How to access the locally built docker-image on the docker-swarm manager? - docker

While trying to build a service on docker-machine i got an error of "image doesn't exist" on that docker-machine manager node. As I checked the docker images command on the manager node, no image was there as expected. But on the root docker side I have those images. I want to access these images on the manager node. I've read few articles where it was mentioned that, maybe I've to upload that image on the docker hub then pull it from that hub. But I want to access it locally. Is there any way to do this as I'm newbie to docker.
This is the command what I tried on my manager machine:
docker#manager:~$ docker service create --name "api-client" -p 4200:4200 api_client
This is my docker images output:
api_client latest 097b19c4deb8 27 hours ago 1.15GB
But on my docker#manager terminal, my docker image folder is empty.

The problem is that there is no repository to hold the image. The repository needs to be pulled from to a repository to each node in the Swarm before it can execute. In general you need to do the following:
Setup a repository, if you want a local repository there is a guide here, but it will be some hassle to get it up and running i and "insecure http" version. An easier way is to get yourself a free docker hub account and put your image there.
Tag your local image with the repository name. Howto is shown in the guide above.
docker tag <local image> <repository>/<image:tag>
Login to the repository (if in cloud) and push your image to the repository
docker login
docker push <repository>/<image>:<tag>
To run the image (your command)
docker service create --name "api-client" -p 4200:4200 <repository>/<image>:<tag>
Your can also try to pull an image into the local cache of a node using
docker pull <repository>/<image>:<tag>


Docker: get list of all the registries configured on a host

Can docker be connected to more than one registry at a time and how to figure out which registries it is currently connected too?
$ docker help | fgrep registr
login Log in to a Docker registry
logout Log out from a Docker registry
pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry
push Push an image or a repository to a registry
As you can see, there is no option to list the registries. I did find
a way by running:
$ docker system info | fgrep -i registr
So... one regsitry at a time only? It is not like apt where one can point to more than one source? Anybody can point me to some good documentation about docker and registries?
Oddly, I search the web to no vail.
Aside from docker login, Docker isn't "connected to a registry" per se. Registry names are part of the image name, and Docker will connect to a registry server if it needs to pull an image.
As a specific example, the official Docker image for Elasticsearch is on a non-default registry run by Elastic. The example in that documentation is
docker pull
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# registry host name
You don't need to otherwise configure your system to connect to that registry, download an index, or anything else. In fact, you don't even need this docker pull command; if you directly docker run the image, Docker will download it if it doesn't have a copy locally.
The default registry is Docker Hub,, and this cannot be changed.
There are several alternate registries out there. The various public-cloud providers each have their own, and there are also several free-standing image registries. Each has its own instructions on how to set it up. You always need to include the registry name as part of the image name. The Google Container Registry has a simple name syntax, for example, so if you use GCR then you can
# build an image locally, labeled to be stored in GCR
# (this step does not contact or use GCR at all)
docker build
# authenticate to the registry
# (normally GCR has a Google-specific login sequence)
docker login
# push the image
docker push
# run the image, pulling it if not present
docker run ...

How to load updated docker image onto other machine

I have 2 hosts running the same docker customized image. I have modified the image on host 1 and saved the image to a custom.tar. If I take that image and load it onto host 2 will it just update or should I remove the old docker image first?
There are 2 ways to do that with repository and without repository using load and save.
With repository below are the steps.
Log in on Docker Hub
Click on Create Repository.
Choose a name and a description for your repository and click
Log into the Docker Hub from the command line
docker login --username=yourhubusername
tag your image
docker tag <existing-image> <hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>]
Push your image to the repository you created
docker push <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag>
Pull the image to host 2
docker pull <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag>
This will add the image to docker hub and available on internet and now you can pull this image to any system.
With this approach you can keep the same images with different tags on system. But if you don't need old images better to delete that to avoid junk.
Without docker hub.
This command will create tar bundle.
docker save [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]
example: docker save busybox > busybox.tar
Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
docker load [OPTIONS]
example:docker load < busybox.tar.gz
Recommended: Docker hub or DTR approach easy to manage unless you have bandwidth issue in case your file is large.
Docker Hub Repositories

GCE doesn't deploy GCR image correctly

I have followed this guide from Google documentation in order to be able to push a custom Docker image to Google Container Registry and then be able to start a new GCE instance with this image. At first I wanted to try using an anaconda3 public image from docker hub without any modification (in order to test).
So here is the steps I have done so far after installing gcloud and docker:
gcloud auth configure-docker -> configured docker with my gcloud crendentials
docker pull continuumio/anaconda3 -> pulled the public image
docker tag continuumio/anaconda3 -> tagged the local image with the registry name as specified in the doc
docker push -> pushed the image to GCR
Good ! I am now able to see my image trough GCR interface, and also able to deploy it with GCE. I choose to deploy it with a f1-micro instance, Container-Optimized OS 67-10575.62.0 stable, 10 Go boot disk, Allow HTTP traffic, etc.
But when I connect with ssh to the freshly new created VM instance, I can't find anaconda3 librairies (which are supposed to be created in /opt/conda). Instead, I can see a /opt/google directory which makes me think that the image has not been deployed correctly and GCE is using a default image...
So I tried to check if the image was pushed correctly in GCR, so I decided to delete my local image and pull it once again from GCR:
docker rmi -f
docker pull
I run the image
docker run -t -i
and I can see that everything is fine, I have anaconda3 installed correctly inside /opt/conda with all the toolts needed (Pandas, Numpy, Jupyter notebook, etc.)
I tried to find people with the same problem as me without any success... maybe I have done something wrong in my proccess ?
Thanks !
TL;DR My problem is that I have pushed an anaconda3 image on Google GCR, but when I launch a virtual instance with this image, I do not have anaconda on it
It's normal that you can't find anaconda libraries installed directly on the GCE instance.
Actually, when you choose to deploy a container image on a GCE VM instance, a Docker container is started from the image you provide (in your example, The libraries are not installed on the host, but rather inside that container (run docker ps to see it, but normally it has the same name as your VM instance). If you run something like :
docker exec -it <docker_container_name> ls /opt/conda
Then you should see the anaconda libraries, only existing inside the container.
When you run docker run -t -i, you're actually starting the container and running an interactive bash session inside that container (see the CMD here). That's why you can find anaconda libraries : you are inside the container!
Containerization software (docker here) provides isolation between your host and your containers. I'll suggest you to read documentation about containerization, Docker and how to run containers on Container-Optimized OS.

Awaiting gcloud docker -- push

Im building a deployment script in nodejs, with 1 part being calling the gcloud cli through require('child_process').spawn(...); to push the already build docker images. i execute the following command:
gcloud docker -- push myImage
This all works great, the images gets uploaded. But the problem is that gcloud docker opens a new process to push my image and the process i spawned, closes before the pushing of the image is done.
Problem is, I want to delete the builded images locally, directly afterwards.
I've been looking in the gcloud docker documentation but i don't see any argument for this.
Is there a way to know that the process of uploading the images was completed?
i did find a way to do it only through docker but i'd like a universal solution (both working on windows and linux environments)
After some more research on the google documentation, i found this authentication page
They tell you to create a service account and use the json private key you get as token to use into docker login. This way you don't need an oauth token for your automated services, but you can use this json key instead.
You can check all the images by running this command:
[sudo docker images]
Take a note of the "IMAGE ID" it will used when Tagging and deleting the image.
When you build a docker images, tag it before By running this command:
[docker tag "IMAGE ID"{the Google Container Registry path}:{version} ]
You can push any built image by running this command:
[gcloud docker -- push{the google container registry path}:{version}].
When pushing you will notice that list of container are pushed to your Google Container registry see the example below:
$ sudo gcloud docker -- push{the google container registry path}:{version}
The push refers to repository [{the google container registry path}]
43d35f91f441: =================> Pushed
3b93beb428bf: Layer already exists
629fa6a1373d: =================> Pushed
0f82335d5733: Layer already exists
c216b39a9ab6: Layer already exists
ccbd0c2af699: Layer already exists
38788b6810d3: Layer already exists
cd7100a72410: Layer already exists
v1: digest: sha256:**************************************************************** size: 1992
You can check all the images by running this command:
[sudo docker images]
Take a note of the "IMAGE ID" of the image you need to delete.
Run the command :
[sudo docker rmi "IMAGE ID"].
If the image doesn't allow to be deleted, you have to stop the container that is still running and prune the docker
[sudo docker container stop "the container ID"]
[sudo docker container prune]
Then you can delete the image.

How to share my Docker-Image without using the Docker-Hub?

I'm wondering where Docker's images are exactly stored to in my local host machine.
Can I share my Docker-Image without using the Docker-Hub or a Dockerfile but the 'real' Docker-Image? And what is exactly happening when I 'push' my Docker-Image to Docker-Hub?
Docker images are stored as filesystem layers. Every command in the Dockerfile creates a layer. You can also create layers by using docker commit from the command line after making some changes (via docker run probably).
These layers are stored by default under /var/lib/docker. While you could (theoretically) cherry pick files from there and install it in a different docker server, is probably a bad idea to play with the internal representation used by Docker.
When you push your image, these layers are sent to the registry (the docker hub registry, by default… unless you tag your image with another registry prefix) and stored there. When pulling, the layer id is used to check if you already have the layer locally or it needs to be downloaded. You can use docker history to peek at which layers (other images) are used (and, to some extent, which command created the layer).
As for options to share an image without pushing to the docker hub registry, your best options are:
docker save an image or docker export a container. This will output a tar file to standard output, so you will like to do something like docker save 'dockerizeit/agent' > dk.agent.latest.tar. Then you can use docker load or docker import in a different host.
Host your own private registry. - Outdated, see comments See the docker registry image. We have built an s3 backed registry which you can start and stop as needed (all state is kept on the s3 bucket of your choice) which is trivial to setup. This is also an interesting way of watching what happens when pushing to a registry
Use another registry like (I haven't personally tried it), although whatever concerns you have with the docker hub will probably apply here too.
Based on this blog, one could share a docker image without a docker registry by executing:
docker save --output latestversion-1.0.0.tar dockerregistry/latestversion:1.0.0
Once this command has been completed, one could copy the image to a server and import it as follows:
docker load --input latestversion-1.0.0.tar
Sending a docker image to a remote server can be done in 3 simple steps:
Locally, save docker image as a .tar:
docker save -o <path for created tar file> <image name>
Locally, use scp to transfer .tar to remote
On remote server, load image into docker:
docker load -i <path to docker image tar file>
More recently, there is Amazon AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry), which provides a Docker image registry to which you can control access by means of the AWS IAM access management service. ECR can also run a CVE (vulnerabilities) check on your image when you push it.
Once you create your ECR, and obtain the "URL" you can push and pull as required, subject to the permissions you create: hence making it private or public as you wish.
Pricing is by amount of data stored, and data transfer costs.
[Original answer]
If you do not want to use the Docker Hub itself, you can host your own Docker repository under Artifactory by JFrog:
which will then run on your own server(s).
Other hosting suppliers are available, eg CoreOS:
which bought
