prevent select menu to hide page in jquery mobile - jquery-mobile

Is there any way to stop selectmenu to hide active page if screen height is smaller as compare to height of custom selectmenu dropdown? i want to show consistent behavior
Thanks and regards


Can Power BI users access a tooltip scrollbar

I have a tooltip that references a bar chart visualization with more rows than can be displayed at once. When I apply this tooltip to a report visual and hover over it I cannot click and drag the scrollbar without closing the tooltip itself, nor can I use my mouse's scrollwheel to slide the scrollbar either.
Apart from adding the tooltip visual to my report page, is there a setting or toggle to lock the tooltip in place or otherwise make the scrollbar usable in Power BI?
Users currently cannot interact with objects on report page tooltips (scrolling, visuals like slicers, etc.). Best to resize the tooltip page height or re-think the visual (e.g. "Top 5" in bar chart only) to avoid the scrollbar if possible.
More Info about that

why jquery mobile pages are loading twice

I am using jquery mobile 1.4.2
The pages of our jquery mobile websites are loading twice.
When the scroll bar is at the bottom of the page then when i reload a frame the scroll bar is at the same position as it was before i reload a frame(withou JQM).
Here is jsfidlle without jquery mobile it works fine.
Here is a jsfidlle with jqm.
When the scroll bar is at the bottom of the page then when i reload a frame the scroll bar is not at the same position as it was before i reload a frame i mean its going up(with JQM).
I want this to work as a jsfiddle which works without jqm.

jquery ui - Strange scrollbar behaviour when dragging items from draggable to sortable

If you click and drag an item from draggable list to the sortable list, the browser's scrollbar will grow or shrink depending on how far right your cursor goes.
If you drag off the end of the window, the window will scroll off to the right.
Not sure, why is this happening!
Anybody has any ideas?
specify a containment option in which your element can be dragged around

Possible to have jqueryUI dialog scrollbar start at the top, when content is longer than height?

I'm using a jquery UI dialog to have users accept a Terms & Conditions popup where the content is too long to fit in the popup's height. So a scrollbar appears when the dialog pops up, but it opens with the scrollbar at the bottom.
This doesn't seem to be possible through the dialog options.
Anyone know of a way to get the dialog to open with the scrollbar at the top?
Like commented above you might have an element at the bottom of the dialog's content that initially receives focus, which causes the scroll bar to scroll to that element when the dialog opens. You can try the workaround in the comment, which should work if the problem is indeed caused by a focus issue. Alternatively, you can manually scroll the dialog's content to the top. You can accomplish this by specifying an open callback and scrolling the dialog's content to the top position in there, like so:
open: function () {

jQuery UI: Slider inside of a Tab?

I want my tab content area to have a vertical scrollbar to the right using the jQuery UI Slider API. The tab content area will have a fixed height, and the vertical overflow needs to cause a jQuery UI Slider to appear to scroll through the content.
The specific issue I'm having trouble with is how to structure the HTML and what to style each element with in CSS.
Why do you want to use slider as a scroll bar?
Normally, you should simply pick a scroll bar plugin and go with it, instead of trying to make a control to do what it is not designed for.
This page lists a few jQuery plugins for scoll bars. Here are a few of them:
jScrollPene (demo)
jQuery Custom Content Scroller (demo)
Tiny Scrollbar
But, if you insist using jQuery UI Slider, someone has already made this work, with a demo page.
