Rails 5.2 AngularJS and html templates - ruby-on-rails

Can't seem to figure out how to make the asset pipeline play nice AngularJS template files for components which like this:
app.component("chart", {
templateUrl: "./templates/chart_element_tpl.html",
controller: ChartElementController,
bindings: {
accounts: '='
I've looked at the various posts on this problem here but none of the suggestions seem to work. I always get the 404 error. One of them talks about upgrading sprockets to version 2.x but I am on version 4 already.
I have taken care to make sure my template has a different name than the javascript file as suggested in another post, but none of these things quite seems to do the trick.
FYI, the structure of the assets relevant assets directory is:
It does seem weird to me that an html template is stored in the javascripts folder but that seems to be the way people do it. I also made sure to include the directory in the applications.js manifest with
//= require_tree ./templates
I tried things like assets:clean and assets:precompile and yarn install and restarting the server but none of that seems to solve the problem.
I also have installed the angular-rails-templates gem and required it in application.js, also no help.
It does make sense to me that this is failing because the actual files are versioned etc. in the public directory, but not sure what to do about that so AngularJs can find my templates.


Rails vendor asset templates

I was wondering if there was a good solution for getting vendor html templates into the rails asset pipeline. Right now I'm making it work by putting the two templates I need in /public
I used Bower to install angular-ui-bootstrap and I can require the javascript fine from application.js after adding the config.assets.path in application.rb.
How do you do the same for the html templates that the angular module needs? The JS is in /src, the template is in /template.
Not sure I understand the question. You can add them as template strings js in assets/javascripts but it could get a little messy.

How to tell Rails to not clean some assets in the public folder

The issue here is that I have Bootstrap on production looking for the fonts at:
When in development mode, it looks for these assets in:
So what I did was I added the fonts folder into public and it all worked. I did the same for production. You can guess that I'm now dealing with a rails assets:clean issue that must be running and removing the files, hence not allowing them to appear.
Is there a way to tell Rails to not clean the files in assets/spree/fonts?
I'm assuming you installed the bootstrap files manually?
If you instead use a gem such as the following, then you won't have to worry about these issues:
gem "bootstrap-sass"
Alternatively, you should be installing everything into your vendor directory. As you've found you'll then have issues with any linked assets within these files. The correct fix for this would be to edit the bootstrap source to use the correct asset_path helpers.
Obviously that's quite a bit of maintenance overhead when you get round to doing the next bootstrap update.
I'd take a look at the bootstrap-sass gem, even if you decide not to use it.

Where can i find the chosen.jquery.js file in my rails app?

I'm guessing this is a silly question, but i'm a bit of a newb...
I've added the chosen gem to my rails app by adding it to my Gemfile and requiring chosen-jquery in my application.js file.
My question is: where can i find the actual javascript file for chosen? Is it downloading it automatically?
Simply include the JS and CSS files like described in the documentation on the main page of the Github project and it will be included when precompiling your assets. The files are not within your project directory but rather within the gem and will be resolved by the pipeline when the gem is included.
If you need to get to the file directly (for modifications), you need to put the JS in there manually. You can then still include it in the main application.js for the pipeline and have better control of the version in use. To me, this is the preferred method.
However, may I suggest switching to Select2 which is originally based on Chosen but under much more active development and better documentation:
There's also a gem for it if you like:
It's in a gem itself. If you look at vendor/assets/javascripts in gem root, you'll see all javascripts that come with chosen gem. They are added by assets pipeline, with
//= require chosen-jquery
line in your application.js.
Look up your assets load path. Like this:
in terminal cd to your app root
then open rails console
then run Rails.application.config.assets.paths
Your chosen-jquery is in one of those folders.

How to edit twitter bootstrap files in rails?

I'm trying to find the twitter-bootstrap files in my rails app ('bootstrap-sass', '2.0.0'), as I need to make a change directly to the bootstrap-responsive.css file, however, I can't find it.
I have bootstrap up and running, but can't seem to find the bootstrap files. How do I locate the bootstrap-responsive.css file?
Thank you!
The bootstap-sass gem uses the Rails 3.2 asset pipeline to inject the necessary stylesheets into your app. The actual stylesheet files are located in the gem installation directory, not in your project itself.
Depending on what you want to change, you can either:
Copy the _bootstrap-responsive.scss file from the gem into your app/assets directory and edit it there.
Customize the necessary Bootstrap variables before loading up Bootstrap in your application.scss file:
$btnPrimaryBackground: #f00;
#import "bootstrap";
Edit: Try looking under
Here's an example
I'm not too familiar with the structure of rails apps but did you create a local copy or are you using the bootstrap files being hosted directly by github? You should be able to figure that out by checking one of your launched html pages and viewing the source, looking for something like
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/1.3.0/bootstrap.min.css">
If it's a local page, there should be a directory somewhere in your rails app where the files are stored - perhaps there's a 'static' folder or something similar? Try file-searching for it, good chance you might find it.
(I use Django/Python for web projects but I'll look into Rails a bit and see if I find anything)

Integrating CKEditor with Rails 3.1 Asset Pipline

I'm new to the Asset Pipeline, having just migrated over from Rails 3.0. I'm trying to get CKEditor into the pipeline, but all the gems for it are really unclear about how they work, and have little or no usage instructions.
I would prefer to do this without using a gem, since it seems that all I have to do is drop the source files into the vendor/assets directory and then include them in application.js. I've tried that, however, when I precompile and push to production, it seems that some of the files aren't being found (editor.css, for example), and the editor doesn't show up at all (just blank area).
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require ckeditor/ckeditor
//= require_self
That's with the source files in vendor/assets/javascript/ckeditor/, and is pointing to ckeditor.js. I'm just not sure where to go from here. This code works fine in development but does not work in production. I am running rake assets:precompile before adding and committing to git, and then pushing to heroku.
I got this working (deployed on Heroku), by:
Including the ckeditor code in vendor/assets/javascripts/ckeditor
Adding config.assets.precompile += ['ckeditor/*'] to my production.rb
Setup your ckeditor base path in the application.html.erb var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/assets/ckeditor/'; before the include of the application.js
In application.js, include //= require ckeditor/ckeditor
Bite the bullet and use a gem. Two options here:
CKEditor Engine
This runs as an engine and includes its own mountable CKEditor in assets. It also exposes Ckeditor.assets which you can add to your assets path. This references all the images, plugins, language files and miscellaneous little bits of junk that CKEditor requires.
It has a shot at handling image uploads and it also integrates nicely with ActiveAdmin.
CKEditor Rails
This does less, you include it in your asset pipeline and it does the rest for you. Nice and simple and sufficient for all basic use cases.
I have used both of these on live projects and both do the job. Use the former if you plan on using ActiveAdmin and you want a smooth ride. Use the latter if you prefer minimal.
CKEditor is pretty ugly. Keep it at arms length, then when you need to upgrade you can swap it out for another.
If you are on Rails 3.1.0, you should upgrade to 3.1.1. In this version the precompile rake task compiles assets into both original and digested filenames. This is so third-party code that is not pipeline aware will still work.
You will need to add the ckeditor directory and all its child directories to the precompile array so that the precompile task knows to compile them.
config.assets.precompile += your_files
your_files can be an array of files, regexs or Procs - whatever is need to capture the names of the ckeditor files. I don't have ckeditor handy to work out what needs to go in precompile, so others might appreciate it if you post what you come up with!
One thing to watch is that if you have far-future headers set for the /assets directory on your webserver, you'll need to exclude the CKeditor directory. Because those files won't be fingerprinted, there may be issues when you update CKeditor with some clients not getting the updated code because they have a cached copy that marked to only expire some time in the future.
Have similar issue. For me it was fixed by overriding default precompile task (I used Rails 4 and CkEditor 4).
Add to application.rb config.assets.precompile += ['ckeditor/*']
In application.js //= require ckeditor/init
Create file lib/tasks/precompile_hook and paste text from this answer Precompile hook
Had the same issue, I've adjusted fallback in production for the assets which had not digest until it will be fixed:
config.assets.compile = true
what about ckeditor_assets directory in /public ? uploaded photos and attachments go to those directories, as defined by default in app/models/ckeditor/[attachment.rb,photo.rb]
ckeditor_assets is outside of assets and images/files are not accessible (url like http://yourdomain.com/ckeditor_assets/pictures/1/file.jpg will not work, but the file is there)
I spent some time getting the ckeditor_rails gem to work; maybe I can save some time for others trying to do the same.
The gem worked just fine out-of-the-box in development, but when deployed to production using precompiled assets under Phusion Passenger it did not. It was clear to me that the problem was that it was looking for assets under:
where in fact it needed to be looking under:
It was also clear to me that I needed somehow to set:
var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/my_app_name/assets/ckeditor'
but no matter where or how I tried to do this, it wouldn't take.
Finally, I found on this key sentence on the gem wiki:
You can create app/assets/javascripts/ckeditor/basepath.js.erb to
have your own CKEDITOR_BASEPATH.
I created the file as specified (alongside my config.js file for configuring the editor), added my CKEDITOR_BASEPATH setting to the file, re-compiled my assets, and all was good.
In your config/development.rb make sure to set
config.assets.precompile += ['ckeditor/*']
as well as set
config.assets.debug = true
