Rails vendor asset templates - ruby-on-rails

I was wondering if there was a good solution for getting vendor html templates into the rails asset pipeline. Right now I'm making it work by putting the two templates I need in /public
I used Bower to install angular-ui-bootstrap and I can require the javascript fine from application.js after adding the config.assets.path in application.rb.
How do you do the same for the html templates that the angular module needs? The JS is in /src, the template is in /template.

Not sure I understand the question. You can add them as template strings js in assets/javascripts but it could get a little messy.


Rails 5.2 AngularJS and html templates

Can't seem to figure out how to make the asset pipeline play nice AngularJS template files for components which like this:
app.component("chart", {
templateUrl: "./templates/chart_element_tpl.html",
controller: ChartElementController,
bindings: {
accounts: '='
I've looked at the various posts on this problem here but none of the suggestions seem to work. I always get the 404 error. One of them talks about upgrading sprockets to version 2.x but I am on version 4 already.
I have taken care to make sure my template has a different name than the javascript file as suggested in another post, but none of these things quite seems to do the trick.
FYI, the structure of the assets relevant assets directory is:
It does seem weird to me that an html template is stored in the javascripts folder but that seems to be the way people do it. I also made sure to include the directory in the applications.js manifest with
//= require_tree ./templates
I tried things like assets:clean and assets:precompile and yarn install and restarting the server but none of that seems to solve the problem.
I also have installed the angular-rails-templates gem and required it in application.js, also no help.
It does make sense to me that this is failing because the actual files are versioned etc. in the public directory, but not sure what to do about that so AngularJs can find my templates.

RoR asset pipeline best practices for one-off JS plugins

I have a best practices question regarding one-off javascript plugins and their role in the Rails asset pipeline.
I'm new to Rails, and am working on a new project. The site template I'm using uses a large collection of js plugins for added functionality. (eq chartjs.org, ckeditor, and about 40 others) Since these are needed on a page-by-page basis, I'm not sure if I should really load them all in the application.js manifest.
Currently, I have the template's assets under the /vendor directory and only the core assets are being loaded from my application.js manifest.
Thoughts on how/where to include the plugins?
As i know that rails default added all js file include in application.js by //= require_tree . so, you can remove it and add only those file which you want to added. and if you want to run only specific function then you can use location.pathname with condition and it will work for only that specific page.

Angular ui bootstrap custom templates in Rails

How can I use the custom templates of angular ui bootstrap in rails?
I mean, if I use pagination for example it will look for a templates/pagination/pagination.html template.
The problem is that rails won't serve templates in that path, it actually needs to be assets/templates/pagination/pagination.html using the <%= asset_path(....) %> helper.
Hacking the angular ui bootstrap javascript file is a way, but I don't feel like hacking it every time I get a new version.
What I would suggest is to bundle custom templates with the library itself or inside a separate file. The technique to use is to fill in $templateCache with the content of your custom templates. Have a look at one of the files distributed with tamplates to see what I mean:
You can bundle templates into the $templateCache as part of the build process or prepare this file manually (in this case you need to write templates as JS strings).
Downloading individual templates via XHR for each and every directive would be wasteful as it would result in many XHR requests and would slow down your application. Also, if you preload templates into the $templateCache you can specify required path, one that doesn't need to be a valid path on your WWW server.
I use bower to manage my js libs.
Hence I have these files in my vendor/assets/javascripts/ folder:
With these files, you can simply require them in your javascript manifest file (usually application.js)
//= require angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap
//= require angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls
and then you don't need to specify any templates if you want to use the default built-in templates.
I find this solution in the following url

Is there a "Rails Way" to fold a Twitter Bootstrap theme into a Rails 3 application?

I purchased a nice-looking Twitter Bootstrap them online that is going to spice up my Rails 3.2.8 application. The package contains the following directories:
Of course these files will have relative links to each other in them. Is there a standard way of integrating this type of stuff into the asset pipeline, or is it still a standard practice to put it under public?
You'll want to use the asset pipeline. Everything is moving that direction and it's really not any harder (except when it is). Your files will go in the /app/assets/ directory.
For the css, you should be able to drop it right into app/assets/stylesheets/, just be sure that bootstrap is included first. There are several gems that make it easy to include bootstrap's files. I use bootstrap-sass, but you might also try twitter-bootstrap-rails (depends on if you want sass support or not). With either one, look at the readmes that I linked to as they include some useful details you'll want to know for each gem.
For the javascript, it should be about the same thing. In your application.js file, be sure that bootstrap is include before //= require_tree . in case the theme adds any custom javascript. Both of the gems I listed before also include the javascript files for bootstrap. You can read their documentation to see the details (it's almost exactly the same as normal for both gems).
As far as images are concerned, put them in the app/assets/images/ directory and you'll have to change the stylesheets a bit for it to work. When an image is declared in the stylesheet, like background: url('./images/bg.jpg');, you'll need to use the image_path helper instead, so it would look like background: url(image_path('bg.jpg'));. Notice I just included the name of the image. The asset pipeline will automatically parse this to the correct path for you.
If the theme includes any custom fonts, you'll do the same as images except using the asset_path helper like so in your #font-face declaration:
url(asset-path('museo700.ttf', font));
There are also type-specific helpers you can use, such as font-path, image-path, etc. Either asset-path with a type declared or the type-specific helper will work, just be consistent with which one you use so as not to produce confusion.
You can place custom fonts in a directory something like app/assets/fonts/. The asset pipeline will automatically find them, since they're in the assets directory.

Integrating Bootswatch Theme with Twitter-Bootstrap-Rails Gem

I've got a Ruby on Rails app running with Bootstrap, which I installed using the gem twitter-bootstrap-rails.
I'd now like to integrate a new Bootswatch theme, but I'm having trouble figuring out what to do.
There are four possible downloads for each theme - a bootstrap.css file, a bootstrap.min.css file, a variables.less file, and a bootswatch.less. My question is: do I need to download and add them ALL to my ~/app/assets/stylesheets folder? or do I just need a subset of those? Currently inside ~/app/assets/stylesheets are just two files: application.css and boostrap_and_overrides.css.less. LESS really throws me off here so I'm totally confused with how it works and what I need to do to add new css files with this setup. Any help is appreciated.
You only need to download the bootstrap.css file, and rename it. The bootstrap.min.css is the same as the css file just a minified version of it. Less is just another way of writing css and accessing each property differently. Check out less. Add css file and begin integrating into html, also point html to new stylesheet.
Here's a twitter bootstrap gem for easy Bootswatch theme integration/customization for rails:
