Can Power BI users access a tooltip scrollbar - tooltip

I have a tooltip that references a bar chart visualization with more rows than can be displayed at once. When I apply this tooltip to a report visual and hover over it I cannot click and drag the scrollbar without closing the tooltip itself, nor can I use my mouse's scrollwheel to slide the scrollbar either.
Apart from adding the tooltip visual to my report page, is there a setting or toggle to lock the tooltip in place or otherwise make the scrollbar usable in Power BI?

Users currently cannot interact with objects on report page tooltips (scrolling, visuals like slicers, etc.). Best to resize the tooltip page height or re-think the visual (e.g. "Top 5" in bar chart only) to avoid the scrollbar if possible.
More Info about that


tPanels shown on top of Panel that contains tchart is transparent (Delphi)

I have a frame with a panel.
on the panel is a tchart graph and custom panel that overlays the graph (so it's on top of the graph, with the user toggling which one is showing).
Additionally, I have 3 other panels that contain text, that user also toggles visible/not visible.
the problem: starting in Delph 10.4, the panel is showing sections of the chart. the problem didn't exist in Delphi Seattle (and untested in 10.2 and 10.3), but in 10.4, I can't show the 3 panels without showing sections of the chart.
To replicate, add a panel to a form, put a chart on the panel. add a second panel to the form, not visible, with some text. add a right click menu to set the panel visible. sections of the chart are 'bleeding through' the panel. This also happens with group boxes.
this is what it looks like:
question is: how can I get the panels to show correctly?
How I want it to look:
I can reproduce this in Delphi 10.3 Rio
This happens only if the panel is added as child control of the TChart component and has its ParentBackground property enabled (enabled by default).
I'm guessing that TChart background is drawn with transparency at some level. And when ParentBackground property of any child component is enabled backgroud of such components is also drawn using transparency.
Disabling the ParentBackground property of your Panels will solve your problem.

How to control Two chart of highstock with scroll bar

I would like to write a external scroll bar to control two chart or other things for highstock.
And I would like to ask how to control the scroll bar for the chart.
I saw the API, it do not provide a event for it.
I think it can be two solution.
Control the navigator or scroll bar to make it move left to right in two chart together.
Control the date of rangeSelector
Please help.
You can control charts by setExtremes() function.

Auto focus on a legend item in highcharts

We are facing an issue while implementing the legend bar in highcharts. The legend bar is scrollable with multiple legend items. Only few graphs/series are highlighted on the chart and rest are all invisible. So if there are 20 items in legend bar and only the last item is highlighted, when the chart is first accessed on browser it appears as if none of the items are highlighted as the legend would display first page by default. The highlighted item in legend would be accessible only after user scrolls to next page of the legend. Instead we would like the legend bar also to be autofocussed to that screen where there is first highlighted item.
Would this be possible
Thanks in advance!!
There is no official way to do it, but you have two options:
make sure visible series come always as first (just sort them before chart is created)
use built-in function to scroll legend using chart.legend.scroll(pageIndex, animation);

prevent select menu to hide page in jquery mobile

Is there any way to stop selectmenu to hide active page if screen height is smaller as compare to height of custom selectmenu dropdown? i want to show consistent behavior
Thanks and regards

jQuery UI: Slider inside of a Tab?

I want my tab content area to have a vertical scrollbar to the right using the jQuery UI Slider API. The tab content area will have a fixed height, and the vertical overflow needs to cause a jQuery UI Slider to appear to scroll through the content.
The specific issue I'm having trouble with is how to structure the HTML and what to style each element with in CSS.
Why do you want to use slider as a scroll bar?
Normally, you should simply pick a scroll bar plugin and go with it, instead of trying to make a control to do what it is not designed for.
This page lists a few jQuery plugins for scoll bars. Here are a few of them:
jScrollPene (demo)
jQuery Custom Content Scroller (demo)
Tiny Scrollbar
But, if you insist using jQuery UI Slider, someone has already made this work, with a demo page.
