Zapier to Podio - Create Item Issue- No fields for client data? - zapier

I am trying to use Zapier to send leads from Facebook Ads over to Podio but when I go to map the fields in Zapier over to Podio using "Create Item" there are no fields for the client data such as name, email, tel etc.
It says "Contact Fields are currently in Development".
How do I get the lead data over to Podio?
Below is the screenshot of the zapier screen.
I have a ticket raised within podio ticket system (zendesk) and ID is: 210236 but they told me I have to make a post here as they dont offer api support which is a bit werid seeing that the zapier plugin is made by podio.
Anyway, if someone can help I would be super grateful.

I have solved this myself in the end without help from Podio support team.
I went back into podio and created some new fields for the name, tel , email and additional information for the "Application" called "Leads".
This now drops the facebook leads into Podio under "Leads".
One caveat though is that it DOES NOT create a contact so the podio user has to create a new contact in the podio CRM and assign the lead to it when they view the lead the first time.


setting name and email in zendesk android sdk

This is my first time using of zendesk, and I am facing some problems here
I need to set the name, email and external identifier of user before start any activity to be shown in the tickets screen
here is my code
Identity user = new AnonymousIdentity.Builder().withEmailIdentifier(mEmail).withNameIdentifier(mName).withExternalIdentifier(mIdentifier).build();
Intent intent = new Intent(ContactUsActivity.this, ContactZendeskActivity.class);
no thing appear in my tickets screen only "Mobile App User", non of my information is shown
can anyone tell me what is the problem here ?
Full disclosure: I'm one of the SDK devs. Generally you end up seeing 'Mobile App User' because of the way that the user lookup works.
Before I start, I'd like to point out that withExternalIdentifier is optional. I'd only recommend using it if you know for sure that you'll always have a unique ID there.
If you give us an external ID, we'll try to see if a user exists in your system with that ID. If it does we use that. For security reasons we don't let a mobile identity update the user. If no match was found on the external ID, we then look at the email, and follow the same lookup process.
The only time where the external ID and name will be set is if you are creating a new user. New means one that wasn't found already with the external ID or email that you are supplying.
If you still have issues you can drop us an email to

Facebook Connect - simply add a user's Facebook profile url into database via Rails

I'm coding a simple app which should use some FB connect mechanics but I don't want too much overhead here so maybe you can share your thoughts/experience on my task:
merchants can post products they want to give away for free
users can register for the article and get into a raffle
Once a user enters the page, I want the page to connect to his FB profile URL ( User hits a "Add me to the raffle" button, the FB profile URL gets stored into my model. The merchant or a cron choses the FB profile URL randomly, displays it and lets the merchant connect to the winner (this I realised already).
This is what I've done so far:
as you can see, I realised it via email addresses which get shuffled by the merchant. This is not very clever since FB profiles are somehow more unique and everyone can participate only one time.
What is the smartest way in your opinion to retrieve a user's Facebook URL and store it into my database? I just need to attach it to some text/input field (non editable) and let the user hit that button.
Thanks for any support.
You need to use Facebook login, take a look here
or here
for the second one use version 1.4.0 as 1.4.1 has ome annoying bugs.

Create new gmail contacts with a url request?

I'm developing a new member sign up page with Google App Engine, I want to create a new contact each time a new user fills out his info and clicks a submit button, I looked into Google contacts api, but it doesn't seem to work for me, I've included all the jar files, but it still complained that something is missing, see my previous questions for details at :
How can google app engine create new contacts?
Google App add contact error?
So I wonder if there is a simpler way to add new contacts through a URL request, something like this :
Does something like that exist ? If it does, it will avoid a lot of coding and confusion. Just add a new contact each time a request is made and authenticated.
It's not quite that simple, but it's possible.
Basically, your app would need to authenticate against your account using OAuth, the form the body of the create request, and then POST it to to add the contact.
The docs are quite thorough - I recommend a complete readthrough.

Google AdWords user conversions not showing up

I am running an AdWords campaign and I am having trouble with the conversion tracking code. Basically, I believe I know what the problem is but just do not know how to fix it. When a user signs up for the website, they have to fill out the registration form. After they fill out the registration form, it will take them to PayPal where they have to make their payment.
Once they make their payment on PayPal, the user is returned back to the website and greeted with a "Thank You for Registering Message". On this page, the "Thank You for Registering Message" page, I have the Google AdWords conversion tracking code installed at the bottom of the page before the closing </body> tag. For some reason though, in my AdWords account, the conversion data does not show up.
The reason I believe this is happening is because the user is leaving the website to checkout at PayPal and is then returned to our website. We know that the users are coming from our online AdWords campaigns but we would like to see this data in our reports. Is there a setting or something that needs to be added/changed to the conversion tracking code to get this to work?
When you provide your "thank you" page link to PayPal, try adding the utm_nooverride=1 parameter to the URL. This should tell Google Analytics not to give PayPal credit for the referral, but rather attribute the conversion to the original channel that it came from (in this case AdWords)
You need to exclude the paypal host from your google analytics settings, otherwise it si considered as the "referral".
settings / property / exclude hosts.

In rails, how can I import a user's facebook contacts when they sign up?

I have a signup form, and I wanted to make it so that they have the option of recommending this signup to all their friends in facebook.
Is there a rails API/gem for doing this?
Is there an appropriate name for this?
Looking at the Extended permissions documentation, you don't get access to the email addresses of a Facebook user's friends (search for email and note the second column reads not available). If that's what you're trying to achieve, it's almost certainly not possible, without the user contacting each friend and asking them to visit your app (which I would imagine would have quite a low take-up, if only through inertia).
I guess you have two options:
popup a javascript before submitting the form to prompt the user wether he wants to share it with friends. You will use the js api (see the dialog section). This solution would avoid doing server side connection to the facebook api
Have a look a the Facebooker gem to do a stream_publish
