What is #dynamicCallable in Swift? - ios

From Apple's documentation:
The #dynamicCallable attribute lets you call named types like you call
functions using a simple syntactic sugar. The primary use case is
dynamic language interoperability.
Why would you want to use an #dynamicCallable instead of direct approch?

#dynamicCallable is a new feature of Swift 5. From Paul Hudson's article on "How to use #dynamicCallable in Swift" (emphasis mine):
SE-0216 adds a new #dynamicCallable attribute to Swift, which
brings with it the ability to mark a type as being directly callable.
It’s syntactic sugar rather than any sort of compiler magic,
effectively transforming this code:
let result = random(numberOfZeroes: 3)
Into this:
let result = random.dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: ["numberOfZeroes": 3])
[...] #dynamicCallable is the natural extension of
#dynamicMemberLookup [SE-0195], and serves the same purpose: to
make it easier for Swift code to work alongside dynamic languages such
as Python and JavaScript. [...] #dynamicCallable is really flexible about which data
types its methods accept and return, allowing you to benefit from all
of Swift’s type safety while still having some wriggle room for
advanced usage.

Introduce user-defined dynamically "callable" types
Proposal: SE-0216
Authors: Chris Lattner, Dan Zheng
Review Manager: John McCall
Implementation: apple/swift#20305
Decision Notes: Rationale
Status: Implemented (Swift 5)
This proposal is a follow-up to SE-0195 - Introduce User-defined "Dynamic Member
Lookup" Types,
which shipped in Swift 4.2. It introduces a new #dynamicCallable attribute, which marks
a type as being "callable" with normal syntax. It is simple syntactic sugar
which allows the user to write:
a = someValue(keyword1: 42, "foo", keyword2: 19)
and have it be rewritten by the compiler as:
a = someValue.dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: [
"keyword1": 42, "": "foo", "keyword2": 19
Many other languages have analogous features (e.g. Python "callables", C++ operator(), and
functors in many other languages), but the
primary motivation of this proposal is to allow elegant and natural interoperation with
dynamic languages in Swift.
Swift-evolution threads:
- Pitch: Introduce user-defined dynamically "callable"
- Pitch #2: Introduce user-defined dynamically “callable”
- Current pitch thread: Pitch #3: Introduce user-defined dynamically “callable”
Motivation and context
Swift is exceptional at interworking with existing C and Objective-C APIs and
we would like to extend this interoperability to dynamic languages like Python,
JavaScript, Perl, and Ruby. We explored this overall goal in a long design
process wherein the Swift evolution community evaluated multiple different
implementation approaches. The conclusion was that the best approach was to put
most of the complexity into dynamic language specific bindings written as
pure-Swift libraries, but add small hooks in Swift to allow these bindings to
provide a natural experience to their clients.
was the first step in this process, which introduced a binding to naturally
express member lookup rules in dynamic languages.
What does interoperability with Python mean? Let's explain this by looking at
an example. Here's some simple Python code:
class Dog:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.tricks = [] # creates a new empty list for each `Dog`
def add_trick(self, trick):
With the SE-0195 #dynamicMemberLookup feature
introduced in Swift 4.2, it is possible to implement a Python interoperability
written in Swift. It interoperates with the Python runtime, and project all
Python values into a single PythonObject type. It allows us to call into the
Dog class like this:
// import DogModule.Dog as Dog
let Dog = Python.import.call(with: "DogModule.Dog")
// dog = Dog("Brianna")
let dog = Dog.call(with: "Brianna")
// dog.add_trick("Roll over")
dog.add_trick.call(with: "Roll over")
// dog2 = Dog("Kaylee").add_trick("snore")
let dog2 = Dog.call(with: "Kaylee").add_trick.call(with: "snore")
This also works with arbitrary other APIs as well. Here is an example working
with the Python pickle API and the builtin Python function open. Note that
we choose to put builtin Python functions like import and open into a
Python namespace to avoid polluting the global namespace, but other designs
are possible:
// import pickle
let pickle = Python.import.call(with: "pickle")
// file = open(filename)
let file = Python.open.call(with: filename)
// blob = file.read()
let blob = file.read.call()
// result = pickle.loads(blob)
let result = pickle.loads.call(with: blob)
This capability works well, but the syntactic burden of having to use
foo.call(with: bar, baz) instead of foo(bar, baz) is significant. Beyond
the syntactic weight, it directly harms code clarity by making code hard to
read and understand, cutting against a core value of Swift.
The proposed #dynamicCallable attribute directly solves this problem.
With it, these examples become more natural and clear, effectively matching the
original Python code in expressiveness:
// import DogModule.Dog as Dog
let Dog = Python.import("DogModule.Dog")
// dog = Dog("Brianna")
let dog = Dog("Brianna")
// dog.add_trick("Roll over")
dog.add_trick("Roll over")
// dog2 = Dog("Kaylee").add_trick("snore")
let dog2 = Dog("Kaylee").add_trick("snore")
Python builtins:
// import pickle
let pickle = Python.import("pickle")
// file = open(filename)
let file = Python.open(filename)
// blob = file.read()
let blob = file.read()
// result = pickle.loads(blob)
let result = pickle.loads(blob)
This proposal merely introduces a syntactic sugar - it does not add any new
semantic model to Swift. We believe that interoperability with scripting
languages is an important and rising need in the Swift community, particularly
as Swift makes inroads into the server development and machine learning
communities. This feature is also precedented in other languages (e.g. Scala's
Dynamic trait), and
can be used for other purposes besides language interoperability (e.g.
implementing dynamic proxy objects).
Proposed solution
We propose introducing a new #dynamicCallable attribute to the Swift language
which may be applied to structs, classes, enums, and protocols. This follows
the precedent of
Before this proposal, values of these types are not valid in a call expression:
the only existing callable values in Swift are those with function types
(functions, methods, closures, etc) and metatypes (which are initializer
expressions like String(42)). Thus, it is always an error to "call" an
instance of a nominal type (like a struct, for instance).
With this proposal, types with the #dynamicCallable attribute on their
primary type declaration become "callable". They are required to implement at
least one of the following two methods for handling the call behavior:
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments: <#Arguments#>) -> <#R1#>
// `<#Arguments#>` can be any type that conforms to `ExpressibleByArrayLiteral`.
// `<#Arguments#>.ArrayLiteralElement` and the result type `<#R1#>` can be arbitrary.
func dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: <#KeywordArguments#>) -> <#R2#>
// `<#KeywordArguments#>` can be any type that conforms to `ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral`.
// `<#KeywordArguments#>.Key` must be a type that conforms to `ExpressibleByStringLiteral`.
// `<#KeywordArguments#>.Value` and the result type `<#R2#>` can be arbitrary.
// Note: in these type signatures, bracketed types like <#Arguments#> and <#KeywordArguments#>
// are not actual types, but rather any actual type that meets the specified conditions.
As stated above, <#Arguments#> and <#KeywordArguments#> can be any types
that conform to the
protocols, respectively. The latter is inclusive of
which supports duplicate keys, unlike Dictionary.
Thus, using KeyValuePairs is recommended to support duplicate keywords and
positional arguments (because positional arguments are desugared as keyword
arguments with the empty string "" as the key).
If a type implements the withKeywordArguments: method, it may be dynamically
called with both positional and keyword arguments: positional arguments have
the empty string "" as the key. If a type only implements the
withArguments: method but is called with keyword arguments, a compile-time
error is emitted.
Since dynamic calls are syntactic sugar for direct calls to dynamicallyCall
methods, additional behavior of the dynamicallyCall methods is directly
forwarded. For example, if a dynamicallyCall method is marked with throws
or #discardableResult, then the corresponding sugared dynamic call will
forward that behavior.
Ambiguity resolution: most specific match
Since there are two #dynamicCallable methods, there may be multiple ways to
handle some dynamic calls. What happens if a type specifies both the
withArguments: and withKeywordArguments: methods?
We propose that the type checker resolve this ambiguity towards the tightest
match based on syntactic form of the expression. The exact rules are:
If a #dynamicCallable type implements the withArguments: method and it is
called with no keyword arguments, use the withArguments: method.
In all other cases, attempt to use the withKeywordArguments: method.
This includes the case where a #dynamicCallable type implements the
withKeywordArguments: method and it is called with at least one keyword
This also includes the case where a #dynamicCallable type implements only
the withKeywordArguments: method (not the withArguments: method) and
it is called with no keyword arguments.
If #dynamicCallable type does not implement the withKeywordArguments:
method but the call site has keyword arguments, an error is emitted.
Here are some toy illustrative examples:
struct Callable {
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments args: [Int]) -> Int { return args.count }
let c1 = Callable()
c1() // desugars to `c1.dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [])`
c1(1, 2) // desugars to `c1.dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [1, 2])`
c1(a: 1, 2) // error: `Callable` does not define the 'withKeywordArguments:' method
struct KeywordCallable {
func dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments args: KeyValuePairs<String, Int>) -> Int {
return args.count
let c2 = KeywordCallable()
c2() // desugars to `c2.dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: [:])`
c2(1, 2) // desugars to `c2.dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: ["": 1, "": 2])`
c2(a: 1, 2) // desugars to `c2.dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: ["a": 1, "": 2])`
struct BothCallable {
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments args: [Int]) -> Int { return args.count }
func dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments args: KeyValuePairs<String, Int>) -> Int {
return args.count
let c3 = BothCallable()
c3() // desugars to `c3.dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [])`
c3(1, 2) // desugars to `c3.dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [1, 2])`
c3(a: 1, 2) // desugars to `c3.dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: ["a": 1, "": 2])`
This ambiguity resolution rule works out naturally given the behavior of the
Swift type checker, because it only resolves call expressions when the type
of the base expression is known. At that point, it knows whether the base is a
function type, metatype, or a valid #dynamicCallable type, and it knows the
syntactic form of the call.
This proposal does not require massive or invasive changes to the constraint
solver. Please look at the implementation for more details.
Example usage
Here, we sketch some example bindings to show how this could be used in
practice. Note that there are lots of design decisions that are orthogonal to
this proposal (e.g. how to handle exceptions) that we aren't going into here.
This is just to show how this feature provides an underlying facility that
language bindings authors can use to achieve their desired result. These
examples also show #dynamicMemberLookup to illustrate how they work together,
but elides other implementation details.
JavaScript supports callable objects but does not have keyword arguments.
Here is a sample JavaScript binding:
#dynamicCallable #dynamicMemberLookup
struct JSValue {
// JavaScript doesn't have keyword arguments.
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [JSValue]) -> JSValue { ... }
// This is a `#dynamicMemberLookup` requirement.
subscript(dynamicMember member: JSValue) -> JSValue {...}
// ... other stuff ...
On the other hand, a common JavaScript pattern is to take a dictionary of
values as a stand-in for argument labels (called like
example({first: 1, second: 2, third: 3}) in JavaScript). A JavaScript bridge
in Swift could choose to implement keyword argument support to allow this to be
called as example(first: 1, second: 2, third: 3) from Swift code (kudos to
Ben Rimmington for this
Python does support keyword arguments. While a Python binding could implement
only the withKeywordArguments: method, it is be better to implement both the
non-keyword and keyword forms to make the non-keyword case slightly more
efficient (avoid allocating temporary storage) and to make direct calls with
positional arguments nicer (x.dynamicallyCall(withArguments: 1, 2) instead of
x.dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: ["": 1, "": 2])).
Here is a sample Python binding:
#dynamicCallable #dynamicMemberLookup
struct PythonObject {
// Python supports arbitrary mixes of keyword arguments and non-keyword
// arguments.
func dynamicallyCall(
withKeywordArguments: KeyValuePairs<String, PythonObject>
) -> PythonObject { ... }
// An implementation of a Python binding could choose to implement this
// method as well, avoiding allocation of a temporary array.
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [PythonObject]) -> PythonObject { ... }
// This is a `#dynamicMemberLookup` requirement.
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> PythonObject {...}
// ... other stuff ...
Following the precedent of SE-0195, this attribute must be placed on the
primary definition of a type, not on an extension.
This proposal does not introduce the ability to provide dynamically callable
static/class members. We don't believe this is important given the goal of
supporting dynamic languages like Python, but it could be explored if a use
case is discovered in the future. Such future work should keep in mind that
call syntax on metatypes is already meaningful, and that ambiguity would have
to be resolved somehow (e.g. through the most specific rule).
This proposal supports direct calls of values and methods, but subsets out
support for currying methods in Smalltalk family languages. This is just an
implementation limitation given the current state of currying in the Swift
compiler. Support can be added in the future if there is a specific need.
Source compatibility
This is a strictly additive proposal with no source breaking changes.
Effect on ABI stability
This is a strictly additive proposal with no ABI breaking changes.
Effect on API resilience
This has no impact on API resilience which is not already captured by other
language features.
Future directions
Dynamic member calling (for Smalltalk family languages)
In addition to supporting languages like Python and JavaScript, we would also
like to grow to support Smalltalk derived languages like Ruby and Squeak. These
languages resolve method calls using both the base name as well as the
keyword arguments at the same time. For example, consider this Ruby code:
time = Time.zone.parse(user_time)
The Time.zone reference is a member lookup, but zone.parse(user_time) is a
method call, and needs to be handled differently than a lookup of zone.parse
followed by a direct function call.
This can be handled by adding a new #dynamicMemberCallable attribute, which
acts similarly to #dynamicCallable but enables dynamic member calls (instead
of dynamic calls of self).
#dynamicMemberCallable would have the following requirements:
func dynamicallyCallMethod(named: S1, withArguments: [T5]) -> T6
func dynamicallyCallMethod(named: S2, withKeywordArguments: [S3 : T7]) -> T8
Here is a sample Ruby binding:
#dynamicMemberCallable #dynamicMemberLookup
struct RubyObject {
func dynamicallyCallMethod(
named: String, withKeywordArguments: KeyValuePairs<String, RubyObject>
) -> RubyObject { ... }
// This is a `#dynamicMemberLookup` requirement.
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> RubyObject {...}
// ... other stuff ...
General callable behavior
This proposal is mainly directed at dynamic language interoperability. For this
use case, it makes sense for the dynamicallyCall method to take a
variable-sized list of arguments where each argument has the same type.
However, it may be useful to support general callable behavior (akin to
operator() in C++) where the desugared "callable" method can have a fixed
number of arguments and arguments of different types.
For example, consider something like:
struct BinaryFunction<T1, T2, U> {
func call(_ argument1: T1, _ argument1: T2) -> U { ... }
It is not unreasonable to look ahead to a day where sugaring such things is
supported, particularly when/if Swift gets variadic
This could allow typesafe n-ary smart function pointer types.
We feel that the approach outlined in this proposal supports this direction.
When/if a motivating use case for general callable behavior comes up, we can
simply add a new form to represent it and enhance the type checker to prefer
that during ambiguity resolution. If this is a likely direction, then it may be
better to name the attribute #callable instead of #dynamicCallable in
anticipation of that future growth.
We believe that general callable behavior and #dynamicCallable are orthogonal
features and should be evaluated separately.
Alternatives considered
Many alternatives were considered and discussed. Most of them are captured in
the "Alternatives Considered" section of
Here are a few points raised in the discussion:
It was suggested that we use subscripts to represent the call
implementations instead of a function call, aligning with
#dynamicMemberLookup. We think that functions are a better fit here: the
reason #dynamicMemberLookup uses subscripts is to allow the members to be
l-values, but call results are not l-values.
It was requested that we design and implement the 'static callable' version
of this proposal in conjunction with the dynamic version proposed here. In
the author's opinion, it is important to consider static callable support as
a likely future direction to make sure that the two features sit well next
to each other and have a consistent design (something we believe this
proposal has done) but it doesn't make sense to join the two proposals. So
far, there have been no strong motivating use case presented for the static
callable version, and Swift lacks certain generics features (e.g. variadics)
that would be necessary to make static callables general. We feel that static
callable should stand alone on its own merits.


Find function/method body explicit dependency types using Dart analyzer package

I would like to understand how can I analyze methods / functions body to find types that are explicitly referenced from it. I have success analyzing method declaration (return type, parameter types, etc..), however I have no idea how to do that for body.
Assuming following function:
String someFunction(int param) {
final list = <String>['a', 'b', 'c']; // -> DartTypes: String, List<String>
final myClass = MyClass<Arg>(); // -> DartTypes: Arg, MyClass<Arg>
final functionCall = anotherFunction<FunctionArg<Arg>>(); // -> DartTypes: Arg, FunctionArg<Arg>
return 'result';
// At is point I would like to know that my function depends on
// String, List<String>, Arg, MyClass<Arg>, FunctionArg<Arg>
// in term of DartType instances with proper typeArguments.
I tried getting AstNode for method element described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57043177/2033394
However I could not get elements from nodes to figure out their types. Their declaredElement values are always null. So I can not get back to Element API from AST API.
If you've used the exact snippet from the answer you've referenced, the problem is likely in getParsedLibraryByElement(). This method only parses the referenced library - meaning that you'll get an AST that doesn't necessarily have semantic references (like the declaredElement of AST nodes) set.
Instead, you'll want to use getResolvedLibraryByElement. The AST returned by that method will have its types and references fully resolved.
With the resolved AST, you could visit the body of the method with a custom visitor to find type references. Your definition of "referenced types" isn't really exact - but perhaps you can collect types in visitNamedType for type references and visitVariableDeclaration to collect the types of variables.

A few questions about Dart generics and type safety

I have the following Dart 2 code with null-safety.
extension Foo<T> on List<T> {
List<U> bar<U>({
U Function(T)? transform,
}) {
final t = transform ?? _identityTransform;
return map(t).toList();
U _identityTransform<T, U>(T t) => t as U; // #1, #2
void main() {
final strings = ['a', 'b', 'c'].bar<String>(); // #3
final ints = ['1', '2', '3'].bar(transform: int.parse);
It is an extension method on List<T> with a custom method that is basically a map with the
difference that it can return a new list of the same type if no transform is specified. (My real code is more complex than this, but this example is enough to present my questions.)
I want to be able to call bar() on a List with transform or without; if called without it, _identityTransform should be used.
The code above works, but I have a few reservations as to its quality, and questions, as I haven't really come to terms with Dart generics yet:
In the line marked #1 - the _identityTransform takes two generic parameters as I need access to them, but when the function is used the generic types are not used because I don't think it is possible to write something like _identityTransform<T, U> there. Is there a better way of defining _identityTransform? Am I losing any type safety with my current code?
In the line marked #2 I need a cast as U for the code to compile, I haven't managed to make the code work without it. Is there a way to do it without the cast?
In the line marked #3, when I call the extension method without any transform (i.e. I want the identity transform to kick in) I need to explicitly pass the generic type, otherwise the compiler complains about missing generic type (in strong mode) or infers strings to be List<dynamic> (strong mode turned off). Is some generics magic possible to be able to call .bar() and still have strings be inferred to List<String>?
I would make _identityTransform a nested function of bar so that you can remove its type arguments and instead use the same T and U as bar:
extension Foo<T> on List<T> {
List<U> bar<U>({
U Function(T)? transform,
}) {
U _identityTransform(T t) => t as U;
final t = transform ?? _identityTransform;
return map(t).toList();
Alternatively if you want to explicitly use _identityTransform<T, U>, then you could use a closure: t = transform ?? (arg) => _identityTransform<T, U>(arg), but that seems like overkill.
You need the cast. T and U are independent/unrelated types. Since you don't know that you want T and U to be the same until bar checks its argument at runtime, you will need the explicit cast to satisfy static type checking.
If the caller passes nothing for the transform argument, there is nothing to infer U from, so it will be dynamic. I can't think of any magical way make U default to T in such a case (again, that would be known only at runtime, but generics must satisfy static analysis).

Swift `in` keyword meaning?

I am trying to implement some code from parse.com and I notice a keyword in after the void.
I am stumped what is this ? The second line you see the Void in
PFUser.logInWithUsernameInBackground("myname", password:"mypass") {
(user: PFUser?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if user != nil {
// Do stuff after successful login.
} else {
// The login failed. Check error to see why.
The docs don't document this. I know the in keyword is used in for loops.
Anyone confirm?
In a named function, we declare the parameters and return type in the func declaration line.
func say(s:String)->() {
// body
In an anonymous function, there is no func declaration line - it's anonymous! So we do it with an in line at the start of the body instead.
(s:String)->() in
// body
(That is the full form of an anonymous function. But then Swift has a series of rules allowing the return type, the parameter types, and even the parameter names and the whole in line to be omitted under certain circumstances.)
Closure expression syntax has the following general form:
The question of what purpose in serves has been well-answered by other users here; in summary: in is a keyword defined in the Swift closure syntax as a separator between the function type and the function body in a closure:
{ /parameters and type/ in /function body/ }
But for those who might be wondering "but why specifically the keyword in?", here's a bit of history shared by Joe Groff, Senior Swift Compiler Engineer at Apple, on the Swift forums:
It's my fault, sorry. In the early days of Swift, we had a closure
syntax that was very similar to traditional Javascript:
func (arg: -> Type, arg: Type) -> Return { ... }
While this is nice and regular syntax, it is of course also very bulky
and awkward if you're trying to support expressive functional APIs,
such as map/filter on collections, or if you want libraries to be able
to provide closure-based APIs that feel like extensions of the
Our earliest adopters at Apple complained about this, and mandated
that we support Ruby-style trailing closure syntax. This is tricky to
fit into a C-style syntax like Swift's, and we tried many different
iterations, including literally Ruby's {|args| } syntax, but many of
them suffered from ambiguities or simply distaste and revolt from our
early adopters. We wanted something that still looked like other parts
of the language, but which could be parsed unambiguously and could
span the breadth of use cases from a fully explicit function signature
to extremely compact.
We had already taken in as a keyword, we couldn't use -> like Java
does because it's already used to denote the return type, and we were
concerned that using => like C# would be too visually confusing. in
made xs.map { x in f(x) } look vaguely like for x in xs { f(x) },
and people hated it less than the alternatives.
*Formatting and emphasis mine. And thanks to Nikita Belov's post on the Swift forums for helping my own understanding.

Does Swift support reflection?

Does Swift support reflection? e.g. is there something like valueForKeyPath: and setValue:forKeyPath: for Swift objects?
Actually does it even have a dynamic type system, something like obj.class in Objective-C?
Looks like there's the start of some reflection support:
class Fruit {
var name="Apple"
reflect(Fruit()).count // 1
reflect(Fruit())[0].0 // "name"
reflect(Fruit())[0].1.summary // "Apple"
From mchambers gist, here:
If a class extends NSObject, then all of Objective-C's introspection and dynamism works. This includes:
The ability to ask a class about its methods and properties, and to invoke methods or set properties.
The ability to exchange method implementations. (add functionality to all instances).
The ability to generate and assign a new sub-class on the fly. (add functionality to a given instance)
One shortcoming of this functionality is support for Swift optional value types. For example Int properties can be enumerated and modified but Int? properties cannot. Optional types can be enumerated partially using reflect/MirrorType, but still not modified.
If a class does not extend NSObject, then only the new, very limited (and in progress?) reflection works (see reflect/MirrorType), which adds limited ability to ask a instance about its class and properties, but none of the additional features above.
When not extending NSObject, or using the '#objc' directive, Swift defaults to static- and vtable-based dispatch. This is faster, however, in the absence of a virtual machine does not allow runtime method interception. This interception is a fundamental part of Cocoa and is required for the following types of features:
Cocoa's elegant property observers. (Property observers are baked right in to the Swift language).
Non-invasively applying cross-cutting concerns like logging, transaction management (i.e Aspect Oriented Programming).
Proxies, message forwarding, etc.
Therefore its recommended that clases in Cocoa/CocoaTouch applications implemented with Swift:
Extend from NSObject. The new class dialog in Xcode steers in this direction.
Where the overhead of of a dynamic dispatch leads to performance issues, then static dispatch can be used - in tight loops with calls to methods with very small bodies, for example.
Swift can behave like C++, with fast static/vtable dispatch and limited reflection. This makes it suitable for lower level or performance intensive applications, but without the complexity, learning curve or risk of error associated with C++
While Swift is a compiled language, the messaging style of method invocation adds the introspection and dynamism found in modern languages like Ruby and Python, just like Objective-C, but without Objective-C's legacy syntax.
Reference data: Execution overhead for method invocations:
static : < 1.1ns
vtable : ~ 1.1ns
dynamic : ~4.9ns
(actual performance depends on hardware, but the ratios will remain similar).
Also, the dynamic attribute allows us to explicitly instruct Swift that a method should use dynamic dispatch, and will therefore support interception.
public dynamic func foobar() -> AnyObject {
The documentation speaks about a dynamic type system, mainly about
Type and dynamicType
See Metatype Type (in Language Reference)
var clazz = TestObject.self
var instance: TestObject = clazz()
var type = instance.dynamicType
println("Type: \(type)") //Unfortunately this prints only "Type: Metatype"
Now assuming TestObject extends NSObject
var clazz: NSObject.Type = TestObject.self
var instance : NSObject = clazz()
if let testObject = instance as? TestObject {
println("yes!") //prints "yes!"
Currently, there is no reflection implemented.
EDIT: I was apparently wrong, see stevex's answer. There is some simple readonly reflection for properties build in, probably to allow IDEs to inspect object contents.
No reflect keyword in Swift 5, now you can use
struct Person {
var name="name"
var age = 15
var me = Person()
var mirror = Mirror(reflecting: me)
for case let (label?, value) in mirror.children {
print (label, value)
It seems that a Swift reflection API is not a high priority for Apple at the moment. But besides #stevex answer there is another function in the standard library that helps.
As of beta 6 _stdlib_getTypeName gets the mangled type name of a variable. Paste this into an empty playground:
import Foundation
class PureSwiftClass {
var myvar0 = NSString() // Objective-C class
var myvar1 = PureSwiftClass()
var myvar2 = 42
var myvar3 = "Hans"
println( "TypeName0 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(myvar0))")
println( "TypeName1 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(myvar1))")
println( "TypeName2 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(myvar2))")
println( "TypeName3 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(myvar3))")
The output is:
TypeName0 = NSString
TypeName1 = _TtC13__lldb_expr_014PureSwiftClass
TypeName2 = _TtSi
TypeName3 = _TtSS
Ewan Swick's blog entry helps to decipher these strings:
e.g. _TtSi stands for Swift's internal Int type.
Mike Ash has a great blog entry covering the same topic.
You might want to consider using toString() instead. It is public and works just the same as _stdlib_getTypeName() with the difference that it also works on AnyClass, e.g. in a Playground enter
class MyClass {}
toString(MyClass.self) // evaluates to "__lldb_expr_49.MyClass"

Idiomatic constructors in F#

I started with a small OpenGL wrapper and I run into a small problem. I usally create my data with records like this
type Shader =
{ Handle : int }
static member Create filepath stype =
let h = loadshader filepath stype
{ Handle = h }
type VertexShader =
{ shader : Shader }
static member Create path =
{ shader = Shader.Create path ShaderType.VertexShader }
type FragmentShader =
{ shader : Shader }
static member Create path =
{ shader = Shader.Create path ShaderType.FragmentShader }
I am always using a static constructor with a non tupled function. But now I want another type where I would like to have optional parameters.
type VAO =
{ Handle : int }
static member Create vboList ?ibo =
The problem is that this doesn't seem to be possible with non-tupled functions and I don't want to mix my Create methods with tupled and non-tupled functions.
I wonder if I even wrote idiomatic F# code in the first place. How would you approach this "problem"?
You're right -- if you want to define optional parameters for a method, you need to define the arguments in tupled form. One way you could approach this would be to move the implementation of your Create method into a private method (and rename it, e.g., to CreateImpl), then re-define Create as an overloaded method which will simply dispatch to the implementation. For example:
type VAO =
{ Handle : int }
static member private CreateImpl (vboList, ibo : _ option) =
failwith "Not implemented."
static member Create vboList =
VAO.CreateImpl (vboList, None)
static member Create (vboList, ibo) =
VAO.CreateImpl (vboList, Some ibo)
Another approach, is to define a module (it needs to be placed below the definition of your VAO type) which defines curried functions which "wrap" the static VBO.Create(...) method. This'll work however you decide to declare the arguments for Create (i.e., using a single method with tuple-style argument declaration and optional parameters, or using the overloading approach described above). For example, if you don't use my overloading method, and decide to just define Create as static member Create (vboList, ?ibo):
// The [<CompilationRepresentation>] attribute is necessary here, because it allows us to
// define a module which has the same name as our type without upsetting the compiler.
// It does this by suffixing "Module" to the type name when the assembly is compiled.
module VAO =
let create (vboList : _ list) =
VAO.Create vboList
let createWithIndex vboList ibo =
VAO.Create (vboList, ibo)
Those module functions are very simple, so it's very likely they'll be inlined automatically by the F# compiler and you won't pay any run-time costs for them. If you compile in Release mode, inspect the assembly's IL and find that's not the case, then you can add the inline keyword to the function definitions to force them to be inlined. (Best not to do force inlining unless you benchmark and are certain it offers a real performance gain.)
One tip, unrelated to your question about the optional arguments -- consider re-defining at least some of your types as structs rather than F# records. Record types are compiled into classes (i.e., reference types) so you pay the additional indirection cost for no reason; defining them as structs will eliminate this indirection and give your application better performance. Better yet, if you're able to, re-use one of the existing OpenGL wrapper libraries like OpenTK or OpenGL4Net.
