Facebook Connect - simply add a user's Facebook profile url into database via Rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm coding a simple app which should use some FB connect mechanics but I don't want too much overhead here so maybe you can share your thoughts/experience on my task:
merchants can post products they want to give away for free
users can register for the article and get into a raffle
Once a user enters the page, I want the page to connect to his FB profile URL (facebook.com/username). User hits a "Add me to the raffle" button, the FB profile URL gets stored into my model. The merchant or a cron choses the FB profile URL randomly, displays it and lets the merchant connect to the winner (this I realised already).
This is what I've done so far:
as you can see, I realised it via email addresses which get shuffled by the merchant. This is not very clever since FB profiles are somehow more unique and everyone can participate only one time.
What is the smartest way in your opinion to retrieve a user's Facebook URL and store it into my database? I just need to attach it to some text/input field (non editable) and let the user hit that button.
Thanks for any support.

You need to use Facebook login, take a look here
or here
for the second one use version 1.4.0 as 1.4.1 has ome annoying bugs.


Can i add only a login function to my app? Swift/Parse

I have an app in which i want to only add a logIn button. No signUp.
I am thinking of it like this please tell me if this can work?
SaaS based. So if a business wants to use app, they must sign up on website.
once they do, they can download app where i will give them their logIn Credentials.
Therefore if someone downloads my app from the app store they cannot register unless they are a SaaS customer. Only LogIn with the credentials i provide after signing up and paying for the service.
This being said, if this is doable. i used the parse swift signup code to get my classes working on parse.com
If i go into the users class, i can add new usernames and passwords. (Great!)
If i delete the SignUp code now from my app, and add the LogInUserinBackground code will it still work for logging in users so long as i add their credentials on the Back-End?
Thank you for all responses! Much Appreciated.
Yes, that can and will work.
You can of course remove the ability to create users via the app and only support the creation via the application. Just set the user up via the website, assign the username and password and you are ready to go. Of course you have to create some kind of login form inside the app - what you cannot do is customize the application one user downloads to one specific SaaS customer so that he gets logged in fully automatically. At least once the user has to enter the user credentials in the app.
And as far as I am informed that is even allowed by the app store guidelines - you only have to make sure apple gets a demo account when submitting the app in the end.

django-allauth and changing Facebook app ID

Does anybody know what will happen to my existing users when I will change Facebook app ID in allauth (socialauth) configuration?
Will "login with FB" try to create new django accounts or will it just log users in to existing ones (and obviously, asking via FB for permission)?
I'm in a situation where I have large amount of users signed up using FB but now I'm forced to create new FB app and switching to it.
Have checked it out. The answer is yes, users will fall into the signup flow instead of being logged in.
It's because Facebook assigns app-scoped ID to users. An app doesn't know user's original ID, it gets user's ID generated especially for this app. For this reason django-allauth won't recognize existing FB users (from previous FB app).

open Vine profile with username from iOS app

I found that vine://user/907031926412546048 is working.
is there any way to open by username? vine://user/canaksoy
or any api call to find username by userid?
I would shy away from hard coding this. Usernames can change instantly and by hard coding it in, you literally would have to push an app update just to correlate to that new username. I think by using a user ID number its guaranteed and leaves no room for error. But if you really don't want to do that here is an alternative:
This is untested on my behalf, but I do know they have custom urls, you might be able to play with this:
A profile URL is a unique Vine profile address accessible from the web. Once you select an available URL you will be able to access your profile by visiting vine.co/[yourURL]. Selecting a custom URL allows you to share your profile easily and makes it easier for others to find and watch the videos you’ve created.
EDIT based on the discussion below :
This is why it's important to use unique ID :
A quick search for everyone with the username of Drew Carey:
This is why they don't have usernames in my opinion. Because they aren't unique. Even vine utilizes the unique ID when you invite someone to see your vine or profile via text or email. Additionally, when you sign up through twitter it shows your real name. There is too much room for error. I would simply ask the users to enter their custom url if they have one or unique ID until this feature is available publicly.

iOS + Rails: Login with Facebook best practice

I'm building an iOS app with a Rails backend. The user can log into the iOS app with Facebook.
What is the best way to associate this with a User record on the backend?
My thinking is to get the Facebook UID, check if a record exists with that ID in the Users table and if not create an account by storing the UID and Facebook email. Is this the correct way this should be done?
I haven't written a system like this before so I want to make sure I'm not going about it completely the wrong way.
it looks like you might want to check out parse.com as a backend service
But either way what you suggested is pretty much how they are implementing it and they were acquired by Facebook so I believe they do it right:
add a column called 'fuid' to store the Facebook ID and check if such an entry exists before adding a new user entry to the User table
I think this railscast will be a good way to start from. For the database of app you can create an authentication table where you can store the type of authentication(in case you change your mind and want to sign up users from twitter or somewhere else), uid and the access token. You will also need a users table where you can store all the information related to a user. Not to forget a user will have many authentications or one authentication depending on your need.
As for the flow of app you can go two ways:
a. You get the users approval from the facebook, store access token, uid and get users email, first name or whatever information you need and then store it all in the back end and then sign up him/her.
b. Get the approval from user, store uid and access token and then render a form which will be filled with the user's information like first name,last name etc. User will create a password for your app and then you can sign up him/her.

In rails, how can I import a user's facebook contacts when they sign up?

I have a signup form, and I wanted to make it so that they have the option of recommending this signup to all their friends in facebook.
Is there a rails API/gem for doing this?
Is there an appropriate name for this?
Looking at the Extended permissions documentation, you don't get access to the email addresses of a Facebook user's friends (search for email and note the second column reads not available). If that's what you're trying to achieve, it's almost certainly not possible, without the user contacting each friend and asking them to visit your app (which I would imagine would have quite a low take-up, if only through inertia).
I guess you have two options:
popup a javascript before submitting the form to prompt the user wether he wants to share it with friends. You will use the js api http://github.com/facebook/connect-js (see the dialog section). This solution would avoid doing server side connection to the facebook api
Have a look a the Facebooker gem to do a stream_publish
