bot with Rails

I am trying to create a Twitter bot with Ruby on Rails but I just dont find any useful information on this manner...
Is it posible?
I tried with the GEM twibot but it is deprecated it is not longer useful.
Does Rails have a method for trigger events when (for example) a twit is posted?
Anyone have worked with something like this?
Any tutorial?
Any information at all that is in current use, I mean that does work today with the Twitter API (Many of the stuff I googled does not work now)?
Thank you very much.
Twitter itself is running on Rails, and it has a REST API. You could easily write your own solution with ActiveResource
You can get started with the ActiveResource videos on Railscasts
rails per se does not have any support for twitter. it's just an mvc-web-framework. but there are a lot of ruby gems for twitter. my favorite is this but you can find a lot more here

Embed Blog in Ruby on Rails

I have a Ruby on Rails application and want to include a blog inside the application.
I was wondering what's the best way to do that. I don't want to have a link to an external blog. I want the blog integrated in my application. Also i don't have the time to programm the blog functionality. I want to use existing solutions.
What's the best way to accomplish that? Any recommendations? What are the best solutions?
The best way to include one application within another is by using engines. This might help you Ruby on Rails 3.1 Blog Engines
Perhaps Typo would address your needs installed as a Rails Engine.
Since nobody has done it so far I need to mention here that the spirit of Rails is to make everything friendly enough so that you can code your own.
It's a bit more work but then your blog module fits right in with the rest of the app.

Ruby on Rails Blog

Does anybody know a basic plugin/gem that will allow me to quickly set up a blog in Rails.
I would like it to have a WYSIWYG editor that allows image upload and basic editing.
All the Google results I checked out were tutorials to creating a blog in Rails.
I'm not looking to roll out my own solution, I'm looking for something that was already made, like Wordpress, but for Rails.
Try using Mephisto
PS: Search for "rails blog engine" in Google and you will find many other hits.
Mephisto and typo used to be the mainstream, but there are many new kids on the block these days.

Any Rails projects that allow community blogging?

I've been looking on Github for a Rails project that allows anyone to sign in and add a blog entry.
Has anyone seen something like this?
TYPO is a blogging platform that uses Ruby on Rails: looks to have the capability for multiple authors.
The article here gives a good overview of several other RoR blogging platforms that are out there.
IMHO this is quite easy to make. Especially if you use the twitter-auth gem. Just sign-in with your twitter account, write a post and be done with it.
