ARToolKit5+VS2017,use the source example,then link error2019 and 2001 - artoolkit

I configure the ARToolKit5 right in win10,and then I start a project by the ARToolKit5 source example.
I include all the headers and libraries it used,and input the dynamic libraries . It still produce link error 2019 and link error 2001.
I try a lot use the other methods,but still the same result!
Please tell me how to solve,thanks a lot!


error: (type 1): cannot open file for reading 'ugmm8a.pfb' in LaTeX (font depreciated)

I have been trying to compile my latex code in, but it keeps giving the errors as follows, and it does not point in which line of the code the error is located in:
It seems like a font issue there and here is the raw log of the error:
! error: (type 1): cannot open file for reading 'ugmm8a.pfb'
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
I need to solve this error to get my output document.
The urw-garamond fonts works just fine with texlive2021, you just need the ugmr8a.pfb from
(... however it might give better results not to use such a legacy font if you're already using lualatex, overleaf has many good fonts installed
I have found the solution to this problem by myself.
Turns out the solution was just to change the Compiler (TeX Live) version of the project from 2021 to 2016 (since the 'ugmm8a.pfb' font got depreciated in the later version).
Hence I had to press the Menu option in the Top Left of my project, and then change the "TeX Live version" from 2021 to 2016 as shown in the screenshot below:
And after this one change when I recompiled, my document was successfully outputted without any errors.
As an additional info to people who are facing similar issues check this post by on how to add new fonts that do not exist on their server to your project:

I couldn't open style file IEEEbib.bst

I am trying to complete a paper in latex downloaded from an online template.
there shows an error while compiling:
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 21.6)
The top-level auxiliary file: Islam2021.aux
I couldn't open style file IEEEbib.bst
---line 69 of file Islam2021.aux
: \bibstyle{IEEEbib
: }
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file Islam2021.aux
(There were 2 error messages)
Process exited with error(s)
How can I fix this?
IEEEbib.bst is not a default style include in tex distributions. Either you can download it from wherever you have your online template from or you could try your luck with a random version of the file from somewhere on the internet, e.g.
(this might be a different version and might give different results ...)

How to import a component in one angular2-dart package into another angular2-dart package

I understand how to import one dart-polymer package into another package and use a component from the imported package.
There seems to be a difference in angular2-dart.
I created an angular2-dart component in package A and import it into package B.
The specific component I want to use is NameComponent.
In polymer I would simply do the following to used the imported component's markup
Doing something similar does not work in angular2-dart.
I have not been able to find information on importing a component from one dart package into another for angular2-dart.
A graphical summary of what I am trying to do is shown below - package B. The name-component is from package A.
Does anyone know how this is done?
After making the suggested corrections I receive the following
"P:\Program Files\Dart\dev\dart-sdk\bin\pub.bat" serve web --port=57435
Loading source assets...
Loading angular2 and dart_to_js_script_rewriter transformers...
Serving epimss_ng2_app web on http://localhost:57435
[DirectiveProcessor on epimss_ng2_reg|lib/components.dart]:
ERROR: Invalid argument (url): "Could not read asset at uri asset:epimss_ng2_reg/lib/name_component.html"
[Warning from TemplateCompiler on epimss_ng2_app|lib/app_component.ng_meta.json]:
Could not find Directive entry for name: NameComponent
. Please be aware that Dart transformers have limited support for reusable, pre-defined lists of Directives (aka "directive aliases"). See for details.
Build completed with 1 errors.
[web] GET Served 13 assets.
[web] GET packages/epimss_ng2_reg/components.dart => Could not find asset epimss_ng2_reg|lib/components.dart.
[web] GET Served 17 assets.
I am going to place the components directory directly on lib and see if it makes a difference.
My package is actually packages/epimss_ng2_reg/src/components.dart.
I can only think of 2 things you might be missing.
You need to add the component to directives
#Component(..., directives: const [NameComponent]) af the parent component.
You need to add the Angular2 transformer in pubspec.yaml of the component

Cannot resolve symbol parse

experts out there! I need your help. I am trying to make my own instant messenger. I refer to this website, and I am stuck at this. There is a read underline bottom of the word, 'parse' and it says Cannot resolve symbol parse. I did everything I could. I put in libs file. I added compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs'), compile files('libs/Parse-1.10.2.jar') in build gradle, and added the jar in dependencies. However, the error still there. Can anybody fix this problem? Here's my code:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
// Enable Local Datastore.
Parse.initialize(this, "APPLICATION ID", "CLIENT KEY");
Have you extracted your zip-archive? I'm no expert but you should put the jar-Files into libs-directory - not a zip-file.
Otherwise try this templates:

Help in using OpenCV - Errors of type: identifier not found

Am a beginner to OpenCV and have gone so far as to work out the hello world samples, inverting, color conversion(RGB->greyscale ) etc programs working.
However i am stuck at the Programs that use cvCanny, cvPyr and other such feature detectors.Would really be thankful if the tiny prblem was sorted out .
I get the Error: error C3861: 'cvPyrDown': identifier not found
error C3861: 'cvCanny': identifier not found
I've included the imgproc and features2d headers yet the problem persists.
What am I missing out ?
Do you have your "Additional input directories" property set correctly?
Mine, configured by cmake, looks like this:
Btw. CMake is a nice tool if you are dealing with libraries that contains many include files, line OpenCV.
You can also check two other things:
After compiling OpenCV2.2 from sources, did you built "INSTALL" project in the OpenCV VS solution?
If you are using c++ headers, you might prefer c++ version of those functions,
in the cv namespace:
That sounds like a link error rather than any problems with include. Are you sure you are linking with cv.lib?
You need to add the $(OPENCV_ROOT)/lib directory to the linker path so it knows where to search for the files.
From the description, I assume you're using Visual Studio? If so, you have two options for doing so.
Add it to this project under Project -> Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories.
Add it for all projects: Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Library files. And then add folders there.
