iOS / Swift - Swipe/Drag between ViewControllers like Telegram/iOS Settings - ios

so I already searched a lot but maybe I missed something.
I would want to be able to drag a view to the side and drag a new view from the left.
Like in Telegram where you can slide between chats overview and a chat itself or in the iOS Settings where you can slide right and drag the detail view to the right and the overview is coming from the left.
I do know how to do segues with a slide animation, that's not what I am asking. These segues are started ones and can not be controlled by the user.

I did not use a navigation controller behind my bottom bar controller so I had the wrong transitions. When using the native Navigation Controller on all subviews of the bottom bar navigation controller you can control toolbar items and the "slide" I mentioned.


iPad UI navigation - split view with horizontally scrolling views

I'm looking for suggestions to implement a specific UI navigation pattern on iPad. It's not radically different from standard behaviour, but I'm unsure of the best approach to use.
Picture a standard split view, with a master view on the left, detail on the right. I want an action in the detail view (e.g. button press) to navigate to an additional detail screen by scrolling from right to left. The result is that the original detail view is on the left (with its width unchanged), and the new detail view on the right. A back button in the nav bar reverses the process. When the master view is visible, the back button is replaced by a menu button in the nav bar (show/hide slide out menu).
I've seen a few similar implementations in existing apps. One that's easy to reference is Shopify's
online demo. Adding an item to the cart and pressing the total button triggers the navigation behaviour.
Any pointers on the best way to implement this would be much appreciated.
Creating a custom container view was a good solution.

Tab Bar Controller - Show a view controller that is not one of the tabs

I wonder if this is possible. The design for this app I am working on is as below:
Two sliding views sit one on top of the other. The bottom view is a 'Settings' view. The top view is a tab bar view. We are using ECSlidingViewController for the sliding.
When the app is opened for the first time, the tab bar view shows with first tab selected.
When they tap on the hamburger menu or slide right, the bottom, settings view slides into view.
When they tap on an item in the settings view, like the About item, the corresponding view should be displayed inside the top tab bar view with none of the tabs shown as selected.
I think I am going to have to convince my team to not display the settings items inside of the tab bar, it seems just too twisted. But just wanted to know if anyone else has done anything like this and if it is possible to do it without introducing too much complication in the code.
I've done something with the same design with a menu that slides from the left and over the tab bars. I ended up putting a View Controller on top of everything else
Something like
[self presentViewController:AboutViewController Animated:YES];
Just make sure that you either put that view controller in a UINavigationController or something with a dismissViewController for users to return to your main page.

Page curl modal segue : leave bottom bar on screen

I develop an app for iOS 5+ with storyboards (and ARC). I have a view controller with no status bar, a top navigation bar, a map in the middle, and a bottom toolbar with a button at the bottom right. I've linked the button to a modal VC via a page curl segue.
My problem is I would like the page curl effect to apply only to the map (just as iOS 5's map), or at least not to the bottom toolbar, so I can present/dismiss the modal VC with the same button of the bottom bar (I want it to be persistent). Right now, I can present it by pressing the button, but the toolbar goes up halfway of the screen with the whole view. I can dismiss it by touching the upper-left side of the screen but it's not really user friendly.
I can add the toolbar to the modal view controller, but that doesn't look nice...
Any ideas ?
A quick thought for you as I stumbled on this while looking for something else, but I would consider:
Putting the top section of the screen within a container view, then presenting the modal view from that. It will leave the bottom (toolbar area) clear.
Alternatively, instead of using the standard segue you could implement your own page curl, and/or using some of the open source projects that demonstrate how to do this.
You probably solved this long ago but perhaps this helps someone :)

Slide viewController in navigation controller

I'd like to use a slide up / down effect to display various viewControllers inside a navigation controller. A few other apps do this like square, and every day. Basically when the app loads, I want to display a base view in the navigation controller. Then slide up another view controller over top of it. When then hit a button in the nav bar, I want to slide that down and show the base controller, all the while retaining the navigation bar, and changing up nav items.
Originally I tried to make this work by showing a modal but that requires using a new nav bar.
Has anyone done this, or knows of a good example that illustrates this UI pattern? Thank you!
You could have UIViews in a UIScrollView

"Slide" segue between UITabBar views

My iOS 5 app uses storyboarding with a UITabBarController. There are three "tabs" each displaying a view controller which has been linked using a relationship back to the UITabBarController. At the moment each view controller appears when you tap the relevant tab, as expected. However, for a more gracious transition I would like to slide the view controllers on and off screen.
By way of example, if I am currently on Tab 0 and then select Tab 1 the view controller on screen (for Tab 0) should slide off to the left-hand side of the screen, and the new view controller (for Tab 1) should slide on from the right-hand side of the screen.
I have been able to achieve this behaviour using a custom UIView as the tab bar but would like to know whether this is possible with a custom segue in storyboarding, as that would certainly save a lot of coding (and also would keep things a fair bit neater in the project)?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I am trying to do the same thing.
Unfortunately I think the relationship segue does not allow any customization as it just connect tab bar and the tab bar items together, and not a transition.
My guess is we have to do the transition ourselves when the view appeared.
