Slide viewController in navigation controller - ios

I'd like to use a slide up / down effect to display various viewControllers inside a navigation controller. A few other apps do this like square, and every day. Basically when the app loads, I want to display a base view in the navigation controller. Then slide up another view controller over top of it. When then hit a button in the nav bar, I want to slide that down and show the base controller, all the while retaining the navigation bar, and changing up nav items.
Originally I tried to make this work by showing a modal but that requires using a new nav bar.
Has anyone done this, or knows of a good example that illustrates this UI pattern? Thank you!

You could have UIViews in a UIScrollView


Swift Trouble with using the Navigation Controller

I am trying to add a Back button onto my table view controller (far right VC in the picture). I embeded a Navigation Controller and added a Back Item on the navigation bar with a segue to my second VC. However when I run the code, after I press back on the TableVC, it goes to a blank screen with the Back button still at the top. I want to be able to have the second VC screen when the back button is clicked, but I think there is some funky thing the navigation bar does. I was wondering if there was a way around this.
Ok so I'm pretty sure your problem is your embedding the wrong controller in the nav controller. You want to embed the second view controller in your picture into the nav controller, and then have your last one segue from that view controller.
Also, with a nav controller you don't need to add a nav bar or the back button. The embedded controllers will have these by default.
Embedding controllers is kinda confusing at first so its a good idea to take a look at some additional docs.
Here's a good tutorial that I used when starting out: Tutorial

How to Share a View Across a Navigation Hierarchy with No Animation?

I have a simple Navigation View Hierarchy that has 2 views it goes between. I wanted a customized navigation bar, so I have the default one hidden, and I've implemented a Container View which is shared between the 2 views in the nav hierarchy.
Everything works as I want it to, except when I segue to the lower or higher view the top bar appears slides away and reappears on the new view. I would like it to appear stationary when I push or pop to other views in the hierarchy.
Is there an easy way to do this? Or should I delete my custom shared Container View and try to make this work with the Navigation Bar (which I have currently "hidden")?
I had to do this for a client once. The way we did it was, like you said, make an encompassing view controller that housed a container view. Within this container view, we embedded a UINavigationController and would manually pop and push UIViewControllers to its navigation stack. Of course you want to hide the UINavigationController's nav bar.
It sounds like you sort of implemented this, but instead you just embedded a plain old view controller inside your custom navigation controller, and then segue to another view controller that is also embedded in the custom view controller? Ideally you want one instance of this custom nav controller with an embedded UINavigationController. I believe you will have to do all the view controller transitions programmatically.
Opinion: Personally, I would recommend against doing this. I believe that an app should feel like an extension of the OS it's on. A user should feel it's a part of their phone. Using the native navigation bar also decreases the level of effort a user is required to put forth to understand your app.
I know you're thinking "but it's just a nav bar" but we're talking about the same people that will potentially uninstall an app if it takes longer than 2.5s to load.
I wanted a customized navigation bar, so I have the default one hidden
That's your mistake. The way to get a customized navigation bar in a UINavigationController interface is to initialize it with init(navigationBarClass:toolbarClass:). Now the built-in navigation controller is using your navigation bar! And from there on, all will be well.

Xcode 6 - Swift - Custom Tabbar with Navigation

I'm trying to create a tabbed application with navigation elements inside the tab bar, as seen in the picture below (the red bar) using Swift/XCode 6.2. Basically those three icons in the middle will direct the user to different view controllers. The other two icons would be context-based. For example, on a table view page you would see the menu icon and add new icon as seen in the image. However, clicking on a row would change the menu icon to a back icon, and the add icon to something else.
That's the general idea, but I'm having a very hard time implementing something even close to this. The first issue is that whenever I embed a view in a Tab Bar Controller, I can't move the tab bar to the top. However, when I create a custom UITabView in a View Controller, Control + Click and dragging a Tab Bar Item to another view doesn't create a segue. I haven't even begun to tackle having the navigation elements inside the bar.
I guess what I'm asking is just for a little guidance on what route to take to tackle this. I'm assuming I can't use a Tab Bar Controller or Navigation Controller because it doesn't seem like I can customize them all that much. So custom Tab Bar and Navigation Bars, and then implemnt the segues and button changes programmatically?
I will try to guide you from an architectural perspective (so you won't find much code below).
Using a UITabBarController
In order to achieve what you are suggesting, you are right you cannot use a UITabBarController straight away, among several reasons, the most immediate one is that they are meant to be always at the bottom and you want it in top (check Apple's docs). The good news is that probably you don't need it!
Note: If you still want to go with a UITabBarController for whatever reason, please see #Matt's answer.
Using a UINavigationController
You can use a UINavigationController to solve this task, since the UINavigationBar of a UINavigationController can be customized. There are multiple ways on how you can organize your view's hierarchy to achieve what you propose, but let me elaborate one option:
To customize a UINavigationBar's to add buttons, you just need to set its navigationItem's title view:
// Assuming viewWithTopButtons is a view containing the 3 top buttons
self.navigationItem.titleView = viewWithTopButtons
To add the burger menu functionality on a UINavigationController you can find several posts on how to do it and infinite frameworks you can use. Check this other SO Question for a more detailed answer (e.g. MMDrawerController, ECSlidingViewController to mention a couple).
About organizing your view hierarchy, it really depends on if when the user taps one of the main top buttons, it will always go to the first view controller in the new section or if you want to bring him back to the last view in the section where he was.
3.1 Switching sections displays the first view of the new section
Your app's UIWindow will have a single UINavigationController on top of the hierarchy. Then each of the 3 top buttons, when tapped, will change the root view controller of the UINavigationController.
Then, when the user changes section, the current navigation hierarchy is discarded by setting the new section view controller as the UINavigationController root view controller.
self.navigationController = [sectionFirstViewController]
3.2 Switching sections displays the last displayed view in the new section
This will require a slightly modified version of the above, where your each of your sections will have its own UINavigationController, so you can always keep a navigation hierarchy per section.
Then, when the user taps one of the top buttons to switch section, instead of changing as previously described, you will change the UIWindowroot view controller to the new section's UINavigationController.
window.rootViewController = sectionNavigationController
Using a custom implementation
Of course, the last and also very valid option would be that you implement yourself your own component to achieve your requirements. This is probably the option requiring the biggest effort in exchange of the highest customizability.
Choosing this option is definitely not recommend to less experienced developers.
I'd like to take a stab at this--I think it is possible to use a tab bar controller here.
Your topmost-level view controller will be a UITabBarController with a hidden UITabBar.
Each tab is contained in a UINavigationController.
All view controllers in the navigation controller will be a subclass of a view controller (say, SwitchableViewController).
In SwitchableViewController's viewDidLoad, you set the navigation item's title view (i.e. whatever's at the center; self.navigationItem.titleView) to be the view that holds the three center buttons. Could be a UISegmentedControl, or a custom view.
Whenever you tap on any of the buttons, you change the topmost UITabBarController's selected index to the view controller you want to show.
Issues you may encounter:
Table views inside tabs will have a scrollIndicatorOffset at the bottom even if the tab bar is hidden.
Solution: Play around with the automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets of the tab bar controller, or the inner view controller.
Your title view will be animated every time you push a new view controller in the navigation stack.
Solution: Take a look at creating a custom transition animation for the UINavigationController.

IOS using different navigation bars

I'm creating an application where I need to use two different navigation bars. When the application first opens up, the nav1 bar should be displayed with an image and a Login button .. when they login screen appears, there is no nav bar. After login, it goes to a Detail screen where I need to show a back arrow image, a screen title and a menu button with drop down options.
I'm using one View_Controller that all my Views inherit from. I've been working on this for days and I'm so lost, please help.
I'm a little confused about the structure of your app.
As I understand it, you want an initial view that is contained in a UINavigationController. Once someone taps the "Login" UIBarButtonItem on the UINavigationBar, then you have a view come up that is not contained in a UINavigationController (probably because it is a modal view that is outside the navigation flow of your app).
The part I'm confused about is where the Detail view comes in. Is the modally presented view dismissed while the Details view is pushed onto the navigation stack from the initial view? Why does the Details view need a back button? Does going back to the initial view effectively log out the user?
At any rate, you should be able to change the UINavigationBar for every view that is pushed on to the stack (that is also contained in your UINavigationController). If you are using Storyboard, you need to make sure that you embed the views pushed on to the stack in a UINavigationController. You can do that by going to the "Editor" menu, selecting "Embed in" and then selecting "Navigation Controller".
Let me know if I didn't understand your question or if you can post more details.
Navigation bar will be the same in the app. You can hide it, show it, change title, change background color, or background image on each view depending on your requirements. But there is only one navigation bar in navigation based apps.

"Slide" segue between UITabBar views

My iOS 5 app uses storyboarding with a UITabBarController. There are three "tabs" each displaying a view controller which has been linked using a relationship back to the UITabBarController. At the moment each view controller appears when you tap the relevant tab, as expected. However, for a more gracious transition I would like to slide the view controllers on and off screen.
By way of example, if I am currently on Tab 0 and then select Tab 1 the view controller on screen (for Tab 0) should slide off to the left-hand side of the screen, and the new view controller (for Tab 1) should slide on from the right-hand side of the screen.
I have been able to achieve this behaviour using a custom UIView as the tab bar but would like to know whether this is possible with a custom segue in storyboarding, as that would certainly save a lot of coding (and also would keep things a fair bit neater in the project)?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I am trying to do the same thing.
Unfortunately I think the relationship segue does not allow any customization as it just connect tab bar and the tab bar items together, and not a transition.
My guess is we have to do the transition ourselves when the view appeared.
